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Meat and Greet!

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  1. #1
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    It's 2pm on a Saturday afternoon, the last ditch of sun still holding strong against the slowly reaching tentrils of Autumn.

    The overgrown wilds that were the back yard of the garage that was Makerith Motors - that, until this week, were a tangled mess where Emily smoked and drank on sunny days when she had nothing better to do - had been viciously attacked, hacked, and "pruned" inelegantly. It took about 2 days for the irony of that work set in, but it still made the punk smile. She was far more satisfied with her impromptu metalworking, converting an old oil drum into a grill, and the coals were heating up nicely. Some battered, mismatched garden furniture stand on the ground where grass has taken root - "lawn" would be far too generous a term as a few ays ago it was covered in brambles.

    "Ems, this is either the best or worst idea you have ever had. This will either help bring the People together or destroy your livelihood when an enraged Garou tears through the Garage. Least they can't get drunk and ruin your stuff."

    The Ithaeur pulls a create of beer and lifts it out to the back yard of the Garage. "And now you're talking to yourself. You have people to talk to now. And People to talk to. Ha." She grins to herself, draining the bottle there and looks at the open case, reaching for bottle number... Six? Damn. I much be more nervous about this than I thought. Imma need a lot more beer. Suddenly aware of the butterflies in her stomach, Emily is glad no-one has arrived yet as she indulges herself in a nervous, self-conscious squirm, and drains half of her new beer in one well-practiced motion.

    This has to work. They'll be here.

    Come one, come all! Vampires and Changelings hold Courts, and Mages have their Concillium, but Werewolves enjoy something a little more.... informal and low-key. Yes, as promised, here is the Wulf BBQ!

    As agreed with The Grand High Wulf ST Kelreth , this will be a court-esque scene, with this as the Main Thread. Feel free to make other threads for separate conversations - usual court thread rules (overhearing, etc) apply!
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  2. Likes Ruach, liked this post
  3. #2
    Roach's Avatar
    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●
    Danger Sense
    Trained Observer
    Trained Memory

    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●

    Contacts: Street, Criminals, Charities
    Allies: Street ●
    Allies: Criminals ●
    Stats / Common Equipment

    Quick Draw (Knives)
    Fleet of Foot 3

    Backpack w/ small amount of clothes
    Cell, Reinforced Cloths (Jacket), Bowie Knife.


    Roach took a shower. Hair was still wet, but it was clean...er. Finger combed, and laying flat against her face. Eyes peak out, as she approaches the garage. Never, ever pass on the opportunity for free food. Even if there was a guarantee that Queen would be here too.

    New to her shoes, less tape and less holes. Dingy white socks can be see, because surprise, surprise, the Irraka was wearing a faded pink sundress under her grey hoodie, and leather jacket combo.

    "Hi." she says, staring awkwardly at the blue haired Ithaeur.

    Belatedly she lifts her arm, and waves.
    Irraka Iminir | Primal Urge ● | Heath: | Willpower: | Essence:

  4. Likes Ruach, Xadun liked this post
  5. #3
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    A grin spreads over Emily's face, mixed with obvious relief. "Roach? Wow! You look great! I'm so glad you came!" She rushes forward, but stops before outright hugging the other girl in excitement, managing to control herself. Just.

    "Come on in! Can I get you a drink or something? I'm about to start cooking soon, things are nearly... ready..." She trails off slightly, remembering how closed off the Irakka was before. "Sorry if I'm a little over-excited. I'm just relieved someone actually showed."
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  6. Likes Ruach, liked this post
  7. #4
    Felix Grey

    Felix's arrival is heard before it's seen, his old, cream white Chevy C20 pulling up to Makerith Motors with a lurch.

    For a moment, he doesn't move from the cab, eyeing the auto shop for some time before finally exiting. Felix is shirtless. He wears only a pair of old, dirty jeans and well-worn work boots alongside a pair of aviator sunglasses. Having get out of the car, Felix looks at his bare torso, grunts and dips into truck to retrieve an old green plaid shirt and a worn baseball cap. It probably used to be a deep brown, but has long been sunbleached to a light tan. After putting on the cap, he slips on the shirt and lazily buttons it before again dipping in to retrieve a thick package, wrapped in white butcher paper and a 30-rack of beer. Rainier.

