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Autumnal Gathering

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  1. #11

    The excitement in her eyes was snuffed out by Wolfgang’s dodge. Her lips pursed and she straightened back up. “Fair enough.” She could wait for an autopsy just as well.

    She moved back to stand with distance from the lot of them. Her head tilted back in a motion of surprise at hearing Wolfgang’s exploits. For all his dislike of sharing, it was quite brazen to wave such information around. Ripping out the heart from a thing that shared your own face, Gentry tool as much as Changelings were, was no light act -- assuming that necklace was genuine and not just surf-shack trash. She was more than a little jealous that he’d gotten to go rooting around inside a Fetch though.

    Lucifer’s haunting laughter consumed her attention and, despite knowing full well these were the clear tools of a skilled manipulator, the words of flattery did still bring a pleased twitch to her own lips. Old habits do die hard. “Master is perhaps much, but yes – that is my specialty. I primarily practice on those who are too unsavory for more traditional care. They’re quite generous as a result, the sweet things.” She offered at least something extra for Rhodes' previous prodding. She had a few other tricks besides, but this vipers' nest didn’t need to know everything on the first date.

    She brought one of her strange fingers to her chin, tapping as she considered the proud woman’s words. “I have no love of politics and let’s not see wasps where there are merely mosquitos. Still, I came here because the shameful state of this court had made news abroad. I agree that it seems as if a reminder on the danger of what we all face, and why the Crowns exist at all, is due. Particularly if the accusation of loyalism is being so casually thrown around." She didn't know the particulars, but there was no greater insult.

    “The season is fast approaching.”
    The ghoulish glint had returned to her eyes and her own voice had the kindly flutter of a much sweeter woman than matched the words. “A Hunt might be in order.” Her eyes then sized up Lucifer, as if taking measurements, before doing the very same to Rhodes. “Tell me, you sharp, pretty things, how willing are you to debase yourselves to prove these points? Surly there are many nasty beasts that could be lured with such tantalizing bait. What better way to show commitment to Fear and what our potential King or Queen is willing to face? After all, Wolfgang, his fruits, and I’ll be there if things get out of hand.”

  2. #12
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.



    Rhodes sighs with the air of one having to explain simple facts patiently to a small child. "While controlled by the Gentry, as we all surely know, the Fetch assumes our mortal lives in our place. In common vernacular, it takes that life. Picking apart language to undermine a clear intent is the basest pedantry. And as for Nana's statement, I did indeed listen, and hear, but we are not one-dimensional beings. There is more to a person than a vocation, as much as that tells us. The thing I do hear, of course, is a distinct lack of anything forth coming from yourself as to talents or interests to offer to this Court."

    He turns to Nana, eyes calculating. "A Hunt? Hmmm. Interesting.... Enticing. Traditional. Let it never be said I am afraid to get my hands dirty. We should return to this, of course, but I think this issue is second to Lucifer's highly pressing concern."

    His tone turns steely. "My dear Morning Star. Of the two other Ashern Courtiers at the Summer coronation, you cared nothing for either of them, yet here you are, seeking a united front. You need allies and support. With no motley, you need a Courtly backing. It is you, who needs us. The accusations of Loyalism are bold, and foolish if baseless, which you announce they are. And yet. And Yet. Blindly supporting you in the face of such a claim is equally foolish on our part. We have met but once. I do not know you. We," he gestures between all the Courtiers present, "do not know each other, and you want us to trust you, without foundation. This is not to say I assume that Ingrid is truthful - more where the Gentry are concerned I would rather scrutinize the innocent and be wrong than risk overlooking the possibility of guilt. You claim to have a plan, and it is as one Autumn to another, I will hear you out." He takes a glass, pours the wine calmly into it, returns the bottle to the table, savors the bouquet, and takes a sip. "How will you demonstrate to us, as the gathered Ashen Court, your sincerity the accusations are false? What is your plan to counteract these accusations? And what is your plan for having us work together?"

    And if you cannot answer the questions to my satisfaction, I also have made a plan.

