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Priscus to Priscus

21 - 29
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  1. #21
    Vivian York

    Perhaps the Lord didn't need her to teach him Majesty because he'd already had that covered. It would seem so from what he said about knowing a few that could help him. "I understand." Which Vivian had a hint of curiosity in her tone, but didn't want to ask about his personal affairs.

    "When I have the discussion with the Prince, we will know much more of course." Which meant the entire conversation needed to be put on hold, at least for that aspect of it.

    Vivian thought long and hard for a moment. Then, it came to her. "Is there one thing that you have not done in your lifetime or your Requiem that you've always wanted to do? If so, what is it?" She was more than willing to counter the information from the question, but she didn't want to be too chatty.

    "Personally, I've wanted to own numerous vehicles, one in particular. Why I haven't bought it, I don't have the answer."

    The strange thing was, Vivian didn't normally care if someone found her boring or trite. It was odd that she felt the need to ask Aaron. Perhaps it was because it had been a very long time since having a conversation with a male Ventrue. The two didn't seem to have any common ground.

  2. #22
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron nods in understanding, so the timing was not right indeed. Though perhaps he expected Vivian to approach this differently. Maybe she is not so eager to learn Dominate. Or he is underestimating Alessandra and her hold over the Domain somehow.

    Whichever it is, it'll be a matter to carefully study.

    He responds neutrally, 'That seems fair. Of course, there is always an option to work this out with Boons.' But that would make it an even more business-like transaction.

    The Dragon Lord seems satisfied when the interesting suggestions becomes an interesting question. However, the answer to her seemingly big questions comes, sadly enough, immediately. 'I want to swim in the ocean. Either during the sunrise or the sunset.' Then he is silent again. The fact that he had never never done this during his mortal life either, makes him a bit emotional at times. To prevent himself from getting emotional now, he playfully adds, 'Possibly naked.'

    'Is it perhaps, if I may be blunt, a way to show yourself your strength of will? That you, as Priscus of your Clan, in fact do not have to surrender to your every desires?'
    Almost naturally, he attempts to analyse the situation. But then he realizes maybe Vivian is not seeking that at all. 'You've got me curious though, which car would you like to have most? Or,' a sincere grin appears as he realizes the exact wording she is using, 'is it "vehicles" in a broader sense? Of course I do not know the extent of your resources, however, I can think of numerous reasons for not buying, say for example, a military air vehicle.'

  3. #23
    Vivian York

    "We will see what happens at a later time." She smiled, putting the talk of Boons, exchanges and whatnot to rest for the time.

    "Oh, naked ocean swimming is quite enjoyable. I did it in the New York area, probably not the prettiest of places. The only concern with that is sometimes beaches are patrolled, so you either have to find a secluded beach area away from everything, or make sure you're aware of patrol patterns. It can be done either way. Sunrise though, I don't suggest..." She wondered if Aaron may want to put an end to things for some reason. Although, he didn't appear to be someone who would want to suddenly go up in smoke.

    Vivian slightly shrugged, she never considered that. "A strength of will, sure, perhaps that's why. I give in to many desires though, but not the lavish ones all the time. So maybe you are correct."

    "The car I want is a Plymouth Barracuda, purple. It's a very rare vehicle. Although, it goes zero to sixty in a gallon of petrol." She smirked. "There's a few others I've wanted, 1970 Plymouth Hemi Superbird and a DeLorean, just to name a few."

  4. #24
    Dark Passenger's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen
    Aaron van Valen

    Dragon Lord

    Ups, wrong account
    Not a native speaker - always aiming to improve

  5. #25
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron smiles sweetly, 'Not a good idea, I know. But that is why I want to do it. I need to find a way. It is a great motivation. To enter that big ocean. To see the sky so full of colors, a thing I know only from films.' The Lord definitely has no desire to end things. Rather, he has a desire to transcend.

    'Well, and why wouldn't you. As long as your situation allows it. I also give in to desires often. If we can make our Requiem bearable, or more fulfilling even.'
    Now it is his turn to shrug.

    'Ah, Plymouth, that's an old brand. I must admit, the Barracuda in particular does not bring an image to my mind. The longer you wait, the rarer it will be.' It could be worth the wait, if she didn't wait too long. ​'What are you driving now, if I may ask?'

