Each day, she woke up and her body hurt a little less. She did her best to juggle the soreness and keep pushing forward and it was paying off.

Over the weeks, she could not even begin to count how many times she had gone through the same routine. Up before dawn, calisthenics, breakfast, stretching, sword play, lunch, sword play, dinner, bed. She had practically become a hermit through the routine.

The calisthenics were rather basic. Good old push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, and all that jazz. She tried her best to focus on different aspects - with one day focus on upper body, another day core, another day lower body - with cardio and strength mixed between. It was enough to overload her muscles and allow time for healing while she worked on a different muscle group.

Food had been essential through the whole process - and she put down a lot - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The sword play was something she was familiar with. The wooden sword, held more weight to it than the phantasmal shapes she gave life to, which took some getting used to. Beyond that, she put a bit more focus on foot work and balance. Over the days and weeks, she refined the lunges and thrusts. It was a movement she did countless times and would do countless more.

Weavebreaker's days were early and so was bed time. Rest was just as essential, as every other aspect of the process. It allowed time for her muscles to repair and her mind to commit to memory to the muscle movements.

The Arrow knew her weaknesses intimately well. The focus on the arcane, left deficiencies elsewhere and it was time for balance. It was time for her to find the center, once more - to sharpen the blade of body, mind, soul, and sword.