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  1. #41
    Joshua Morris's Avatar


    "That may be the Hostel HI you're talking about there," Joshua says, loudly enough that Ruby can hear in the kitchen. He doesn't want to seem like he's yelling at Animus and Theo, though, so he leaves his seat and crosses to the living room window. The Sentinel peeks through the blinds.
    He half-expects to see a familiar red motorcycle out there.
    "Calligan Wellmer was attacked at the Hostel by an Asian man. Animus and I showed up just in time to scare the guy off; but a couple weeks later someone else came by and finished Wellmer."

  2. #42
    Thistle's Avatar

    Joshua is Purple
    Ruby is Red
    Animus is Green
    Theo is Blue

    "No, it's the Bismark," says Theo.

    "So, the Council has lost two leaders?" Joshua pauses, and amends, "Three, now."

    "Plenty of times, I thank my lucky stars I'm with the Book. I think we're just about the only folks in town who haven't had a heap of turnover," Ruby calls, squinting at the little card and unsure exactly how much paprika is being called for.

    Animus shrugs. "We haven't exactly had a heap, at least not since Discovery Park."

    Joshua shakes his head. "Things move fast here, don't they?"

    Theo finishes his apple pieces and picks up a cracker. "At times. Others not so much. Finding time to get in a day of mapping has been difficult."
    "I still have to do tours and fit in arcane research where I can."

    "What kind of research? I'm..." Joshua trails off for a moment. "Lacking in education, when it comes to. Us."

    Ruby tastes a spoonful of the boiling Chili and hold it against the standard of memory. Not bad... but something is just not right either. Frowning, she tries to think of what might be wrong, but isn't willing to make any drastic changes at this point. Besides, there's not much time to get the cornbread mixed.

    "Oh just many things. Legacies, Order structure, mystic entities. Most of the stuff I have to get from sources that don't directly relate to what I'm studying. The library here deals mostly with spirits, I have to make lots of notes trying to find information about other topics."
    "Not that spirits aren't interesting." he adds

    Joshua makes a face at the mention of spirits, but hopefully the fact that he's looking out the window again will hide it. Hopefully.

    Animus seems appologetic. "Many libraries tend to overlook them, so I had to build my own collection to ensure I had access."

    "No it's fine. I've learned a lot about them in my research and it can actually be fun to try to find the random little articles in the margins.
    "Actually I should probably compile the notes I've made so far and add them." he considered half to himself.

    Animus relaxes a bit, glad that he isn't the only one to find the collection useful.

    "I keep hearing about Legacies. What are those, exactly? A few of the Arrows have mentioned them but I haven't had a chance to sit down with anyone."

    Ruby returns with a mixing bowl in hand, stirring and leaning against the room's entryway while she listens to the boys speaking.

    "Soul crafting," says Theo.
    "Armstrong probably knows more than I do, even with my research, since she is part of one. I haven't been able to sit down and talk to her about it though."

    Animus chuckles. "Last time she talked about her legacy, it was so full of jargon I couldn't make anything out."

    "Is she?" Joshua asks in a musing sort of tone. He turns away from the window, convinced--at least for the moment--that snipers were not about to open up on the house. "'Soul crafting,'" he murmurs.

    "I bought a couple math books last month that helped somewhat. I could lend them to you if you like. Their based on the sleeping world though, so there are still some things that don't match up with her description."

    "Honey, God bless her, she's a good soul, but I've never heard a word out of Armstrong's mouth that made a lick of sense." Ruby adds lightly.

    Theo was silent for a couple seconds, thinking about Armstrong. He was still worried about her mental health.

    Joshua seems to remember that he had been working in the kitchen. "Ruby, is there anything else you need?" he asks, a touch sheepishly.

    The quiet moment grows uncomfortable, and Ruby regrets adding her two cents. Luckily, Joshua breaks the silence.
    "Oh, yes. Well the cornbread's not much trouble now, but maybe you could help taste the Chili... I think it might be missing something."

    Theo decides to try to keep up the conversation while Joshua goes taste testing "Let's see, I've been working with the Hollow as well, trying to get better at Prime," Theo said, changing the subject. It was actually why he had come here, to see if he couldn't find out more about the Arcana of illusion and how it might relate to the Mask, but he didn't mention that. "It's been going slow but steady."
    With any luck he would have a break through though.

    "You see? I didn't want it spicy, but there's a kick that it ought to have that's missing. What do you think? Maybe some more salt?"

    "I don't know too much about Prime, unfortunately; I've tended to focus more on my path Arcana, so I can't be much help there. I think I would like to take a look through your math books, though, if it'll help to understand Armstrong."