  6. #26
    Vivian York

    She wanted to ask him why he was aware, yet still wanted to do it. For now, she'd let it be. "Of course, that is a great motivation. Perhaps we should take a trip to the Ocean soon. It's not far from here." Grinning devilishly. "Besides, I look fantastic in a bathing suit." Although she doubted that would entice the Lord, it would at least be something humorous instead of the Daystar.

    Maybe Aaron was right. Perhaps it was just her own personal test of will power to not give in. "I think with the charity work I do here and there, and what I donate may be why I don't buy myself supremely lavish things. I love to go binge shopping for necessities that the shelters need. It is hilarious to go to the Walmart, dressed up in a very fashionable business suit with three carts full of things and no coupons. Trust me, I have had women corner me telling me how much money I could save and how much more I could give if I started doing that. Which has worked well, asking for instruction in these matters over a drink..."

    "I currently drive a blue Chevy Nova. She is not silent by any means." Vivian chuckled with a huge grin on her face. "If you're into those types of cars, we could drive that to the beach sometime." The Daeva may as well have made it a two for one thing.

  7. #27
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    'No doubt you do. I wonder what style you'd go with. Perhaps we should do it, although preferably when the nights are a little longer. End of the summer?' That would make for a most interesting trip really.

    When Vivian speaks of her charity work, Aaron finds her all the more intriguing. Why on Earth would a vampire busy herself with that? To keep in touch with her human side? Could be valuable. 'May I ask, does it function as part of your herd? Or do you partake in these activities for sanity's sake?' There is only curiosity in his voice.

    'I'm really quite practical when it comes to cars. My Sire and I have had nice vehicles, but ever since I decided to move, I needed a more spacious car. Especially for the somewhat nomadic lifestyle I had, before deciding to stay here. But sure, I often find that subtlety is only for those who don't know how to deal with the attention they attract.' He grins as well, a Lord and a Succubus could handle any crowd. 'I would enjoy a... exuberant trip to the beach.'

    He checks his watch, while they're already planning their next night, this one is almost getting to an end. Then suddenly, he reminds himself of something. 'One more topic to discuss. Your cousin Lina Moretti and I are looking to set up a Haven somewhere - together. While I have Tenancy rights, I would like to extend those to her as well. Now I'm not entirely sure if I'm only allowed to give these to my Clanmates? In any case, you are the right person to talk to.' Also because the Prince requested to be informed of any such decisions.

  8. #28
    Vivian York

    "Yes!" Vivian said excitedly. "The end of summer would be much better. Then we wouldn't have such a time crunch." Vivian was pleased that not only would they go to the beach, but that Aaron agreed to a nice car ride there.

    "Surprisingly, none of them serve as my herd." She laughed a little. "More so for sanity's sake, I gather." She said it with a hint of question. "I do it because my late husband and I did a lot when he was alive. Of course now it's much easier to help people, or, we have more people who need help. A way to keep in touch with humans, and to really hear what goes on with 'life' per say. I've found that the poor or less fortunate and lower middle class seem to know what's going on in politics more than the rest of society." All of it was true, but it had never occurred to her until now that she could be feeding on them.

    She knew it was getting late even before the Ventrue checked his watch. His question was yet another than herself and Ale hadn't discussed. She wasn't the Herald, but she'd at least do one thing. "For now, we will grant Lina Tenancy as well. I have the longest list to go through with the Prince during our next meeting." She laughed loudly. "Typically, as I understand, the Priscus can grant Tenancy as long as you use it wisely and just make sure to let the Prince know. Personally, I use the rule of 'unless they ask, I don't delve it out', if that makes sense."

    If you respond and don't have any other questions, we should be good to close

  9. #29
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    'Then we have a deal.' Aaron says, almost business-like. However, there is excitement sparkling in his eyes. Maybe they could invite one or two other Kindred and make it a grand Kindred expedition. Very innocent in nature, yet probably very rare.

    He smiles with a small shrug, 'Of course, not all kine are for feeding. I think it is good to stay connected to the world we live in, not just our own night society. I would love to discuss the topic of politics another time.' Which seems almost inevitable with so many Invictus around. And Vivian made an interesting and debatable statement.

    'Perfect, then at least she doesn't have to be squatting under my roof,' he says jokingly, yet he is also clearly relieved. Then he rises from his seat to bow before the Seneschal. 'That seems a good positive note to end the evening with. Thank you taking the time to see me. Next time will be in a far less formal setting then, hopefully.'

    Yes, thanks!

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