    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

  3. #13

    Wolfgang snorts. "I think you're under a misapprehension here Rhodes. I'm not your whore, and you definitely ain't my pimp. The last thing that I let consider me a fucking resource was my Keeper. So, because of that, while you are super eager to point out just how little support Lucifer has, I'm going to point out that, within this Court? As long as you oppose her, she'll have me on her side." Wolfgang smiles.






    "As to the Spring Monarch's accusations. I think they're full of shit, mostly because she tossed them out when she was loosing and then she slinked off in a huff. The fact that no one supported the accusation, or ever seemed to give a fuck, seems to suggest that no one is phased when she does something like that. But if you want to try and force her to defend against that kind of slander, I'm going to have to insist that you defend yourself as well. Again, because I don't trust you. I trust you less than her, or Nana, who I've only just met and asks invasive questions about my Durance, because you talk like you think you're better than me. And trust me, I've dealt with people like you more than enough times to recognize the signs."

    And suddenly Wolfgang claps his hands, and continues in a much more jovial manner. "The sad truth is that there isn't any trust between any of us. We've only just met and someone has, undeniably, precipitated a split within our Court. To begin to rectify this, I propose that we, one and all, make a Pledge of Closed Ranks. We close ranks, for a season. We focus inward, to better understand each other. And we reject any attempt for those outside our Court to influence us in Court-related matters. We swear on the Court, with Edna's as our courtly emblem, so that if any of us break this pledge, we all know it and the very season rejects the oath-breaker for valuing the voice of outsiders over our own."

    Corporal Pledge: Courtly Emblem (Autumn Mantle)
    Task: Medial Forbiddance -2
    Boon: Adroitness x2 (+1 Empathy and Socialize) +2
    Sanction: Poisoning of Boon x2 -2
    Duration: Season +2

  4. #14
    Lucifer's Avatar

    Distinctive Voice
    Striking Looks

    Lucifer's alien beauty is almost cruel, the eye moving uncomfortably from one monstrously perfect feature to the next.

    Lurking beneath the alien beauty of the mask is the echo of the grotesque. Cruel teeth hide behind plush lips, goat eyes glitter beneath long lashes, ears are twisted into points, with skin the color of curdled milk.

    (Pledge)Willpower 1 Spent

    Lucifer sat, stunned. None of her expectations were even remotely capable of encapsulating such a devastating response from the man she'd made publicly fart less than a week ago. And, yet, in that moment, she still didn't feel any pity for what she'd done. It was knowing that, at one time, she'd caused such a visceral reaction helped her overcome the paranoia that such a clever and powerful social coup would have inspired.

    "Yes," Lucifer said simply, bowing her head respectfully to Wolfgang, a mild look of shock still evident upon her face. "I will gladly accept such a pledge. I swear, upon this home of horror, Edna's as our emblem, that I will reject any outside influence, and in doing so gain a better understanding, lest I be proved traitor to this court."

    So saying, Lucifer simply turned her gaze upon Rhodes, and then Nana. They would have to pledge, and in doing so, the fear of outside influence would be removed, and perhaps, the best Ruler amongst them would be able to step forward...

    Benji! Once everyone agrees (who will agree), will you quote the original oath, and add our names, and put it in the Pledge thread?
    Lucifer. Fairest: Shadowsoul/Illes, Pres 4 (Smoldering), SL 4 (Nonpareil), Distinctive Voice 2 (Disquieting). Autumn Mantle 1 (Candlelight reflecting in her eyes).
    Pledges: Dignitaries Vow

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  6. #15

    As pleased as Lucifer might have been, Nana wanted to roll her eyes so hard that today would turn into yesterday and she could beg Winter to give her sanctuary. The amount of outburst per minute of this group was wearing thin. When the warmest introduction so far had come from the coldest court, she wondered if this Freehold hadn’t taken the funhouse idea a step too far. Either way she’d lost patience with those her own reputation would now be staked upon.

    “Whom.” She said with the stare of a schoolmarm boring down on the lowest mantle of them now pecking out a pledge. If Rhodes had thought Lucifer’s barbs were pedantic, he’d need to buckle in. “Nana, whom you have just met and to whom you are also newly acquainted. Though yes, I am the one who foolishly asks such terribly invasive questions about your Durance and, from now on, your ability to properly word a contract.” She said with a look that wasn’t so much angry as – disappointed. “Luckily, while I have many fears, being duped by any of you isn’t one of them.” She didn’t necessarily mean that as anything kind.

