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(1004) The Spring Festival

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  1. #221

    Spartan Bows Politely to the Queen saying nothing further. Because nothing further need be said.

  2. #222
    CyledyrWyllt's Avatar

    Marcus Evan

    "Shall we?"

    Marcus still holds Juno's beer in one hand, and his own in the other. He motions for Xerxia to join him as he follows Fu out to the garden to cheer for his Brother.

    Doctor Jack

    "Of course. Don't let me keep you, I just wanted to offer my services, if you would like me to take care of that cut. I should be able to fix it like... that."

    Doctor Jack looks pointedly at the bloody scar as he speaks, snapping his fingers as he pronounces the last word.

  3. #223
    Fu's Avatar



    Fu walks up to the start lining and contrasts Al-adin sharply. He stands still waiting for the others to take their places and the race to start.

  4. #224
    Xerxia's Avatar



    Xerxia grabs the beer that Fu handed her while replying to Marcus, "I think I'm going to conserve my energy for some of the later events, maybe. What else is there going on?"

    She then follows Marcus to the stands.

  5. #225
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    As the runners made their way to the starting line, eager to get started, Mr. Bates stood just off from them with an air horn primed and ready in hand even though he is holding with immense disdain.

    “It is pretty simple. First to the end, wins! On your marks. Get set.....” And then he presses the horn, the noise bouncing around the secret garden signalling the start of the Spring race.

    The foot race will comprise of extended Stamina + Athletics rolls with the winner being the first to reach 20 successes with the least amount of rolls. A failure on a single roll means a cumulative -1 penalty on the next roll until a success is acheived. Dramatic Failure means the character has fallen over and is out of the race. For every 3 points a character has over 9 (rounded down) receives +1 bonus to their dice pool. Please post all your rolls in one go along with any thoughts going through the runner's head. The winner will be announced at the end of the race.

  6. #226
    Nightfall's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Bed Head)
    (Polychromatic, Treasured)


    Treasured Polychromatic

    Nightfall took his place, glancing at the competitors, maybe taking an extra moment on the tight white butt under the fluffy tail.

    He knew Adin was the favorite, but that was no reason not to try. With such a small number of Winter courtiers, it was important for this day to be more notable for Winter than simply being the passing of their Season.

    Which was all bullshit.

    He liked to win.

    When the horn sounded, he took off, powdery snow spraying from his footfalls as he flowed, with all the skill and speed of an expert traceur.

    2 Turns, -2WP

  7. #227
    Khalvin's Avatar

    Yui shot out onto the track, but it's soon clear something is ahead of him. Yui runs harder. and crosses the finish in the time it would take who ever that was to double back the other way. Instantly he feels mad. He should have won. It wasn't fair.

    Still catching his breath he waits to see who this speed demon actually was.

    5 turns

  8. #228
    Fu's Avatar



    Fu starts at a run and immediately sees something spewing snowflakes into the air blur past them all. He runs to the end only find find himself beat by several others. After the finish line he catches his breath looking at the other racers.

    He idly wonders if there is going to be anything involving hitting each other. Or if all of the events were going to be about who could run away the fastest.

    8 turns

  9. #229
    Terri Nutkins's Avatar

    Terri's Mask is that of a petite, cute woman with vibrant red hair that has black streaks throughout. Obviously athletic, her natural demeanour is friendly and she always tends to have a smile on her face.

    Her fae mien is akin to a red squirrel. She has a long bushy tail and ear tufts that poke through her hair. The black streaks are actually black feathers the are a part of her mien now,; a part of her noble order.

    Terri's powerful Mantle initiates itself as the smell of baking bread but brings with it the feeling of the Harvest, that time to take stock of the coming troubles.


    Terri flinches as the horn blasts next to her ear and she begins to run although for some strange reason, she just isn't as fast as she thought she was. Halfway through, Terri begins to panic as she realizes a couple have already finished. She then hears the steamy breath in her ear and almost stumbles.....the breath of Him....telling her how weak she is...how she will never escape.

    Tears stain her face as she crosses the finishing line and quickly doubles over in an effort to gain her breath back. She is not wiping her face.

    She is not petrified of the Wyrm and she for damn sure is not crying!

    24 seconds
    Steepscrambler/Truefriend | Mantle (Autumn) 5 (Smell of Baking Bread/Feeling of the Harvest)
    Presence 4 (Friendly)|Striking Looks 2 (Petite & Cute)

  10. #230
    Al-Adin's Avatar

    Let's have fun!

    Mask: a swarthy 20 something middle easterner.

    Mien: comical round monkey wars on the top of his head and a brown monkey tail.


    Al-Adin shoots off like a rocket, overtaking Nightfall for the briefest of seconds, before his best friend dances across the field ahead of him. Its clear that Al-Adin has tremendous power, but is lacking the training and skill that Nightfall has. He ends up slowing down at the, crossing at the same time as Yui.

    5 turns
    Beast: Runnerswift (monkey mien) Striking Looks2: Arabian Prince,
    Spring Mantle 5: Laughter of children
    Presence 3: Effusive

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