    Another glance to the auto shop is coupled with a huff of air pushed throught the balding wolf's nostrils.

    Felix walks to the garage, his gait feral, if relaxed. He comes across Roach first, offering a grunt of acknowledgement, before proceeding to Emily.

    "Venison. Fresh." Felix said, his voice low. His expression retained its serious countenance, but he nonetheless extended the offering to the blue-maned Ithaeur. He was still learning about these Uratha, but Felix knew he couldn't keep his walls up all the time. Not completely.

    Regardless if Emily took it or not, the dirty Meninna would dip his torso down, depositing the beer on the ground before ripping into the case roughly and grabbing a can. Standing straight he'd open the can and nodded his head towards it before glancing to Roach and Emily. "For the People."

  8. #5
    Xadun's Avatar
    (Street, Clubs)
    Primal Urge
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Rhodes Scenes

    Angular features, pointed ears. His jet-black hair bursts into bright red flowers and fine dark leaves about his ears forming a wreath of firey foliage that trailed just below his shoulders. Thin woody vines broached and twined across his milky-white skin, with leaves and budding flowers breaking into bloom at his cuffs.

    Hedgespun coat - darkest thunderclouds, broiling and writhing, occasionally flashing as if lighting was happening on the other

    Phoenyx Scenes

    Nimbus: Scarlet flames rising out from her like giant sperading wings, and the sound of an eagle's screech.


    Quote Originally posted by Chris Laurent:
    An unbutton polo and clean jeans are Chris's disguise of the sheep for the day. That and the brand new rolling cooler he had picked up at the grocery store. A bbq of the People meant a lot of meat, some veggies for variety, and drinks. Not being able to get hammered easily sucked at first but Chris has found that its better this way. It also makes for hilarious drinking competitions against bros. Chris almost felt bad for them but hey they made the challenge.

    So the Blood Talon strolls up to the shop casually pulling the rolling cooler. "Hey All. Brought some stuff so there's something left of the shop once we're done." All package wrapped though.
    Quote Originally posted by Hector:
    Hector is still waring that suit. This time he has even found a T-Shirt to go with it: a lurid pink thing with many holes and the faded remnants of a picture or logo emblazoned on the front.

    The Cahalith comes with gifts of food (pizza) and drink (mixed alcohol).

    "So this is your place," he says by way of introduction. Hector had not been out this way before. Beady eyes rove around the dilapidated garden without criticism.


    He reserves his smile for his two pack mates. Felix receives an almost formal nod of recognition. Roach gets... wiggly eyebrows... and a tentative offer of pizza.

    "Where can I put these?" Referring to his offerings.

    "Whats cooking?" Referring to the barbecue.

    "What is that?" Referring to the venison. The Cahalith almost drools then and there.
    Quote Originally posted by Emily Makerith:
    Emily is noticable cheered further by the men arriving. "Wow... nice! I got a buch of stuff but nothing quite so fine. Thanks!" She takes the venison and sets it on a table cleared next to the oil drum barbeque. She raises her own bottle and drinks with Felix. "The People!"

    She smiles at Chris. "Great, cool! Just, uh, drop your stuff for the grill over there," she points to where Felix's contribution lay. "Hector, hi! Thank godyou got that text. I got an idea 'bout that, but I'll tell you later. And thanks! Dad kinda carved it out, I just Honor it, y'know?" She grins. "Just chuck your stuff over on that table," she points over by the ailing plastic chairs. "Nothing yet but it's just got up to heat. I can throw whatever on - and yeah, that's one of Felix's offerings. smells divine, right? I thought we might do that first." Emily is clearly getting a little excited as she takes another swig of her beer.

    "Beer's down there," she jerks a thumb at the full and dented racks, alongside Felix's cans, "but I got a bunch of stuff upstairs if you want some thing else." At least I think I do. I don't think I drank everything. I think. "Just pull up a chair or something! Or y'know, floor if you'd rather." The more people arrive, the more relaxed Emily sees to become. "I'm just gonna grab some things from inside. I'll just be a sec!"