    "Well... oh-kay," Joshua says, and heads to the kitchen. He takes the spoon, dragging it through the chili for a moment, examining the ingredients carefully. Slowly he brings the spoon to his lips and tries it. He's quiet for a bit, thinking it over; he's trying, he really is. "I don't think so," he says carefully. "A kick? Maybe... lemon juice? Some jalapeno? Um... cumen?" By this point he's clearly guessing.

    Please don't go with jalapeno Theo thought
    "It will help some," he said. He had memorized all the formulas and equations and half of what she said still went over Theo's head. "I'll bring them over next time I'm here."

    Ruby sighs, "Suppose I don't know either. Cumin might not be far off though..." She shakes her head bemused as she separates a small quantity of broth out to experiment with the spice.
    "You know, your hair is gettin' a little long these days Joshua. Have you ever thought of growing it out?" She asks quietly, figuring simple, practical conversation suits Joshua best.

    "No," is the immediate reply, and its a bit sharp. "No," he repeats, a little softer this time. "Long hair is dangerous in battle. If its long enough to grab its long enough to be a liability."
    Joshua self-consciously reaches up and checks his hair length.

    "In battle?" Ruby can't help but let out a single chortle. "Joshua, you aren't bashin' on the Huns, isn't everyone just shootin' at each other these days?"

    Theo munches on a cracker and cheese while Ruby and Joshua talk in the kitchen "So what have you been up to lately, Animus?"

    "Not always," is all he says, and while he doesn't sound, or look, offended at the laugh, his tone is grave.

    Animus looks a bit relieved that Theo had started a topic. He was finding it difficult to find one himself. "A couple of us Thyrsus have been making plans to explore the spirit landscape around here. I've been so busy with other things that I haven't had much chance lately."

    "Really? When?" he asks, leaning forward.

    Whew... Ruby doesn't quite like the implications of that look. She decides to keep things lighthearted. "Alright then Mr. Sentinel, tell me. Do you think I'd make a good warrior woman?" She teases, striking a mockery of a battle stance and scrunching up her face. "I could have a battle cry and everything!"

    "We haven't set up an official time yet, but it will be soon. Are you thinking of coming?"

    "Maybe. Even with the library, practical experince is better than memory."

    One eyebrow arches. "There's bit more to being a warrior than dressing up like 'Xenu,'" he says, his attempt at humor unknowingly ruined by the fact that he completely screwed the reference.

    "Are you expecting to find anything in particular?"

    He shrugs. "I won't really know for certain until we start off. About the only constant I've seen is that they come in a nearly endless variety."

    Similarly misinformed, Ruby does not notice the mistake. "Oh, no. You'll never catch me fightin' leather-clad and near as well to naked! It's undignified! I would wear a nice full set of form fittin' medieval armor like a respectable Christian woman." She chides him jokingly, finger wagging.

    "I don't think respectable Christian women were allowed in battle," Joshua says. "With certain exceptions made for virginal prophetesses who are sanctioned by French child-kings."

    From what Theo had read it was true. Animals, plants, emotions, things, ideas, and more all had the ability to take shape as spirits. "Well, once you set a date, I'll see if I can come." Theo goes back to the apples. If he doesn't slow down he might ruin his appitite for chilli. Or that might be the plan. The talk of spices and 'kicks' has him a little worried.

    Animus, by contrast, has been going light on the snacks, as spicy foods are more his thing. "I'll keep you posted. I wonder how they're coming in the kitchen?"

    Of course this probably wouldn't be the only time Ruby cooked dinner and Theo came over quite often for long periods of time. Truth was he spent more waking hours here than he did at home. And here was much safer than he'd made his home. Theo was still kicking himself for taking home that flower after Kyle had mentioned coming over to his house and Theo had had to say no. He looked up from his food at Animus' question. "Don't know, let's go see." Theo grabbed a handful of crackers to go.

    Animus takes a couple apple slices with him as he walks back to the kitchen. "How goes it in here?"

    "Oh, not allowed?" Ruby reacts in a show of false umbrage. "Typical! You'll fight with Xenu at your side, but..." She stops as the other join them.
    "Well, ha... everything looks good so far. Bread's in the oven, got some butter and honey in the fridge, maybe we could set up plates?"

    It certainly smelled spicy to Theo. "Ok," Theo agreed crossing to get out plates silverware and cups on to the counter. He used the glass he'd had before for his. He piled the utensils on to plates. He eyed the pot from time to time.

    "Would suggesting sour cream with the chili be heretical?"

    Ruby checks the fridge in panic. Did she remember the Sour Cream? Thank goodness...

  3. #43
    Thistle's Avatar

    Theo set down the dishes as his phone started ringing.
    "Hello, this is Theo."

