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(1807) The Prince and the Dragon

21 - 24
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  1. #21
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    Aaron just smiles. Was she awkward? Perhaps that is what made her so approachable as Prince. But he is really not going to compliment her and say she's doing fine. That would probably come out as demeaning.

    'Well,' he begins, realizing he got himself talking about himself more than intended, 'he did not really encourage me necessarily. But it was definitely a way to become closer. As we progressed through the last decades - it became easier to reveal that we were quite close. This was part of that process.' Knowing that he's not talking to a Church-affiliated Prince makes it a lot easier to talk. 'I wanted his name as a part of our bond, and to continue his lineage.'

    Damn. A chord of sadness strikes in his mind, for just a second. So he gladly moves on to the topic of games. Aaron realizes he should not be too Invictus about this. Actual games means that a lot of different games can be played on many levels. This would only increase the Invictus presence in this Domain - but it could turn out beneficial for the Dragons if they played them well.

    'Definitely. All of them,' he admits with a wide grin, clearly quite knowledgeable about the First Estate, 'although they were usually organized solely for the Invictus courtiers in Chicago - and there are plenty - sometimes my Sire and I managed to get a ticket to participate, so to speak. We challenged them by explaining how Hoaxing and Puppet games are scarily similar to some Ordo study practices. Personally though, a contest of Venery or a good blood tasting session hold my preference. Of course, one is easier to set-up and monitor than the other.'

  2. #22
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A nod of understanding. “With the dangers we face nightly, having that closeness must have been welcoming.” Calming in a way. “I personally think it’s great. With how fondly you speak of him, it tells me you have many wonderful memories.” Was she a little jealous? Maybe a little. Not that her Sire was cruel, but he wasn’t exactly caring either. Emotions were never acceptable. “As lineage is history, it’s important to keep alive.” They learned from history, it helped shape the world.

    There was a pleasant look of surprise as he mentioned all of them. “Well then, I’ll have to keep that in mind should games ever come up. I’m not sure how they are done here, that isn’t my call to make,” ok, she probably could make a call on it, but she wouldn’t. She respected Twist too much to overstep her. “but it’s nice to know there could be outside players.” Could was the key term there.

    “I could see myself enjoying a good Venery. The art of the hunt is often lost over the years, and the chance to flex those muscles would be welcome.” It should be no surprise that the Savage would enjoy a hunt. It was in her blood. “But I agree. Each game presents it’s own problems that need to be careful worked out well in advance. After all, games are only fun with carefully laid out rules.” After all, you needed to know what was allowed and what wasn’t.

    “Though you have caught my attention with how Invictus games are similar to Ordo study practices.”
    Was that something done on purpose? Or had one heard of the games or studies and adopted them?

    She then laughs, "Look at me monopolizing your evening. If you have more pressing matters, we can continue our conversation at a later date."
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #23
    Aaron van Valen's Avatar

    Aaron van Valen

    Aaron's voice is usually quite flat and emotionless, almost rusty, but he tries to make up for this with his facial expressions.


    'Thank you,' Aaron says with a nod and a content smile, feeling just a bit more accepted, and perhaps now truly acknowledged.

    He understands that she has to keep in mind the wishes of the Judex, but Aaron also sees how both ladies seem quite friendly. They could work something out, if they wanted to.

    'Good to know, Prince Antinori.' He's not even sure why he is proposing all these events. First the Halloween event - more as joke, but still. Now all these games. Probably out of a longing to hang out with Kindred on a different level. 'It might just bring Kindred closer together, a healthy competition. Besides, creating the rules might be a fun sport in itself. With a Venery, it requires us to think of what exactly is the art of hunting, and how we want to praise it.'

    'Interesting right. Though in this case it is the intentions of the Kindred that matter. But I don't see why I could study and enjoygood game at the same time.' He shrugs, comparing practices might be a fun topic for another time.

    'I think if anyone, you would have the right to do so, Your Majesty,'
    he states with a short laugh, 'but perhaps it is a good idea to mingle a little with the others present tonight. There are still some unfamiliar faces I should meet. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer some of my questions.' Aaron makes a respectful bow, as it seems their conversation has come to an end.

  4. #24
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her mouth curved into a smile, “You know, I never really thought of the games as bringing Kindred closer together. Especially since there is some level of competition among us every night. But to have a game where the consequences are less, uh, severe, might be a healthy change. Certainly, one looking into.” Might be fun, if Twist agreed to it. “Ah yes, the art of hunting. There are many different views on what constitutes a hunt.” Just like every Kindred had a different way of seeking their blood nightly, how would that translate into a game?

    Wasn’t that what the Ordo did, study? Was she being studied?

    She laughs as well, “That may be the case, but it’s not something I want to do.” She knew talking to as many faces was important to establishing yourself. One needed allies if they were to survive the Danse. A nod then, “It was quite the enjoyable talk, I look forward to speaking with you again sometime.” And she meant it, the Domain had gotten an influx of interesting Kindred lately. “Please enjoy the rest of your night.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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