    The Ithaeur drains her bottle and dashes up the steps and into the open back door of the apartment on top of the garage, reppearing with a covered platter from which the scent of meat can cleatly be noticed. She places it carefully next to the venison and starts throwing some burgers and several slathers of venison our on the grill. "Anyone what their meat anything that's not bloody?" The blue-haired punk grins againat her guests, before grabbing another beer form her open case.
    Quote Originally posted by Roach:
    More then awkward. Was she supposed to bring something? Was that how these things worked. Did she fail at some sort of societal rule because she didn't bring something?

    "...hi." she manages around embarrassment, hidden by her hair. For all the good her wet mop hid. "Looks...ah...looks good. Um. Sorry. I didn't bring anything, next time ya?" there, that had to fix it right? Acknowledging her short comings, while showing them she'll fix it. That wasn't a weakness, that was growth.

    "Pizza would be ah good." hesitantlycautiously over to Hector. "Warm ya? Last slice I got wan't whole, and was. Y'know. Cold. Still good though."
    Quote Originally posted by Hector:
    "Should be," Hector replied to Roach as he laid out the pizza.

    His eyes were totally absorbed on the venison.

    "Oh! Rare and bloody will be a treat. My preference is just nicely sealed. I don't get that choice often. The city gives like the land gives - but with fewer options. That is just the way it is."

    The Cahalith retrieved some drinks, kept one for himself and planted one before Roach.
    Quote Originally posted by Chris Laurent:
    The wheeled cooler is left next to the other offerings though Chris pulls a bottle of Jameson out of it. Opening it carefully he takes a small swig before looking around for whoever is next. Man..that suit needs some febreeze or a fire. Or A then B. The Irraka grins and offers the bottle to Hector, might as well make sure the day starts well to go well. Following the Alpha's gaze Chris sees the venison.

    "Damn, You brought that Felix? That smells damn good." Even if Hector doesn't take the offered bottle Chris returns to his shiny new cooler and pulls out a 6-pack. "Roach, beer?" Roach and Hector. ..maybe some other time. That'd be a hell of an argument right now.
    Quote Originally posted by Felix:
    Felix returns Hector's nod with one of his own, but a smile soon forms on his lips as the ragged alpha spots his offering and drools. He simply nods as Emily confirms his contribution before choosing a spot on the periphery of the group and squatting. His eyes then land on little Roach as she promised future offerings.

    That is wise. We are guests here.

    Still he offered a small smile. She was of the People and doing her best to get along with the local Uratha. She was distant though and that was something the balding wolf could understand. And respect.

    Hector's further welcoming of Roach recieved a huff of approval from Felix as he observed the alpha gift her with beer and indicate his allowance of her to dine with the pack. He had seen her discomfort and was trying to correct it. This was good. For a moment, a doubt formed in the dirty man's mind wondering if this meant he was not welcome, but he quickly thought better of himself and pushed the doubt away. He had been called to come. And he had brought meat.

    Canting his head to Emily, Felix would utter his own reply, "Rare suits me as well. Better to savor the kill." Then Felix's eyes landed on the street beyond. In truth he'd prefer it raw, even better to tear into it as Urhan, but... the Herd must not know. A man eating a rare steak would not be seen as unusual, but a wolf tearing into a deer carcass in Sacramento city-limits? These things did not happen. It would draw too much attention.

    Then, Felix turned to Chris, "I did. It was a good hunt." He said simply, a tinge of pleasure glowing in his voice.

    Finally Felix glanced to the street yet again, content to rest until he was engaged. He was also watching for the Herd and one he had met at the Tur. Where's the doctor? She was new like Felix, it suited her interests to engage the local pack. Become allied.
    Quote Originally posted by Emily Makerith:
    "Hey, no worries," the Ithaeur reassures Roach with a smile. "I think we'll be fine. Honestly. Go on. Grab a drink and relax." The sizzle of fat hitting fire cuts through the warm air and Emily starts moving things around, testing the meat so the venison is only scared by the flames.

    It's really working!

