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Looking for the Rev'rend

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  1. #41
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

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    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Fran shakes her head. "I don't know. It is possible. The minions of Satan have great power in our world because of how sinful man has become. How long ago were you attacked?"

    Meanwhile, Dirge notices Jimbo talking to some of the homeless he was preaching to a few minutes earlier. As she approaches, Jimbo notices her. Her blindness doesn't prevent her from knowing Jimbo is unhappy with her... his voice tells her that as plainly as his face would have.

    "You weren' nice there," Jimbo says. "Miss Fran is a real good person. You shouldn' make fun of her, an' it's like you was calling her and me liars."
    Dirge gave Jimbo a remorsefull look, "I'm real sorry Jimbo. I didn't mean to imply you guys were liars, but it is just so hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea of mosters. It doesn't fit into my idea of the way the world works. I know there are some bad people out there and I hear urban legends of back alley doctors harvesting blood and organs for the mob, but monsters?" She trailed off pausing for a bit before continuing, "Like I said I'm really sorry Jimbo, I'm just trying to come to terms with it and find a logical explaination for all this cause there has to be. I hope you can understand and accept my apology."

  2. #42
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Fran gets out of the car. "Lady, I didn't say I didn't believe you. What you describe is what others have experienced."


    "I s'pose you weren' tryin' to be mean or nothin,'" Jimbo says. "But all this worry 'bout logic an' 'splainin' things, that don' give real answers. That's what faith is about."

  3. #43
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    "You didn't have to say it. I have seen that look in your eyes reflected in a thousand others. It matters not. If I can meet with the reverand I want to. If I cannot, then I will leave, and trouble you no more." Sadness, sorrow, all conspire in her words.

  4. #44
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    "I can't speak for the Rev'rend," Fran says. "But if you give me a number to contact you, I can pass it along to him when next I see him. I'm certain he'd want to speak with you."

  5. #45
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    Regina hesitates. "Very well." She gives the woman the dhaka's phone number. "i'm staying in room 302. I won't be there for long though." With that, Regina leaves. She flashes Nami the "follow later" signs, and then heads back to the dhaka.

  6. #46
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    "Exacly Jimbo, faith. I want to find something to believe in, I've heard things but it is hard to believe. Maybe if I spoke with the Rev'rend myself he could convince me of what you all have seen and shed light on things for me. Hear it strait from the source if you will. Do you think he would meet with someone like me? If it is all true then it really would be a worthy cause to help him."

  7. #47
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    "Maybe," he says, looking a bit cautious. "I'd haveta ask 'im. You got a way to be got hold of?"

  8. #48
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    "Sure, I've got a phone number that I can be reached at," Dirge provides Jimbo the number for her prepaid phone. "I'd really appreciate it Jimbo I bet that the Rev'rend would be able to make sense of things for me and I even promise to be respectful."

  9. #49
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Dirge asks around for something to write on and something to write with, obtaining both with a bit of effort. He writes down Dirge's phone number, asking her to repeat it a couple times to make sure he has it right. "Okay, I'll mention it to the Rev'rend."

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