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Special Delivery

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  1. #131
    O-Yama's Avatar



    O-Yama ignores the bullet as it slams into his thigh. He lunges towards the center of the stairwell and launches himself through the small space, to fall to the bottom of the stairs and put some distance between himself and the kine guards.


  2. #132
    O-Yama's Avatar



    O-Yama hits the ground hard, grunting as the impact jars him. He immediately begins looking around for the closest exit, preferably a parking lot, or something similar.

    O-Yama takes another 4B from the fall

    3suxx perception

  3. #133
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    O-Yama notices a couple of things.

    First off, he notices the words BASEMENT: LIMITED ACCESS stenciled onto the concrete wall near the door. He's pretty sure he didn't fall nearly as far as he climbed up the elevator shaft, though.

    Second, he notices this door looks quite sturdy and, based on the keypad and card reader alongside the door, requires security access to open.

    Third, he sees two objects falling down from above, the same way he came. Both bounce off the banisters on some of the levels of stairwell above him, and as a result, both end up elsewhere on the stairway than where O-Yama is.

    This turns out to be pretty fortunate for O-Yama, as he hears explosions, sees the flash of flame and is able to feel intense heat from the levels above him.

  4. #134
    O-Yama's Avatar



    Too far...

    The words resound in O-Yama's mind. He looks up, seeing the flames and heat above on the higher levels. He figured from where they were, he had room to the first floor access door, hopefully. He begins running up the stairs, eating up the steps as he takes them quickly, making his way for the door. He pulls forth vitae as he runs up the stairs, healing some of the wounds sustained in the fall.

    Once at the door, he quickly opens it, looking for any windows or any other exits.

    1 vitae for 2B healed

    3suxx perception

  5. #135
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    As O-yama runs up the stairs, he hears a shouted "There he is!" from above, followed immediately by a short burst of automatic weaponfire. Most of the bullets ricochet off the steps or bannister, but one strikes him solidly in the gut.

    O-Yama hits the access door to the first floor running, and charges through the door to be confronted by two normal-looking security guards, dressed in black police-style uniforms and carrying pistols. They appear to have been heading for the door, probably to check on the racket behind it. Both raise their pistols and point them at O-Yama in a two-handed shooter's stance, one of them shouting "Stop right there!"

    O-Yama takes 2 Bashing damage from the bullet in the stairwell.
    Looking at your sig, I notice something off. You currently have your Health listed as 1L 7B 2A, for 10 total Health. Since O-Yama has only 8 Health, +1 with Resilience, that can't be correct. Assuming those numbers were essentially correct, his Health tally should read[*][*][X][X][/][/][/][/][/], with one of the excess Bashing transferring to Lethal. Adding two more Bashing sustained this turn puts him at 2A,4L,3B at the end of the turn. Please revise your sig accordingly.

  6. #136
    BloodiedClaws's Avatar


    What can O-Ya see past the two "regular" guards?

  7. #137
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Glancing around, O-Yama sees he is in a rather boring lobby area, with double-height ceiling, two banks of elevators, a security desk, potted plants and so forth. The floor is tile with carpets near the doors and leading to the security desk. The walls are painted a pale yellow.

    Unlike some building lobbies, there area is not particularly open or inviting. The exterior walls are not broken by big glass windows. As far as O-Yama can see, there is one double door heading to the outside. He can see it is nighttime, but the exterior area appears to be pretty well-lit.

    "Down on the floor, hands on your head! Now!" the one guard shouts. Both keep their pistols aimed at O-Yama.

  8. #138
    O-Yama's Avatar



    O-Yama sees the outside, and pulls the blood forth, giving him enhanced speed. He shoots for the doors to the outside, his enhanced speed launching him quickly to the doors. He hoped the Celerity would protect him against the shots that no doubt would come from the guards, as he makes his break for freedom.

    1 vitae for Celerity

  9. #139
    DaevaDude's Avatar


    Despite his great speed, the guards are ready, and as O-Yama takes a run for the door, the one who had been shouting orders fires, striking him square in the forehead.

    O-Yama glimpsed potential freedom only briefly before falling unconscious.

    Scene Ends.

    Taking 5 Bashing damage puts O-Yama at ****xxxxx (4 Ag, 5 Lethal)as the Bashing wounds are all upgraded to Lethal and two of the Lethal wounds upgrade to Aggravated.

    When his Resilience fades, he takes another Aggravated damage, as one of the Lethal wounds upgrades, putting him at *****XXX (5 Ag, 3 Lethal)

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