    Emily knew there were some things she did well. She fixed cars, drank like a fish, kept people's spirits up, and could handle a barbecue. And the other thing, but that is NOT for here. she grins to herself. Within a few minutes she was pulling the slightly sealed steaks off the grill and plating them up. "C'mon guys, first stuff is ready!" The crack of another beer as Emily opens another.

    "So, I was kinda wondering. Why did you guys decide to come to Sacramento anyways?" She asks to the group at large. "Anybody? I mean, we're all getting to know each other and that sounds a pretty good place to begin, right?" Emily begins tearing into her own peice of venison. "Oh, God. Mmm. That's really good Felix! Where'd you catch it?"
    Quote Originally posted by Valentina Queen:
    In a flurry of flapping shopping bags, the Queen arrives, looking flustered and sweaty.

    "Hi!" she chirped out, bustling into the backyard, teeth bared in a relieved smile.

    "I was so worried about being late and everyone having eaten already! But I brought some potato salad, and chips, and some pie for dessert! I hope that's alright! Oh, can I put it all here? Thanks," Val exclaimed, plonking her bags of groceries down next to the food.

    "Oh my goodness, I had a crisis that I had to run to, but I'm here, finally. I didn't miss anything good, did I?"
    Quote Originally posted by Roach:
    She ducks her head as Hector brings her the beers, "Thanks." she says, cracking it open and taking a gulp. If she wasn't Uratha, and could metabolize alcohol faster then it could effect her, she wouldn't have taken a sip, even if the can had been offered by the Alpha of Carillon Call. She digs into the pizza though, been ages since she had a slice of cheese and grease.

    "We 'ave cooked food ya, why ruin a choice piece like this with fire?"
    she smirks, and silently thanks Felix again for the venison.

    "No." she says to Queen, which might be answer to her question, or just an exclamation at the Shrink's appearance.
    Quote Originally posted by Hector:
    Hector drifts to where Emily works, nose flared as he sniffs the scented air. There is something - a sound - too much like a purr in his throat.

    Some beer down the hatch.

    "The guys who initiated me set me off on my path. Which led here. Not much more to it, I'm afraid. Its not like I had much of a life before the Change."

    His eye was on the Ithaeur while he drained the drink.

    "More food! Put it with the rest! We'll fight over the pie later." He flashed Queen a hungry grin.
    Quote Originally posted by Emily Makerith:
    Val's arrival is greated with another broad grin from Emily. "Val! You made it! And don't you worry, there's plenty of stuff..." she's interrupted by a loud rumble from her exposed midriff. "Uh... sorry. I skipped breakfast sorting the last few things... uh..." The Ithaeur seems to realise she has run our of hands. Dropping her beer and food on the floor she helps sort the table, before plating up another venison steak. "Val, you gotta try this. Felix brought it. Sounds like he's a better hunter than I every figured to be!" It's not self-dergoatory, just another cheery delivery. "Never was much of a stalker!" she grins, flicking her blue locks back behind her shoulder and pressing the plate into Val's hands.

    She takes a long swig of her beer and rearranges her own food, beer and cooking tongs, flipping the first of the burgers with an enticing sizzle. The Ithaeur has a twinkle in her eye as she watches the Alpha watch the food hungily. "Hey, I'm not expecting everything to be an action-packed adventure. But everyting happens for a reason, chief, Even if we never find out what that is!" She laughs. "And unless you wanna marinade these burger in your drool, take a step back, wouldya? I suck at most cooking, but meat I know how to handle." The laugh turns into a more dirty chuckle.
    Quote Originally posted by Chris Laurent:
    A playful grin rules Chris face as he nods in thanks to Felix. Would be damn fun to hunt with him someday. With a shrug as Hector walks away Chris offers the bottle of Jameson to everyone else. Then cracks open a beer.

    "I uh, got pushed out of a car. Almost literally. My old pack was running and the Alpha and new Beta decided my greenhorn ass didn't need to dive into the Hisil with them. So they damn near literally pushed me out of the car." A thoughtful sip of beer follows. "I hope they're doing ok. I was the only one with solid connections to our hu..normal lives." Chris would have gotten himself checked for a chip but he's pretty sure the Change handles that sort of thing.
    Quote Originally posted by Felix:
    Felix grunted as Emily asked where he had caught his kill.

