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Approaching the Horizon

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  1. #31
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist shruggs slightly and pulled back her hand, it was not a surprise he didn't fall for it. She wasn't Asa. It was a gamble, she lost...but at least it was only a small loss.

    She does frown at the implication that he wanted to be turned the next night. Ish needed two days to turn him and years to teach him to do infiltration. She opened her mouth but closed it again, noticing Ishani's motions. Stepping forward she pulled the papers out of the car, her eyes narrowing at the wires. She is careful not to touch any of them.

    "We will see you tomorrow, yes."
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  2. #32
    Fractured's Avatar

    Twist takes the blueprints without incident. Saul nods. "Okay, get out of here. I'll meet you back tomorrow." He lights another cigarette, but other than that, he budges not one inch. Clearly, he's not leaving until the diplomats do.

    Once you all have worked out where you're going to study the blueprints and talk, feel free to start a new thread.

  3. #33
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani pulls a Revernce VIP card out of her pocket and shows it to Twist. She motions to her and Wilhelm and then motions in the direction of the club. Then she turns silently on her heel and heads out of the parkinglot. She doesn't go all the way though. About fifty feet away she stops and turns around watching the other two kindred leave and making sure Mr. Defecter doesn't decide to make any important phone calls or anything else after the rest are gone.
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

  4. #34

    Well that could have gone a bit better. Wilhelm could not help but wonder why Twist had so quickly said it would take two days until they were ready to embrace Saul. He could certainly see why she would want to delay it, but why only two days? Other than that little detail though things seemed to have gone quite well, and he could worry about Saul's embrace later. For now, he waited until Twist was ready then made his way back to the car.

  5. #35
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist fought back the urge to sink something sharp into the man. Instead she reminded herself that if he did survive past the embrace she could show him his place in vampire society. He thought he was in control now because he was, he had the blueprints and the carbomb. But in 3 days...oh how she resisted. She could wait, the time would come.

    Instead she simply cocked an eyebrow at his arrogance and tucking the blueprints into a more secure spot, joined Wilhelm on their journey to the car. Once they were inside and the doors locked, she glanced back over the parking lot to see Ishani waiting. Another urge to stay and be back up ran through her but instead she turned to wilhelm. "Ishani is going to join us at Reverence."
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  6. #36
    Fractured's Avatar

    Ishani watches Saul smoke for several minutes, ending in another coughing fit. At the end, he looks at his watch and begins working on the wires in the open trunk. Certainly, nothing that could be construed as calling for back up.

    Whenever you guys are ready to start the new thread

  7. #37

    Wilhelm nodded at Twist's statement. "To The Reverence it is then." Without further ado he started the engine and drove away from the Wells Fargo Building, towards Ishani's club.

    Wilhelm and Twist Exit the Scene

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