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Character Creation (Info in First Post)

(449) Come All Ye Faithful
Mar 7, 2017 - Mar 29, 2017
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  1. #61

    Hello Acies ,

    I really like the versatility of this character design. I think there is a lot you will be able to do with this character moving forward. Something I would recommend thinking about is the characters' short term and long term goals, especially in the Invictus. I played an Invictus for a few years and it can be a very rewarding experience, but it is also a challenging one. They have a lot of rules, that can seem limiting if you are not prepared for them. Does the Invictus aligned with your current character goals?


  2. #62

    This is weird... my notificiations tell me that Steven has replied to this thread, tagging me in his post, but I can't see any sign of it here.

    Edit: This is post 62... I can't see any sign of post 61.

    Edit 2: Ah! Fixed itself.

  3. #63
    Youngblood's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    It likely had to do with the fact that I manually moved your post earlier. The first post of the next page wasn't quite resolving in the tables yet since it all occurred in the same day. Now that you've added an additional post, page 7 is now visible.

    Quote Originally posted by Steven:
    Hello Acies ,

    I really like the versatility of this character design. I think there is a lot you will be able to do with this character moving forward. Something I would recommend thinking about is the characters' short term and long term goals, especially in the Invictus. I played an Invictus for a few years and it can be a very rewarding experience, but it is also a challenging one. They have a lot of rules, that can seem limiting if you are not prepared for them. Does the Invictus aligned with your current character goals?


  4. #64


    As far as your advice, Steven , that is something I've only briefly looked at. I think that OOC, the aristocracy will enjoy having a talented musician around, especially one who is mastering Majesty, and it's an organization where he can fit a lot of different roles and be very useful. I'd like to see him rise in power and influence. IC, he doesn't know a lot about the Invictus. His short-term goals are simply to learn and socialize, maybe become a regular member of whatever social events come up. Long-term, he wants to establish himself. Build power and security so he can continue to live as he pleases.

  5. #65

    I agree completely that he will fit in a lot of different roles. My recommendation would be that if he doesn't know a lot about the Invictus, I would say that a hook for him may be that he came to Sacramento looking for mentor-ship. Sacramento has been a longstanding Invictus led domain, and that could be something he is aware of when he comes in. Or you could come in not as an "official" member of the Invictus but wanting to join. That would get you a foot in the door, and make it understandable for any unintentional mistakes that often cause problems for new players who are not fully aware of the rigorous Invictus standards. Just throwing some ideas out there for you. I think this character can be very successful.

  6. #66

    Good morning, my future co-writers!

    So, I just created a character and I hope he will be well received... the concept I worked with was a Daeva musician. An Irishman who came to America to play classical violin, found that guitar players got much more appreciation, and was Embraced after an excellent performance. He's a member of Invictus, and has wandered into Sacramento, tired of his solitary lifestyle and wanting to delve deeply into his new world at last. I went with Charity for his Virtue, as I rather like the idea of him supporting up-and-coming musicians, and Wrath for a vice... don't heckle him during a performance. Then for combat ability, I went heavy on knives. He's not the sort to look for trouble or go to great lengths to finish a fight, but I wanted him to be able to respond to a threat with all-out aggression that would hopefully discourage onlookers from joining in. I hope you find him as interesting as I do.
    So with Vampires they can never create 'true art'. There's always going to be something just a little lacking, as if their art has no true soul. I wonder if that could be used as a potential motivation or grudge for the character? Maybe he seeks to regain what he lost with the embrace. Maybe he resents his Sire because of it. Maybe he has come to grips with what he lost and moved on, which is why he now focuses on fostering new young talent. I imagine allies in entertainment, culture, or clubs could all fit this concept. Overall I like the idea. Have you considered Toreador? They are very art (which music is an art form) focused in theme.

  7. #67

    Ah, there you have struck this character's essence on the head. I didn't get into much detail regarding his motivations, but that is what I intended to bring out of him. That's why he's roamed the US, trying to recapture what he's lost, and why he's protective of fledgeling artists. He's pretty much given up, which is why he's now chosen to settle down in Sacramento and pursue other things.