    Theo smiled, hearing Kyle's voice. He held up a finger to the rest of his cabal indicating he'd get back to helping them in a second and walked a short distance away for the phone call.
    "Hey, how are you doing?"

    Aaron glanced at the group. Even though it offered the chance to escape the potential killing of his taste buds, he didn't want to hurt Ruby's feelings by skipping out on her dinner. He also didn't want to miss spending time with Kyle.
    "What times do you have?" he asked.

    "I'm having dinner with some people from my community right now, so later would be better." It's hard to tell whether his disappointment is genuine or an act.

    Theo smiled as if the subject had just changed. "Yeah, that would get some funny looks."
    He didn't want Kyle subject to scrutiny.

    "I look forward to it. See you then. Bye." Aaron would have liked to be more expressive in his excitement but he held it in check.
    He hung up. Theo's mind began turning for an explanation for the call that wouldn't call too much into question.
    "Someone interested in talking to me about giving a tour," he said by way of explanation, as he walked back over to pick the glasses and plates up to bring to the table.

  4. #44
    Animus's Avatar



    "A tour of what? The museum?" Animus seems genuinely curious.

  5. #45
    Thistle's Avatar

    "Yeah," he said "I've been making a couple attempts to set up tours beyond the ones the museum gets for me. Seeing if I can't get an increase in income. I've been a little stretched sometimes. Anyway, I was at the Ren Faire and handed out some flyers offering a more in depth tour of the museum's 'medieval' sections. You know, Hiberno-Saxon; Carolingian; Ottonian; Romanesque; Gothic; Renaissance," he listed off while setting up the dishes to get ready to eat.
    He was going impromtu, flavoring his lie with a little bit of truth. He hoped the conversation would either steer towards asking about the art periods he had mentioned or towards his monetary troubles rather than to who he was actually giving the tour to.

  6. #46
    Ruby's Avatar



    Well that's just a huge load of crock, Ruby decides. First of all, there's no reason Theo should be organizing private tours for money. If he were stepping around the museum to do so, it would be tantamount to stealing.

    Besides don't get her wrong, Ruby loves the Fillmore museum. It's got great history, and some very beautiful Mesopotamian art. However, there's no escaping the fact that it is also undeniably boring. It's even fishier that Theo is planning on showing the Medieval exhibits... he knows full well that Western European History is one of their least impressive galleries, barely comprising a dozen poorly preserved trinkets. Why would anyone want a private tour to begin with?

    "Theo," Ruby sighs in exasperation, "you'd better be telling me that you've booked an elementary class. We don't do private tours, for a whole host of reasons."

    Hey, wait... unless...

    Ruby's face brightens, and a knowing grin spreads over her face. "Oh. My. Goodness! It's a girl, isn't it? I can't imagine who else would let you take them to see the Medieval room."

    "That is so cute, Theo! Bringin' her in to see your work..."
    and suddenly her visage grows fearsome, the Chili ladle extended like some threatening weapon.

    "But if you dare breath a word of the Mysteries, just because you caught a pinch of the Love Bug, so help me I will bury you in Marble for a week with naught but the hole left to feed you!"

  7. #47
    Thistle's Avatar

    "What? No!" His denial is a little too quick, probably doing more to confirm Ruby's suspicion of romance than not. He makes himself very busy with the place settings, not making eye contact.

  8. #48
    Ruby's Avatar



    Pleased with herself, and trusting Theo to have the sense to make his own decisions, Ruby lets the matter slide for the moment.

    Oh, but she is going to find out everything about this girl. There certainly doesn't seem to be anything else interesting going on with the Mystagogues anyway.

    Chili finally ready, cornbread moist and oh so golden, Ruby gets the boys to set out meal and bowl and cutlery.

    The Chili

  9. #49
    Animus's Avatar



    The group sits down to eat, occasionally making small talk back and forth over the course of the meal. It's not quite as spicy as Animus would have hoped for, but he savors the taste nonetheless. As bowls slowly empty, he thinks on the upcoming spirit walk, suddenly realizing just how little time he's spent exploring the local Shadow. He realizes that he has no idea what the group will find in their explorations, especially if, as Tug had suggested, it was a rural area outside the city that they explored. But then again, that was the point of the walk, to discover what was out there.

  10. #50
    Thistle's Avatar

    Theo eats very intently. He clearly enjoys it but from the amount of milk he drinks you would think the chili was three times as spicy. Theo doesn't participate in the small talk, until his chili is cleared away.
    The time Kyle had given was still a ways away but Theo didn't want to stick around too long in case Ruby started asking more uncomfortable questions. Plus it could get him out of dishes, so he excused himself and started turning around his bike to get it out the door and putting on his helmet.
    "Thanks for the dinner Ruby. It was very good."

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