    She smacked her right hand flat upon the table. “If this means we can all move past these unfathomably petty squabbles and go five minutes without someone shitting the bed about fuck all before I can finally leave this clown-hole fever dream and try to get something productive done before the sun comes up --” she took a deep breath. “Then I, Nana, hereby pledge, upon this symbol of Victoriana kitsch to Close Ranks with my Court most snide for the length of our hallowed season lest I be known a traitor and the oath's blessings be soured like so much spilt milk.”

    Once she felt the binding of the Wyrd hook to her words she pulled herself up and brushed fingers back from temple to hairline. As much to soothe as to right any stray hair. She then did genuinely smile, as grotesque as such a thing may be. “Oh, well, you know I do feel much better after all that. How nice, spending this time together like a real family.”
    Last edited by Nana; Aug 2nd, 2018 at 07:34 PM.  Reason for Edit: add that pledge

  7. #16
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.

    (Pledging!)Willpower 1 Spent


    Insolent wretch! BUMBLING IMBECILE! Must I teach you even the basic grasp of the English language?! Why you.....

    Rhodes sips his wine and raises an eyebrow at Wolfgang. "Wizened in nature, but not in mind. I claimed no ownership over you, nor made any demands of Lucifer. I simply requested to hear the thing she has already claimed to have - a Plan. But you already twist my words, assuming the worst of me. You think I talk down to you. My speech, my diction, it is what my Keeper made it, as much as my flowers, or your talons. You already see and hear in me what you wish, and no more. Hardly a basis of Courtly cooperation. Open your mind."

    The Fairest scowls. "I questioned Lucifer because I did not think someone would be so foolish as accuse those sympathies without proof. There is no greater fear than our former captors. Better to know and remove all doubt than assume and be lynched as we sleep. And if proved baseless, then of course the Spring Queen will reap what she has sown." He sets three glasses in front of himself as he speaks, pouring a measure of wine in each.

    "That being said, I gladly will take this opportunity to start afresh. Wolfgang, you don't trust me, because you think you know me. We are the Court that seeks knowledge, not assumptions. Let go of your misgivings and you may see I am not the devil you believe. In return I shall try and speak... plainly." Rhodes grimaces at the word. Words of 2 syllables or less and hopefully you will keep up.... "I only have the Ashern Court's needs foremost in my mind." The Fairest sets a glass across the table towards Wolfgang, one towards Nana, and one towards Lucifer - but one she will clearly have to lean to reach. As the other Fairest completes her pledge, he meets her eyes unflinching with a smirk returning to his lips. Nana picking apart the grammar of the pledge only reassures him that the battle is far from over.

    He raises his glass. "I swear upon our Court of Autumn, symbolised here by Edna's," he gestures around him, "the holding of our Court within the Freehold of Sacramento, to join this closing of the ranks of the Leaden Mirror to promote our understanding and civility. I reject the views of those not of this Court into our affairs, for one turn of the season. Should I break this vow, may all who swear know of my betrayal, and the insight it provides turn to the ash of ignorance." The Fairest drinks.

    "Quite." The charming smile has returned, as he inclines his head to Nana. "Just like a family."

    Trust at pledge-point is no trust at all. Three months to the day I see this erupting once again.
    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

  8. #17

    Rawr! Grammar! Hiss! It's almost enough to make Wolfgang cry, if he gave a shit about what Rhodes or Nana's opinion of him was.

    "And thus is our dark compact bound." Wolfgang smirks, and holds up a finger for silence as both the Wyrd and Autumn itself seal the pact between the four of them. He looks around for a moment, as if he is waiting for something to happen. He puts up one hand in a comically flamboyant gesture as if to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun, and then he does the same for one of his ears, as if he had been listening for a far off sound. "Hark, doth mine eyes and ears deceive me? There is no thunder! The earth does not cry out at our perfidy. The shade of Clay Ariel does not appear to strike any of us down for betraying the Ashen Court. Why," he taps his chin with one talon in a measured beat, "It's almost as if not one of us has allied ourselves with one of the Gentry."

