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Character Creation (Info in 1st Post)

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  1. #51

    So, I changed retainer to mentor, moved a point from dexterity to stamina, and I've changed the character's age of abduction to 21. This changed the 'tread lightly' dice pool from 5 to 4.

    I think I'm ready! Thank you for your help.

  2. #52

    So here's my idea

    Concept: Battleworn Toy Soldier

    He's a Wizened Soldier. Tried to help a disguised Fae who got 'jumped' in an alley. In return, he was enlisted into the guy's navy.

    Looks like a toy armyman. Looks plastic, skin is tough and forest green. Only has one eye, the other half of his face looks like it was blown off, except the plastic solidified mid-explosion. Even undressed, his skin is imprinted with impression of a military uniform, like when you sleep on your sleeve and wake up with its lines on your face.

    Served on an ironclad WWI era vessel the size of a royal estate cruising over a sea of mercury. In charge of keeping the place running and fighting whatever the Fae cooked up to be there that day. Only releases when his Keeper deemed his service was up.

    The guy's flighty and nervous, always expects the worse. Doesn't think someone's out to get him so much as he suspects there's monsters around every corner. Tried to have a plan for everything. Backup plans for backup plans. Never leaves the house unarmed. The type of guy to have a bunker in his backyard in case of the apocalypse. Otherwise than that, he's polite and formal. Believes in tradition.

    Figure one of his Contracts will be in Artifice, helped him keep the "houseboat" running. Physical primary, mental secondary. Driving specialty for boats, firearms specialty in rifles.

    Anything else I should consider to fit this feeling? Maybe Rigid Mask?

  3. #53
    Origins's Avatar

    Rigid Mask has to do with being good at lying. Or rather doing it so often that it is hard for others to tell if you are lying or not. You'd need to put 2 into subterfuge for this. Conversely, if navy arms-men is a focus you could look at fighting style feats. Depends on what you want to do with your plastic sailor man.

    I doubt I need to suggest it but Athletics should probably come up as a sailor should know how to swim. Unless he forgot that due to the ocean of mercury thing. Or because irony.

  4. #54
    Xadun's Avatar
    (Street, Clubs)
    Primal Urge
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Rhodes Scenes

    Angular features, pointed ears. His jet-black hair bursts into bright red flowers and fine dark leaves about his ears forming a wreath of firey foliage that trailed just below his shoulders. Thin woody vines broached and twined across his milky-white skin, with leaves and budding flowers breaking into bloom at his cuffs.

    Hedgespun coat - darkest thunderclouds, broiling and writhing, occasionally flashing as if lighting was happening on the other

    Phoenyx Scenes

    Nimbus: Scarlet flames rising out from her like giant sperading wings, and the sound of an eagle's screech.

    So, after a few days of pouring over the core book I decided to try rolling up a changeling to go alongside my Werewolf. Like before, I thought I'd try floating my idea to see what people thought or if there were any pointers I'd missed.

    So, I'm thinking of a Flowering Fairest that was first lured into the Hedge after he kept trying to spot the movements in the woods. He was brought in as a trinket to adorn the faerie court, blooming in the garden and watching, learning. And he was tested on what he saw, and taught how to act and behave, and the rewards were great and sweet... and the punishments equally bitter when he failed to impress.

    He picked up bits of their magics. He learned to be social, and watch, and took on the beauty of the garden, but he also learned the True Fae's malice and cruelty, and how their mercurial nature would mean his dismissal when their interests dulled. Eventually the pains outweighed the pleasures, and he fled.

    Emerging from the Hedge, he sought to gain those powers and turn them back on the Fae as revenge for turning on him. He joined the Autumn Court as both a courtier and pursuer of deeper magics.

    Skills-wise I'm looking at more of specialist - Social skills, investigation and Occult. Sort of an occultist researcher that can talk to people. Definitely not a fighter or broad skills mentally or physically, but good at dealing with people and knowledgeable about Fae magics, contracts and pledges. Merits-wise I was looking at bumping Wyrd, maybe Pledgesmith or Rigid Mask.

    Any thoughts/ideas, or does it sound pretty put together?
    "Why? Why? Why? WHY?"
    "Four excellent questions!"
    Martin Kreefe and Douglas Richardson, Cabin Pressure

  5. Likes Yumyumcrow liked this post
  6. #55
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2

    They sound very basic fairest autumn! very much a blank slate. What do they do for a living?
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  7. #56
    Xadun's Avatar
    (Street, Clubs)
    Primal Urge
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Rhodes Scenes

    Angular features, pointed ears. His jet-black hair bursts into bright red flowers and fine dark leaves about his ears forming a wreath of firey foliage that trailed just below his shoulders. Thin woody vines broached and twined across his milky-white skin, with leaves and budding flowers breaking into bloom at his cuffs.

    Hedgespun coat - darkest thunderclouds, broiling and writhing, occasionally flashing as if lighting was happening on the other

    Phoenyx Scenes

    Nimbus: Scarlet flames rising out from her like giant sperading wings, and the sound of an eagle's screech.

    Hmm. That question made me realise I've focused a lot on what their Changeling life is like and not much on their mundane. The character's mortal life is borne of necessity - he's a social creature and very wrapped up in the magical side of things, and so spends little time at home, unless it's studying more magical things. For him, being seen is less important than doing something and being involved, investigating and pulling on threads.

    I can see two ways of doing things. Either something is sales, relatively mundane, or a small-time con-man. I quite like the idea of the grifter, using his charm to extract a small fund and use that until it runs out, getting a small kick off the emotions of the mortals he engages, pulling on their strings. Fear of missing out, Fear of regret. That kind of thing.
    "Why? Why? Why? WHY?"
    "Four excellent questions!"
    Martin Kreefe and Douglas Richardson, Cabin Pressure

  8. #57
    Abyssalstar's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    So, here's a concept I am working on.

