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  1. #31
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a look of amusement as Vivian clapped. And she calmly listens as the Daeva spoke, nodding here and there.

    And there were the questions. She expected there to be some.

    “I simply expect you to fulfill the position to the best of your capabilities. I expect that if you have a problem, you will come to me or Seneschal York. I want Boons to be recorded for who owes them to who, and what type they are. And to alert me in the event one isn’t paid.” That had consequences.

    A few moments of thought was given before she answered, “I believe that is fair enough. It will be good to have a ledger to keep things in order.” It wouldn’t stop people from doing back room deals, but not much could. She accepted that. “And having it private is agreeable as well. Though I would like Judex Twist to have access to it should she so desire.” She wanted to make sure Twist had access should she need it.

    Nodding, “I think that would be good. You handle yourself well, and have a way with words that I can respect. It isn’t usually a problem, but should it come up, I’m sure the offender would prefer to speak with you before myself. I’m afraid I won’t be as nice as you.” It was obvious, Ale had enough of the disrespect in Court. “But don’t think I won’t be paying attention and making mental notes. There can only be so many social misstep before I step in.” And that number was quickly dwindling as the nights went on.

    Then the real question. The one that most Kindred strove for.

    Rack access.

    She didn’t blame them, it was a nice perk.

    Smirking, “As a matter of a fact, you do. I believe members of the Court I surround myself with should be taken care of. Enjoy.”

    The Savage sits back as the next question was directed to Vivian.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #32
    Vivian York

    With the discussion of how Boons would be tracked, Vivian didn’t feel the need to add to this. She simply nodded in agreement while they went back and forth. Particularly when Twist’s name came up. “Yes, the Judex does need to be brought in just in case one of those unpaid boons is by someone who is of the First Estate.”

    The Daeva presumed that 'those that surrounded the Prince' get favor, yet, assuming was terrible. "Oh, excellent, rights to the Rack would be very beneficial." It was odd she hadn't asked about it before, personally. It was perhaps the excitement of everything that she forgot.

    "Well there is record of some successful evenings, and then there are some less successful ones. Although most of those appear to be from some sort of mishap by a new person. Or similar people like Mr. Davis."
    Vivian wasn't about to use any sort Invictus titles on the wanker, not worth her breath.

    “Speaking of etiquette, Madam Harpy and I are going to speak to the Judex, probably tomorrow, about the Au Pair position. It’s needed, it’s long overdue.” She chuckled, but it was completely true.

    “I do have a question for you, Your Majesty. I believe it’s come up before, but so that Madam Harpy is also aware. Would you like our Domain to be considered Invictus? I’ve been in a few that were strictly Invictus, and it essentially meant etiquette and honorifics were predominantly used. It is entirely your call, but in the past the question came up when I first arrived.” She shrugged, it should probably be addressed official between the three of them to set things straight if the question arose in the future.

  3. #33
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca listened as the Prince laid out her expectations. Nothing unusual really. "I will not hesitate to get with either of you if there is a problem." She then shifted in her seat slightly. "Of course. I should have thought to include Archon Twist as well. I can keep the ledger here in, well, my new office," she said with a smile, imagining just how she would decorate it, "which would make it easily accessible to the three of you, as well as keeping it secure."

    "You're quite right Your Majesty. I could act as a gentle but firm guiding hand for those who have so clearly forgotten their manners. It will be clear that should they not listen to my advice, you may not be so forgiving." Some, like Davis, would have to learn the hard way. Spare the rod, spoil the childe.

    Rebecca's smile did not leave when she was confirmed Rack access. She was steadily making progress in their world. "Thank you for the honor Your Majesty," she said, bowing her head.

    Looking to Vivian she replied, "I see. It may be helpful for us to talk more some other time about those past events. I find the best way to learn how to curb bad behavior is to look at what has or has not worked in the past, especially if Mr. Davis is not the first to embarrass themselves in Court."

    Then Vivian brought up their prior conversation about meeting with Twist. She looked towards Ale. "Yes. Seneschal York had suggested the position of Au Pair when we last spoke and it made me realize that I may be interested in teaching those who need some refresher on customs or etiquette. Anything to help things run proper for the First Estate and Your Majesty's Domain."

    As Vivian shifted to the question of the official stance on the First Estate nature of the Domain Rebecca merely listened. It was, as Vivian put, Ale and not Rebecca's call to make. She had only just been made a member of the Court. She would not overstep now unless asked.

  4. #34
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    An eyebrow was raised as Vivian referred to Davis as a ‘Mr’ and not Alder. A small smirk then appears, this was great. She knew the implications of using that title for Davis, and it amused her to no end.

    “Do not expect there to be leniency for Mr Davis in the future. My patience has been tried and tested and I’m done.” New faces, she could work with.

    A look of surprise, “Well now, that is great news. We certainly need one, and I believe you would fit the role quite well.” She said to Rebecca with a smile.

    Ah yes, that question. One she had been avoiding as long as she could.