    Wolfgang's affects a mockingly surprised visage, his eyes wide and his mouth formed into a tiny o, one taloned hand held up as if to conceal it.

    "I mean, unless you want to argue that the gentry would send in one of their pets to pose as one of the Ashen Court to a freehold where it has no representation and then neglect to have them work to subvert it to their will somehow?" He holds up one of his hands to stage a mock whisper. "You don't want to argue that Rhodes, because it will make you look really really stupid." Wolfgang winks at him.

    Wolfgang wasn't being completely honest with Rhodes though.

    It would make him look stupider.

    Wolfgang makes an airy gesture, signalling that he was done talking about this particular topic. There was no point in covering a problem that had already been solved, especially when he had accomplished the goal he had come to this meeting to accomplish. The spring queen had no evidence, because there was none. It had been a wild attempt to slander someone she disliked for some reason, and the fact that Rhodes continued to fixate on it was a sign of an untidy mind, just as some people's fixation on grammar was. Wolfgang would waste no more breath on the topic.

    Perhaps they could move on to something germane, instead of obsessing over the freehold's opinion of them?

    If people wanted to worry about how the other Courts saw them, then maybe they were in the wrong Court.

  9. #18
    Lucifer's Avatar

    Distinctive Voice
    Striking Looks

    Lucifer's alien beauty is almost cruel, the eye moving uncomfortably from one monstrously perfect feature to the next.

    Lurking beneath the alien beauty of the mask is the echo of the grotesque. Cruel teeth hide behind plush lips, goat eyes glitter beneath long lashes, ears are twisted into points, with skin the color of curdled milk.


    While Lucifer perfectly understood the motivations that drove Rhodes' arguments, she was utterly baffled by Nana's sudden outburts. What possible reason could she have to suddenly attempt to crucify Wolfgang? Unless...unless she had been flirting with him earlier. Yes. That must be it. She's feeling rejected, when all she wanted was someone to fuck.

    Unable to suppress her grin, Lucifer stood upright and strode away from her throne seat, walking over to an ancient hutch, the old walnut stained with remnants of blood from Betony Rue's used tools, and opened a drawer. A stack of pamphlets was brought out, held casually within her manicured hands before she let them spill out onto the table.

    In a bold, edgy graphic across all the pamphlets were two words:

    The Dark

    "As I mentioned," Lucifer explained, stalking back over to her seat, "this city has forgotten the taste of Fear. And, now that we have agreed to this truce, which most conveniently lays any doubt of Them aside," the Shadowed Beauty continued, smiling gratefully to Wolfgang, "we can remind them of it. I suggest that we do this through the production of an interactive play. A dramatic experience that will tempt the adventurous to us and allow us to terrify and frighten them, and remind them of all that goes bump in the night, and to have them thank us for it. To spread word of it, to dream of it when they sit in their pleasant homes, and shiver."

    She lapsed into silence, allowing them a moment to peruse the brochures. It seemed that The Dark was a tale about an abandoned amusement park on the edge of town, and yet mysterious invitations had begun to circulate for a very special show once the sun had set...it was a tale of mystery and terror, at once haunted house and immersive storytelling, with tickets priced at 125 dollars a head...

    OOC Inspiration
    Lucifer. Fairest: Shadowsoul/Illes, Pres 4 (Smoldering), SL 4 (Nonpareil), Distinctive Voice 2 (Disquieting). Autumn Mantle 1 (Candlelight reflecting in her eyes).
    Pledges: Dignitaries Vow

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  11. #19

    As Wolfgang finishes his excessive needling she looks to the glass of wine that Rhodes had attempted to share and gave him a light smile. “Thank you, but I don’t drink.”

    Her attention was then drawn to Lucifer’s elegant movements that brought over the pamphlet. She picked one up and scanned it over. Her eyebrows twitched up with intrigued consideration – then shot up at seeing the proposed price. She folded the brochure slowly while she considered what to say to avoid the ire of the Fairest and her flying monkey.