  8. #68
    ultra violent

    Hello, thanks in advance for your patience.
    I’ve been lurking around and willing to join with a vampire. Here’s what I’m thinking.

    Concept: Jaded rebel
    The idea is to play a rebellious radical chic woman which by life’s circumstances ended up spending jail time, exile and finally embrace. I’m thinking journalism as a pseudo occupation / the image she shows to the kine around her – probably will spend some time building that image and trying to get accreditation in character once she arrives. To other kindred she is mostly snobbish / blasé and bored – almost effete. But if they happen to know her well enough they will discover she cares a lot about her ideals.

    Virtue and vice: Justice / Lust

    Covenant: Carthian Movement – not sure on collectivism or individualism but she will probably go for the idealist collectivist type since she was tied to extreme left movements.

    Clan: Daeva if I decide more on the rebel part, Mekhet if I decide more on the jaded part… don’t know.

    Historical hook: Because all vampires should have one! I made her Québécoise and former member of the FLQ – don’t know if that’s allowable by site rules since it was a terrorist organization who killed people and there might be people sensible to that. This is mostly to provide historical background.

    Dots: Once again I’ll split the dots between a rebel part and a jaded/superficial part. Social / Physical / Mental for skills and attributes. With intimidate / improvised weapons / larceny on one side and socialize / subterfuge / investigation / politics on the other.

    Most of the social merits I would like to acquire in character with exception of covenant ones, I’m imagining she is running away from some place and will take time to get her allies / contacts / status / fake id etc back.

    Questions / Comments?

  9. #69

    ultra violent I think that's a lovely character idea, and at this moment I have two points to make:

    1. I do not think there's any formal or informal rule about characters that cannot be former members of radical organizations. I mean, if it were unallowed then several established toons who have their own criminal empires and routinely use excessive violence would also stand on shaky ground. Also, Requiem protagonists are cannibalistic walking corpses who have to restrain themselves not to get homicidal on a nightly basis, so there's that.

    2. I'd be very careful about that bored/snobbish attitude. That is not to say your character must be a social butterfly that considers small talk their favorite pastime, but if you project an aura of "don't talk to me, I don't care" this is exactly what will happen, just like in real life, and we won't be able to get to really know what drives your radical chic, which I believe would be a loss. Also, consider that vampire society is extremely hierarchical and keen on etiquette, so there's good chance someone will take offense and ash you, Carthian or no. As a closing point, a lot of fun this site provides stems from social scenes, and see above: if no one wants to scene with you, that's a loss for both you and us.

    I'm doubly excited to see you in play, because IIRC the Movement has been virtually gone from Sacramento for a long, long time.

  10. #70
    ultra violent

    ultra violent I think that's a lovely character idea, and at this moment I have two points to make:

    1. I do not think there's any formal or informal rule about characters that cannot be former members of radical organizations. I mean, if it were unallowed then several established toons who have their own criminal empires and routinely use excessive violence would also stand on shaky ground. Also, Requiem protagonists are cannibalistic walking corpses who have to restrain themselves not to get homicidal on a nightly basis, so there's that.

    2. I'd be very careful about that bored/snobbish attitude. That is not to say your character must be a social butterfly that considers small talk their favorite pastime, but if you project an aura of "don't talk to me, I don't care" this is exactly what will happen, just like in real life, and we won't be able to get to really know what drives your radical chic, which I believe would be a loss. Also, consider that vampire society is extremely hierarchical and keen on etiquette, so there's good chance someone will take offense and ash you, Carthian or no. As a closing point, a lot of fun this site provides stems from social scenes, and see above: if no one wants to scene with you, that's a loss for both you and us.

    I'm doubly excited to see you in play, because IIRC the Movement has been virtually gone from Sacramento for a long, long time.
    Thank you for your reply Woland.

    I'm taking notes and I believe I understand what you mean. The focus of the character is actually social, I just want it to be somewhat upsetting to others - not to the point of being ashed or others avoiding her interaction but to actually provoke just a bit and walk in that thin line.

    I guess it won't be easy, but then again the worst that can happen is to write some good story about how the Prince ashed a Carthian. I won't be sad I promise.

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