    "Redwood park holds elk and black tail still," he watched as the blue-maned Ithaeur tore into his gift. Then his eyes traveled to Valentina and her... comedic arrival. A smirk formed on his lips as a huff escaped his mouth. Eyeing her gifts, Felix then glanced to her face offering a small nod of greeting.

    Maybe she ain't that bad.

    Then the Meninna's eyes traveled to the attentive alpha and the nervous Roach. Then to the quiet Chris. He didn't rise as Emily encouraged others to get their food. Instead he drank in the scene before him. Then, slowly, he smiled.

    He had missed this.

    He was brought back into the conversation as Emily began to ask what brought each here. It was a fair question. He listened as Chris shared his tale. Then, he knew it was his turn. "I came for a good death," he said simply, "and a good life." It was that simple. Well... it was more complicated than that, but that was the best summary.
    Quote Originally posted by Roach:
    Right. Queen's smile and....Queen knocked her thoughts from her head. Instinct make's 'em different, but fear would be the death of her.

    "Road lead this way, wind rushin' in my fur. Air smelled fine. Even with the fires. Maybe because of the fires." a smirk around strings of melted cheese. "Wanna replant some trees. Heard there was this forest ranger chick leading the charge 'round here."
    Quote Originally posted by Valentina Queen:
    "Oh my gawd, yes, deer!" Val cried, darting forward and grabbing the steak up from the plate in both hands and ripping a big meaty chunk off between her teeth. She chewed furiously, eyes rolling in dramatic contentment, complete with noises of appreciation.

    "Sooo guud," she mumbled around the mouthful of deer meat, her teeth steadily tearing and mashing through the cooked muscles, juices spilling out into her mouth.

    "There was this one time," she continued, after swallowing, "that I went out and killed a deer with my pack. Up around Tahoe. Brought it back home, and, like, had to explain to the then-husband that it wasn't for him."

    She gave a scornful laugh, and then bit off another chunk, though one that was far smaller, and easier to talk around.

    "Don't know which was funnier, the look on his face when he realized his wife had killed a buck, or when I told him he couldn't brag about the rack of antlers to his buddies."
    Quote Originally posted by Emily Makerith:
    Emily stares slack-jawed at Chris. "Wow. Harsh."

    She nods to Felix. Simple. Straightforward. After the Tur, Emily didn't really expect much else form the older man. Still. I'd rather die later than sooner. Roach sounds like she just followed the road and ended up here, and stayed for the conservation effort.

    Val is... after a shaky start, is really growing on the Ithaeur. Sure she's a little full-on, but her, so am I. She laughs at the Elodoth's story. "I was always so bad at hunting. Least in the proper sense. But once I knew where the prey was I as pretty reliable at helping bring it down."

    She looks to the other wolves. "So, have you guys gotten a little more settled yet? Figured out places to stay and stuff?"
    Quote Originally posted by Chris Laurent:
    "Na I think it was more of a mercy." The Talon shakes his head to Emily. "We were a big pack and had just been cut down to three. Our Crescent died first when our Beta betrayed us to some fucking." The man waves his beer around. "Thing. A fucking Thing. I didn't know what Wounds were before that." Chris takes a slow breath. "Whatever it was we were marked. Shit kept following us. We fled from town to town to new states. Always the same shit. Finally the Alpha decided the Hisil had the answers."

    "Guess she didn't want me to probably die with them."
    Somber, the Irraka looks at his beer before putting it on the ground.

    That hurt.
    Bringing the thread back up to date!
    "Why? Why? Why? WHY?"
    "Four excellent questions!"
    Martin Kreefe and Douglas Richardson, Cabin Pressure

  9. Likes Ruach liked this post
  10. #6
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    There's the flash of a memory, facing the cat-beast and the spirits of violence, when Chris was sticking very close to Emily. Oooohhh.... I mean I'm a big girl, but I get what was up with that now. She watches the Talon. "All sounds a pile of bad. I get how that goes." She gently takes the whiskey from him and saltes with it before takig a swig from the bottle.