    Sonnie Wu

    Life Before Arcadia
    Alison Jiang grew up in San Francisco with very controlling parents. They decided her schools, her hobbies, her entire future. Including that nice boy from that wealthy family. You should marry him. Her whole life was planned out for her and she had no say in the matter, and it was killing her. Alison didn't want to practice piano, or study law, or marry that rich jackass. The sheer pressure placed upon her shoulders was too much to bear. There was no reasoning with her parents. She'd tried. And she could only imagine their reaction if they found out she not straight. One night, she packed a bag and, without truly thinking it out, ran away from home.

    That was when the privateers took her.

    The Screaming Jungle, lush and vibrant and deadly. Surrounded on all sides by mountains, it was the hunting ground of the Great Multicolored Prince, and he was Alison's new Keeper. Thrown into the jungle, she was left to fend for herself. Alison had to find a way to survive the jungle's dangers, including other Lost. She found it in climbing the trees. The high branches held food and cover and safety. She got very good, very quickly, and moving along the canopy. At some point, Alison Jiang vanished, and only a monkey remained. A monkey terrified of the jungle falling silent. The silence meant the Great Multicolored Prince was coming. He was on the hunt. Somehow, dumb luck perhaps, she avoided detection. She lived to be hunted another day by the Beast Among Beasts.

    Thoughts of escape wallowed in her primate brain, and often the little monkey would look up at the towering mountains that contained the Screaming Jungle. Eventually, she realized the far side of those mountains may be freedom. She waited for the right time. One night, when she was certain the Prince was hunting elsewhere, the monkey started to climb the mountains. It by no means an easy journey, but she was very good at climbing. Somehow, she managed her way over the range and to the far side. The Hedge. From there, the monkey traveled by instinct, moving back towards humanity. And then she was out, she was back on Earth, and she was (mostly) human again.

    After Arcadia
    What a surprise to Alison that, having survived her harrowing, primordial nightmare, that she had no normal life to return to. Alison Jiang was still with her parents. Or, rather, a thing made of mud and sticks and shadows pretending to be Alison. She had been replaced, and in the years Monkey-Alison had been gone, Fetch-Alison had been embracing the tightly-definied life her parents had laid out for her. She excelled at it.

    First, there was anger, then despondency, and then... who cares? The changeling realized she was free, like she had wanted all along! Sure, not by these means, and the price was horrible, but in the end she was still free of the cage of her previous life. The fetch could have it! This monkey girl was going to see the world! She was going to party and dance and explore and drink and sleep around and do whatever she damn well wanted! She could be as busy or lazy as she felt! Her life was hers now, not her parents or the Great Multicolored Prince!

    The local changelings in San Francisco helped orient her, teaching her what she needed to know and setting her up with a new identity. She had become enamored with the old Chinese story Journey to the West and it's monkey hero, Sun Wukong. He traveled and adventured and had fun! She would do the same! The young Beast even styled her new name after him. Sonia "Sonnie" Wu. She began picking up skills and contracts that even mimicked what Sun Wukong could do, like his kung fu and wind magic.

    Not wanting to stay in San Francisco (mostly to avoid her family), the new Spring Beast headed for the horizon. Sonnie wandered the western U.S. for a time, as well as the Hedge. She saw sights, fought battles, and partied hard. And yet, she found herself drawn back to California, and Sacramento seemed an acceptable place to rest for a while. Besides, she needed a job, and at least here she wasn't too far from her family. Despite being control freaks, they were still her mom and dad, after all.

    Now here she is, finding work with a local courier company. It suits Sonnie well, carrying messages and packages around the city, and her monkey-like agility lent it self to parkouring around town. Also, the city was never silent, and sometimes silence still terrified her.

    Sonnie Wu is a short, lean young Asian woman in her early twenties. She has an alluring beauty that speaks of fun, adventure and a 'truth or dare' glint in her eyes. She clearly lives an active lifestyle, and moves light on her feet. Sonnie is usually smiling, as if she knows some joke only she understands, and carries herself with a lack of shame or modesty. She dressed casually most of the time, in blue jeans and t-shirts and hoodies, and always has a messenger bag slung over her shoulder. Fascinatingly, Sonnie is almost always barefoot. If asked, she claims she's just "Not into shoes."

    The lack of shoes is obvious to fae eyes. Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposible like a thumb. It is not unusual to see Sonnie using her feet like hands for everyday matters, and she doesn't always understand why others might find it weird or gross. A long hairy tail protrudes from the base of her spine, and it is prehensile.

    Sonnie carries the faint scent of a fresh spring breeze about her.

  9. Likes Ruach, Yumyumcrow liked this post
  10. #58
    Ruach's Avatar
    Matt Joule
    Dirt Nap
    Alfonso Franco

    Striking Looks (Fit and Healthy Glow) 2
    Matt Joule
    Dirt Nap
    Alfonso Franco

    Very nice!

  11. #59

    Before I fully develop and share a concept to see how valid it could be for the game, I figured it would be better to first see if the overarching idea is something that can work. Currently, I'm interested in developing a changeling seer focused on divining the future for the benefit of the Freehold. There's a few methods available to peak at the future and I would love to take them all. But how likely is such an ability to be useful or even used? I understand the difficulty that seeing the future can cause for storytellers so I felt it best to ask first.

  12. #60
    Vincent's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    It should be no problem, but keep in mind that right now the venue has no ST. That means you might be better served playing something directly actionable until we get up to steam again.

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