    “I’ve been asked this before. And while we, The Invictus, are certainly in charge, I don’t feel comfortable referring to this as an Invictus Domain. We are not the only Covenant here, and it devalues the others in my opinion. I will certainly stand by etiquette being up held in Court and around those in charge. But expecting and enforcing others to use our honorifics only serves to create contention towards us. As someone who spent a majority of her Danse Unaligned, I understand how frustrating and difficult it can be to force things onto others.” A shake of her head, “So no, we won’t refer to the Domain as an Invictus one. We are clearly in charge, there is no dispute there. But I want other Covenants to feel welcome here and like they can settle. Well, so long as they aren’t here to cause problems that is.” Cause you never know.

    Smiling to Rebecca, “That works.” She didn’t imagine anyone not paying their Boons, but, shit happens.

    “There is no maybe about it. My patience is gone, I will not stand for ill manners and insults in my Court anymore. It will be a rude wakeup for whoever choose to test that.” Her tone firm, a slight edge to it.

    “I believe that different things will work for different individuals. One takes into account what the offender holds dear or values, and takes it away. For some, that might be a simple banishment to the Barrens, while others it might be the loss of a hand that they need to defend themselves with. Like someone who shots guns, take away the hands, they have nothing. But it sends a powerful message that actions have consequences, some dire. Some Danse ending.” There was s shrug, it was clear she would be fine ending a Requiem in her Court if need be. “That aside, I’m curious as well.” There was always something to learn from the past.

    “Not that it’s needed, but you have my support in taking on the role. You’ve demonstrated an extensive knowledge of Invictus etiquette and rules."
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #35
    Vivian York

    With the knowledge sharing set in place, Vivian was glad the three women were like minded in these ideas.

    “Since I have a rapport with the Archon, I thought seeking her out and discussing the benefits of having an Au Pair, plus someone who is more than capable of this position,” She turned and smiled proudly at the Ventrue, “would finally get the ball rolling in the Domain. Although I cannot speak for the Judex, she seems the type that if there is a problem, or a need for something, to have at least one suggestion or solution before bringing her said problem is greatly appreciated.” Vivian also noted that Ale had Rebecca’s support on Au Pair which was something that Twist may also need to know.

    Nodding in understanding. “Thank you for clarifying that, Your Majesty. I know in the past there was some discrepancies that never had a direct answer. Respecting every day etiquette, yet not being strict about honorifics answers questions that will most definitely come up. Knowing that we have no pressure to change anyone to a main covenant will also take the pressures of many new Kindred that come to our Domain.” She nodded her head in thanks for the explanation.

    The idea of being gentle was a novel idea, and perhaps maybe the first couple of times… if they were all in kinder. She twisted up her face, but, that was for the Prince to decide. They were well beyond ‘adults’ in some respects, and the thought of treating them like grammar school children really was ridiculous. Then Ale had her final words on the matter. It was intolerable, that was that. The Daeva had a sigh of relief.

  6. #36
    Rebecca Simmons

    "So true Your Majesty. Patience does only extend so far," she said in response to the Prince. "I shall do my best to make it clear that, while we are not an Invictus domain, respect, etiquette, and decorum shall be upheld." Rebecca smiled just a little bit broader when Ale laid out ways in which she would punish people. While the most severe punishment was outside her authority, others were not. They truly did think quite similarly.

    Rebecca offered a respectful nod of her head when Ale agreed with the two of them in regards to Au Pair. Harpy, it seemed, was only the first step towards success for the good doctor. "I appreciate your support for the role. I hope the Archon agrees with both of your assessments." At this point all she could do was gain support and hope.

    I think the scene's winding down. I'm fine wrapping unless there are more things to discuss.

  7. #37
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding to Vivian, “I agree completely. An Au Pair can only serve to strengthen us all, and who knows? I might call you up and get a brush up myself.” A wink to Rebecca. There were still some things she a little iffy on, so it would only help her speak with an Au Pair. “It’s always appreciated when one comes with a solution to a problem. It shows great initiative and drive.” But then again, the Daeva always seemed like a go getter with things.

    Smiling, “Exactly. And while I would love to see our numbers grow, I know it’s not a decision that should be forced. Those that are meant for the Invictus always seem to a find a way to us.” She knew they weren’t for everyone, and respected that.

    A single nod to Rebecca, “Thank you, it sounds like you have a good handle on things. I look forward to seeing you take on the role.” Time would tell how the Lord would handle it.

    I'm good to wrap as well!
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #38
    Vivian York

    So many great things were happening. She was very glad Ale was Prince. Someone who was open to suggestions, and ready to make changes; yet discussing things with those that mattered.

    The Daeva was beyond pleased with the meeting this evening, more like thrilled. "I am so pleased at how things turned out. Now, I just hope I can stay in everyone's good graces and not let my mouth make a run at anything." She laughed, but it was bound to happen.

    "Now, I'll contact Archon Twist before I leave this evening. Hopefully the meeting will take place tomorrow, Madam Harpy Simmons. Ciao for now!" With that, the Daeva left the office with a proud stride in her step.

    I'm good too! *End Scene*

  9. #39
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    End Scene! Great scene everyone!
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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