Regina stood on the balcony overlooking the lobby. In time, she would need to set up a restaurant here. And while her personal tastes leant toward Italian, she would not violate the atmosphere of the hotel. Thus, the cuisine would need to be Indian. She would have to talk with Vani about that. Perhaps she knew of some aspiring Indian chefs. It would of course need a name...

She was distracted from her thoughts by the sight of a young man. He had become her favorite in the herd, one whose blood was heady with exotic tastes. A beautiful bouquet of coriander and cinnamon.
Look at me She commanded him, staring at him.
She focused on him, remembering her sire's ability to capture audiences with a single glance.
Look at me!" She ordered.
"The Difference between dominate and majesty is not a difference in power. Ventrue control others. Others do what we want. The difference is not subtle.

Her favorite served a kheer to a businessman who sipped it with the look of a well traveled individual.
Look at ME. She beckoned.
He stopped his retreat back to the bar.
"The difference is that they control peoples actions, their thoughts. They focus on actions of doing, of remembering, of forgetting."
He turned to look up, entranced by Regina.
"We control by being ourselves. People want to do what we ask because WE ask. We Ask, the Ventrue Tell."
"Rajan, please come here." She beckoned him to an employees only room, before feasting.