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Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

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  1. #51
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    "Good," Sirius says with a wicked grin before adding, "No offence, but let's hope never to meet again. Santa's bad list and all that." Then he starts to laugh that is both dry and wheezy at the same time before turning and heading off, Canis and Major leaving with him.

  2. #52
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    "He seems like a silly santa to deliver coal. No red on him at all." Al-Adin muses.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  3. #53
    Donan's Avatar

    "Yeah.." Erica frowns. "Not fun people, dogs just aren't good at.. well, anything. I bet he messed whatever he's doing up." She shrugs, putting Sirius out of her mind and turns to Enzo with a wide smile. "We've gotta catch up, 'specially if you've been in trouble. I've got a dinner to cook and perhaps to share if you wanna talk over it?"

  4. #54
    Enzo's Avatar



    Enzo smiles at how quickly Erica flips from one subject to the next. Same old Erica... He thinks, supressing a smile. He nods to her, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I wouldn't mind a good dinner. It'll be good to catch up, been a long while, alot of stuff seems to have happened." He says with a smile.

    "Al, my monkey brother, you got a place to crash tonight? If not, you can stay at my place, I got an extra room you can have as yours if you want." He says turning to Al-Adin.

    He turns to Juno. "You have my number right? Give me a call sometime soon, we'll hang out and talk ink, I look forward to it." He says with typical Enzo smoothness.

  5. #55
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    "nah. Its a really warm night out tonight ,and the stars are pretty. You should camp out with me some night. I have this really good warehouse i like to sleep on, they put dirt on the roof, so it doesn't get too cold. " Al-Adin grins. "Pretty Stars." He hums to himself.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  6. #56

    "I do, yes. And I'll be looking forward to it."

    Juno's tail tuft had returned to a more acceptable appearance. Perhaps it was time to call it for the evening.

    "If you'll excuse me, I have some errands to take care of. Have a good evening; it was nice seeing you guys."

    The sole errand she had in mind was to go home, eat barely warm food from a low-powered microwave, and eventually go to bed.

  7. #57
    Donan's Avatar

    Erica waves at Juno as she leaves, then smiles at Enzo. "I think I can live with that."

  8. #58
    Enzo's Avatar



    "Sounds like a plan." Enzo says to Juno with a smile. He gives Erica a smile as well.

    "Al, you know where I live, whenever you wanna camp out one night, let me know, we'll run the rooftops all night and then go to that warehouse you like, sounds like it'll be a blast." He says, smiling brightly at his monkey friend.

    "Erica, lets go ahead and get outta here." He says, waving to Al and Juno as they depart.

    End Scene?

  9. #59
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    End Scene

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