    “I won’t deny that it’s an intriguing consideration. However, these are Broadway prices. Unless meant to give only the absurdly wealthy a fright, it’ll be a glass menagerie that just strengthens wrath or sorrow for everyone else.” She dropped the pamphlet back to the table. “Besides, unless there is a clutch of diamonds hidden in this house’s floorboards, funding something like this to a quality level that legitimizes it will be a challenge at any price point. I don’t like to ruin a dream.” That wasn’t true. “I would just hate to see the city attend only to laugh at ghosts rattling paper chains.”

    “It also does nothing to inspire fear in our sort.” She’d already made her suggestion on that front that had been swept away by all but Rhodes. “Whom I’ve little doubt will be unlikely to show support when, and this is only speculation, they don’t so much fear you, dear, as they dislike you – however petty that most certainly is. While our pact reassures our fears, it will take away that same important fear from the rest.” Her head tilted as she considered Lucifer and her obvious pride. “Unless you’d be willing to carry on a second shadow play for a little while, at the cost of your reputation that is.”

    Having aired her concerns she spread her hands out in a kind of shrug before clasping them back together. “Still, I think you should follow your heart and see what you can make of it. I’m willing to donate what I can in cash – not time.” She made sure to clarify. “But in exchange for that patronage I would like to see it made more accessible. It would be better to have the common citizen spread word across the city about the haunting tale than to get a glowing review in bourgeoisie gossip. It may even be better to simply stage this as a dream and wrap it up in ‘sleeping aids’ that are more appropriately priced while running a lesser spectacle through the daily Haunted House’s operations as a shared theme.” She at least offered amid her criticisms.

  12. #20
    Rhodes's Avatar
    Distinctive Voice
    Rigid Mask
    Mantle - Chilling breeze, summoning tiny leaves

    Mein: Rhodes has pale whitish skin, elfin ears and deep, overly large emerald eyes. Thin black veins broach the surface of his skin like the roots of a tree emerging from the ground. Dark, broad leaves sprout from his wrists, ankles and temples, spreading around the back of his head. Deep red flowers bloom at the temples and wrists.

    Mantle: A breath of icy wind, the kind that penetrates and sends a chill down the spine. Ash leaves in red, yellow and gold spin into existance around him, caught on the breeze. As the wind blows, unnerving whispers can be heard, always coming from a direction just out of one's field of vision.



    Rhodes remains unaffected by Wolfgang's mocking, returning only a smirk. "Through the Pledge, I am satisfied. We now know for certain. Similarly, the veritable absence of fanfare shows your concern about one of us being in league with other courts to pervert our affairs should be similarly laid to rest. We can move on."

    For someone so concerned about being treated as a less intelligent that others, Wolfgang was perfectly happy to roll over and dismiss the possibility of a Loyalist. Pledges were built on grammar. To be so dismissive of either... Wolfgang was either an idiot or just blatantly didn't care. One could be used, the other... was terrifying.

    Still. It was true that the pledge meant these things were resolved. Time to move on.

    Rhodes inclines his head to Nana as she refuses the wine. "I will keep that in mind for next time."

    He takes one of the brochures and scans the details, letting ideas ruminate. Performance Art? Well, of course it involves luring people to stare at her. Interesting though, as a new medium to generate fear... $125?? seems high. If she wants to remind the city... this is severely limiting the audience. Fortunately, Nana voices his primary concerns about the work.

    "Hmmm." Rhodes sips again at his wine. "Nana. An interesting idea to promote Courtly Fear. No-one outside of our Court need know of our Pledge. Let the other courts figure out the truth in their own ways. When the answers emerge, they can either... condemn Lucifer for not being a Loyalist? Condemn our Court for reminding them of Fear in such a dramatic fashion to show the return of Autumn to the city?" Another drink. "We care not for their views. We know where we stand."

    He pauses, turning towards Lucifer. "As for the performance.... I share Nana's concerns about the venture. Expense. Narrow audience. And yet... I think the idea itself has promise as a method of harvest," Rhodes nods thoughtfully, and gestures towards the other Fairest with the brochure. "I would like to know more, Lucifer. Funding. Crewing. Some more detail of the performance. Please, go on."
    Flowering Fairest, Mantle: An ever-changing, spine-chilling icy wind, creating spinning autumn leaves and haunting whispers.

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