Regina watched the body of her fellow councilor as it was taken up the service entrance to his haven inside the hotel. It was beyond foolish, and the height of abuse, for her to enter his haven without permission, even to guard his body until help arrived. Instead, she reserved the room next door for her own use. The Lord Reeve Culler would not approve of sleeping in a bathtub, but she put a pillow under his head, and placed the bed's comforter over the whole of the tub, no daylight would harm him. She herself waited inside for her ghouls.

Nami blearily looked at the clock. Her sense of time had been completely shot for over 50 years, being on her Lady's call at all hours of the day and night. So a very early morning call telling her to get over to the sundown, and to come prepared for duty was not how she wanted to wake up. But her Lady called her, and so Nami woke quickly. Regina had also asked for Vani, for reasons unspecified. Nami burned with anger. Had Regina so soon picked the little hindu tramp instead of her for favorite? How? Why? She had been through a world war with her Lady, and now she was being spurned? And Nami's thoughts spiraled into depression as she got dressed. Maybe I was weak? I must have been. She wants me to become strong, and I am not strong enough yet. Why??
Duty forced her to awaken Vani, even as she wanted to do little more than thrust a blade through the bitch's heart. But Regina needed her, and she roused Vani with nothing sharper than a knife poke to the arm. Only a little blood was drawn, as Vani scowled at her.
"Lady Pia desires us, now, at the Sundown Hotel." Was all she said, before turning on her heals.
The two ghouls, with tension and hatred so thick that small animals would faint if trapped between them, drove in silence to the Sundown.
"Nami. I want you to stay inside of this room. No one is to be allowed to enter, save Deputy Connolley, Prince Clarke, Harpy Stamford, Deputy Mac, Hound Naetesh, or any Invictus. Wake me should any arrive."
Regina turned to vani, and touched her left hand to her right wrist. Vani immediately brougth forward her own wrist to regina, who bit hard, far harder than neccessary, as she began to feed. There was no time to return home to hunt. Vani's eyes fluttered with the ecstasy, but Regina could not loose herslef in the pleasure, even though she wanted. There was an Invictus injured, and she had been unable to stop it. no matter that the madman had been sliced to ribbons. She should have told the reeve to back off, to let her handle any damage Mairsil might inflict. But she had not. She had failed.
The mantra kept repeating in her head, as she shoved Vani away. Regina shut the bathroom door, and leaned back against it, took a towel from the rack, and cried into it.
Her back against the door, sleep came to her swiftly. Her dreams of shame were unbearable.