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Burning Stars, Fallen to Dust

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  1. #81
    skarecrow36's Avatar

    After crashing the car, Charlie jerks forward as the seatbelt holds him from his head bouncing off the wheel. He looks out the window and sees Markos lighting a rag on fire.

    "Shit!" he calls out as he unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, scrambling to get out before the fire picks up, trying to run to his car as fast as he can, without the benefit of enhanced speed. Not that I wouldn't use it if I had it.

  2. #82
    Premsyl's Avatar

    Frenzy Resisted

    Arnold moves across the highway to the roadside. The threat of Frenzy still very real.

    In a flash of realization he knew that this blade would continue working on him until he broke. That had been what happened to Mairsil. If Arnold attempted to remove it, it might only get worse. He had very few options left to him.

    He had heard Regina offer to remove the blade, but he knew that he might succumb to the urge to rip her to pieces while she yet tried. No, an operation of this magnitude required... anesthetic.

    Arnold drops the ax and it falls heavily to the ground. His hands reach into his coat with swift practiced ease and remove one of the wooden stakes he kept in the holster there.

    He roars ferociously, grasping the stake with both hands, point turned inward, and shoves the stake into his chest with conviction.

    Stake Myself

    Spent 1 vitae on dice roll. Spending one more vitae to heal 1L before staking
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  3. #83
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    Regina charges forward as Arnold drops the ax, and plunges the stake into his chest.
    "Lord Culler!" She calls out. This was bad. Very bad.
    (spending a blood on celerity, double move for 52 yards)

    -4 blood, -1 wp

  4. #84
    Fractured's Avatar

    Rather than risk fighting with the blade further, the Reeve plunges a stake through his own undead heart and enters self-inflicted torpor. The blade ceases to glow as Regina makes her way to his side. Meanwhile, the gas tank of one of the cars has been lit on fire and explodes, the force of the blast finishing off the already-collapsing second floor, the heat setting whatever remains ablaze, including Mairsil and his bastard Childe. Jayant, Charlie, and Markos all take cover, and though their Beasts rile at the explosion, the Men keep their heads, so long as they don't look back at the inferno. A slight breeze rustles the roadside trees, and the chirping of birds reminds the Kindred that daylight will be coming soon.

    We're out of combat turns. So long as no one looks at the fire, no one has to roll for Frenzy. Regina and Arnold are across the highway from the motel and Regina can see the motel ablaze from that distance without need for a roll. However, if she tries to get closer, that will call for Fear Frenzy checks.
    Figure out what you all want to do from here.

  5. #85
    Markos Connelly

    Markos smiles that evil smile one last time as he stands and moves over to Regina and Arnold. "Lady Pia we need to get out of here. Get that sword out of his head." Markos begins to look for the Reeve's Keys. "I will take the Reeve's car and get him back to the Sundown." Mark said "We'll meet tomorrow night at the Sundown."

  6. #86
    skarecrow36's Avatar

    Charlie follows Markos to Regina and Arnold, and after Markos speaks he says "I'd like to try and find Konstantin as well, I know he was here too but don't know where he ran off to after."

  7. #87
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    Regina looks at the blade, and wishes there was a smarter way to do this. Seeing none, she takes off her shirt, and wraps it around the blade. Very, very, very carefully, so as not to harm Lord Culler any more than neccessary, and so as not to actually touch the blade with her skin she yanks the blade...

    Which does not yield an inch to the Daeva's grasp.

  8. #88
    Fractured's Avatar

    Need a Resolve + Composure roll for Regina. Additionally, those watching her defeated effort can make an Intelligence + Occult roll if they choose (you don't have to).

  9. #89
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    1 success

    Regina forces down her emotions and unneccessary thoughts. This was important work.

  10. #90
    Fractured's Avatar

    Regina hears the blade's whispers, its promises of wealth and power to her if she will only wield it, possess it...

    It takes all the Daeva's strength of will to pull away, but once she does, the voice stops.

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