    She take s a long pull on her beer. "I'll take the good life any day," she says to Felix with a smile.

    Lastly she looks at Roach. "Wanderer huh? You big into conservation, or is that all just lucky falling into place?" She sounds genuinely curious.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

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  12. #7
    Roach's Avatar
    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●
    Danger Sense
    Trained Observer
    Trained Memory

    Irraka Iminir | Cunning ●● Honour ●

    Contacts: Street, Criminals, Charities
    Allies: Street ●
    Allies: Criminals ●
    Stats / Common Equipment

    Quick Draw (Knives)
    Fleet of Foot 3

    Backpack w/ small amount of clothes
    Cell, Reinforced Cloths (Jacket), Bowie Knife.


    "Luck," she says around a bite of pepperoni, "We gotta take care'o both sides ya? If there ain't no forest where would the prey and predator dance?" she asks, rhetorical as it was.

    Murky, watery eyes track over to Chris. "There ain't anything wrong with Glory." says the Irraka without a lick of Glory branded on her, "But if ya stayed and died, got a death worthy of song, then. Well. You ain't 'ave been here ya?" which was probably a platitude he'd heard time and time again, but it was a truth cliche as it was.

    Awkward for volunteering her thoughts made voice, she takes a swig of the beer.
    Irraka Iminir | Primal Urge ● | Heath: | Willpower: | Essence:

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  14. #8
    Chris Laurent's Avatar

    Chris Laurent

    Irakka Blood Talon


    "Hmm" The whiskey is released without a fight and a nod as Emily takes a swig. A low chuckle.

    The Talon nods and grabs a new beer. "Ai to a good life." This one is cracked open as Roach speaks. "Heh, when I go down I hope they sing songs of it. Good songs, songs of Cunning and Glory." Teeth shine in Chris's grin.

    "It's all a ah." The beer is motioned around. "I am glad that Hector and Tristan found me. Having a pack helps keep me me."
    Irraka Blood Talon:

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  16. #9
    Valentina Queen's Avatar

    Half Moon Iminir
    Status: Psychiatrist
    Primal Urge
    Wuffy Shrink


    "Sh-ame," Queen agreed around a mouthful of deer steak. She swallowed, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, steak juices all over her fingers.

    "I mean, same," she repeated with a small giggle. "Having a pack is like, oh my god, I don't know if I can even describe it. Before I was born for the second time, I sort of made do between family and career, but obviously I didn't do a very job of it, because I didn't realize how bad things actually were. Like, sure, 'Cleave to the Human', and all that, but we need to be around other people that understand what it means to, well, be us.

    "Like, do you know how good it feels to be able to eat however I want, and not worry about what the people around me think?"
    Queen asked, her eyebrows raised.

    "I bet Chris does, given his fancy business family. And sure, that's just a small example, but I'm really glad that we're all together now. I mean, sure, we're still getting to know one another, but it's good to be among the People. Good to actually work towards something real."

    Queen shrugged then, taking a moment to suck some juice off of her fingers before turning her eyes onto the blue haired wolf.

    "And thanks for asking, Emily, but I've been having a hell of a time. I've been staying in a hostel. Had to fork over rent money for some office space. Thank god I have a few clients, though, even if they are currently sent to me by the courts. Pays shitty, but it's a foundation."
    Dr. Valentina Queen, MD.
    Elodoth Iminir, Honor 3, PU 3

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  18. #10
    Hector's Avatar
    Danger Sense
    Fleet of Foot
    Hector's Scenes
    Hector's Stuff


    Hector, driven from the barbecue, had drifted over the to the main conversation.

    He saluted Chris when the Irakka told his story. It was both an acknowledgement of his harsh existence and a sign of respect to his fallen pack.

    "There is a legend there, man. Maybe one day I can find it for you," he said sombrely.

    "Life. Death. Both sides of the same coin. I feel you, Felix." He acknowledged the Mannina.

    His eyes drifted onto Roach and he grunted noncommittally in response to her words.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

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