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A Night at the Saloon

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  1. #1
    Lina Moretti

    Times were quiet. Blessedly so, in the wake of the Longest Night and the New Year's Court. Dressed in black slacks and a white poofy sweater, the Sheriff of Sacramento was spending the time in a corner booth, swizzling a Cosmopolitan with a swizzle stick as she looked out to the jazz quartet playing Miles Davis at the Shady Lady Saloon downtown. All was calm. All was bright. A regular haunt of classier Kindred (and occasionally of poachers, it seemed), it had become a regular spot of Lina Moretti's.

    That others hadn't come yet was good by her. It meant there was peace. No Beast to contend with, only the murmur of conversation surrounding the smooth saxophone and exciting trumpet.

    A waiter came by to see if she was all right. She flashed him a smile and nodded, and he moved along. Phone out. Onto the BBC. Check the news, check e-mail, see where everything is at.

    Not a bad way to spend a night out, particularly when she fully intended on eating someone a little...

  2. #2
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett drank in the atmosphere of the bar that reminded him so much of his younger years. At least, as much as it could. Glimpses here and there like threads pulled from a familiar blanket, he tugged on them, inserting himself into discussions that he was immediately welcome to. As his Presence took hold, he soon pulled a small crowd as the bright red couch opened up, the alcohol started flowing quick as the conversation as he opened up a tab. The scene was like a lion lazing at the watering hole.

    He kept a respectful distance from Lina, whom he gave a deep nod suitable of her rank without making a scene; or casting jealous eyes towards the Kindred who clearly wanted to blend in.

  3. #3
    Lina Moretti

    Ah. There it was. A magnetic presence in the form of the German, whose mild monster brought a clench to Lina's jaw. Eyes flicked here and there, just little movements, finding objects in pattern for a moment. Once the Beast was leashed and she was done sending whatever e-mail she was sending, she looked back up and peered at Prosper, her stare as direct as the rest of her.

    A subtle move of the head, a nod toward the other side of the booth from her, was his invitation to join her.

    Forgot to account for Blush of Life! -1V.

  4. #4
    Krakenbox's Avatar

    Garrett's own Beast shrank a bit as the Sheriff's eyes lingered on him. He cracked his neck to loosen up more than just the muscle, politely detaching from his potential meal when there is a proper lull. He took the Old Fashioned with the tips of his fingers and slid it next to the Cosmo, smirking, the Undead were weird sometimes. He favoured the smell of citrus and smoke. "Evening, Fürst," he says after a moment of mulling a public title, "You know how to pick a place." Prosper slides into the booth, putting his chin in his hand.

    Whoops, -1 Vitae as well for Blush of Life.
    Translation note: Fürst is being used as a colloquial term, like "boss".

  5. #5
    Lina Moretti

    "It's not my favorite, but it's a frequent hangout, to be sure. Prosper, is it?"

    She'd heard him vaguely, back at Court. Searching eyes scanned the German's boyish features. He wasn't exceptionally handsome, but there was a particular charm and approachability that made him rather likeable at first glance. Her hands found the table, fingers folding gently before her.

    "What brings you so far from home?"

  6. #6
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    "Garrett Prosper. Or Walter Lang, depending on the company," he shrugs. Ms. Moretti was smaller up close, but still radiated strength and sinew. Her sharp features blended seamlessly with her gaze that locked his attention. So this is the Serpent head of the Dragons.

    He considers her question for a moment, "I heard good things about Philadelphia. I have always held a soft spot for the U-S-of-A with its history of innovation. Silicone Valley still isn't as fun as the World's Fair, though." The Gangrel's demeanor is far more subdued than the mask he wore in Court, speaking quietly without the flash of nervous energy. "Are you from Sacramento?"

  7. #7

    A burst of laughter can be heard at the front door of the bar. The laughter is familiar to Lina, not because he had laughed a lot, but because of the voice that came with the laughter. In walked one Atticus James. He has a couple people with him as he walks, "So, let me get this straight. You all decided it would be a good idea to move the guy's car with a forklift?" Atticus's head shifts at the feeling of the beasts in the room. Seems like he and Lina kept running into each other.

    One of the guys he was with just nods and smiles stupidly. They were all inebriated. "Well, remind me never to ding your car door." Atticus laughed again as he leaned over the bar and calls the Bartender. Atticus ordered a round for his friends. Atticus looked over to Lina and the poncy looking kindred she was chatting with.

    A few moments later two drinks show up in front of Garrett and Lina.

    Atticus and his friends take their drinks and make their way over to another table. Atticus purposely steered his people away from Lina and Garrett, not wanting to hover.

  8. #8
    Blackbird's Avatar

    Public Identity: Lisbeth "Beth" Graham
    Striking Looks
    (Criminals, Academia)
    New Identity
    (Lisbeth Graham)

    Daeva Curse - Glutton for Praise:
    Blackbird's ego often gets her into trouble. If someone offers Blackbird praise or compliments regarding her abilities when attempting to recruit her for a task, she finds the request quite difficult to refuse, even if such an action might be particularly dangerous to her well being.


    Blackbird came in wearing her shit.

    The neonate wore a pair of well-worn skinny blue jeans, torn in just enough places to see the black fishnet stockings beneath, as well as her favorite black Mudhoney t-shirt and a well worn denim jacket. Completing the look was messy pigtail braids, her usual dark eyed makeup, and a pair of worn, black combat boots. To those who had seen her often enough outside of court, this wasn't anything new. However, this was a far cry different from what she usually wore in court.

    She'd stop shortly after arriving to survey the crowd, spotting the assembled Kindred in her midst. Taking a moment to push her Beast back into its cage as the wave of other Predators hit her, Blackbird would finally move to the bar. She'd give Atticus a nod and a smirk, offering Lina the same, but more briefly, as she seemed to be busy.

  9. #9
    Lina Moretti

    The World's Fair. It had been a long time since one of those had been in the United States. Internally, she wondered how old this creature before her was. Weak Blood meant little when it came to Kindred age; some very old monsters, just awoken from sleep, sported thin blood. "It really would be something if we could host another one of those. Just thinking about what something like that must have been like... it was a more optimistic world."

    She sighed at the thought, shaking her head to his question. "No. I'm from Northern California, but not here." She didn't go into it in greater detail. "Ah. There's a couple folks you ought to meet." Beasts pressing, familiar but still agitating - Blackbird and Atticus had shown up, each in their own turn, and drinks, too. She gave Atticus and Blackbird each a wave and a nod toward the booth, welcoming them in their own time.

    "Well, welcome. Hopefully you find sleepy Sacramento as exciting as you might find bigger places around here. At least in our little club, there's plenty of experimentation going on."

  10. #10
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett hears Atticus before his predator even senses him, prompting his attention to shift before he could regulate the reaction with the usual double-think. Prosper nods at the Kindred that had been so out of place in the suit: the one he pegged as a Savage looked far better in his element. Despite the rush of competition, he always did admire those who wore their experience on their sleeve.

    Blackbird made his teeth itch, his lip twitching as he stops a full sneer of challenge. She stood out like she belonged on the set of a bar rather than the real thing. Beauty in Garrett's world came in all shapes and sizes, and that one belonged in art.

    With Lina's last statement, Garrett wasn't sure if the Grand Wyrm was introducing the Chapter House or if these were just her co-workers. Either way, he scooted to make room before it becomes a thing. Resigned to his usual exercise of noting details in the environment, he subdued the natural call to challenge with a deliberate inhale. Citrus sure is a lovely scent.

    "I would be interested in witnessing the Great Work that comes with discipline and inspiration," he agrees, not wanting to leave the statement hanging.

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