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(1806) Twist's Orbit

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  1. #1
    Rebecca Simmons

    Shifting a few steps over she continued. "My sire had told me once, before his final death, that Sacramento would be a good place to settle down. I'm a pharmaceutical manufacturer by trade and was hoping I might continue that here, though I certainly hope to find pleasure as well," she said with a pleasant smile.

    "Of course before all that I must seek Acknowledgement. I'm of Clan Ventrue and unfortunately I had been unable to learn who the current Priscus is before arriving. If I may burden you with a question Duchess Twist, who might that be?" she asked politely.

  2. #2
    John Davis

    Colonel Davis watched as quickly as she had introduced herself as Lina Moretti , she was gone. Impulsively to the Prince. She is either blessed with testicular fortitude or the foolheartedness of a jackass playing peek-a-boo with a rattlesnake. He thought.

    "Indeed, Miss, perhaps another time..." he spoke as she stepped away. Davis attempted to observe the Prince's reaction to the girl when he was snapped from his reverie by the words of the Duchess.

    Stumbling to attention, "Ah yes. Twas a shame our paths did not cross at the last gathering. Most assuredly so, I rightly protest. Yet, such is the comings and goings of our kind. Haha." He finished with a jovial chuckle.

    From the corner of his eye, he spots another approach the Prince. He barely perceives the exchange of paper. A letter! Damn! Was I too distracted securing my haven? Did I forget the Prince's gift? he thought. Moving in a fluid motion, Davis placed his hand over his vest pocket in order to check if he had remembered to bring it. It was there. He continued the motion into that of a bow to better mask his search, "It is a grand honor to finally meet you, Your Grace, Alder Twist ."

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
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    Kindred moved and shifted, seeking out smaller groups or corners, but with the Prince's arrival, there were few others who would cause Twist to pull her attention fully from the conversations at hand.

    "Well, there is something to be said for mixing business with pleasure," Twist replied to Rebecca Simmons with a grin.

    Ventrue. A strangely absent clan from the Domain given the length of time Asa had spent as Prince.

    She shook her head, a touch of regret in her voice. "The difficulty has likely been due to a lack of one. A lack of any Ventrue save yourself actually for the past number of months. I am afraid that you will have to seek acknowledgment elsewhere."

    Twist accepts the greeting from John Davis with a small nod. "Am I right to assume that you too are looking for a more long term place to stay as well? Or is this merely an extended business trip?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  4. #4
    Rebecca Simmons

    The Southernesque figure who had attempted to command the attention of the room followed Rebecca's lead as she shifted the conversation away, though he remained focused on the Duchess. His beast caused a feeling a suffocation that made her want to flee his presence, but she remained. Of course none of that helped when she heard the shocking news. No Ventrue? At all? Had Rebecca's mask not been firmly in place, her surprise would have overtaken her.

    Instead she calmly and politely responded. "That is quite interesting." Now she needed to isolate who that someone would be. She had heard rumors that a new Seneschal had been appointed, but the name hadn't come along with it. "I imagine the Seneschal would be able to assist me with that. Who might that be Your Grace?"

    Of course with her question asked she could add an introduction to Davis while she waited. "With all the passing greetings we didn't get to exchange any ourselves. A pleasure to meet you Alder John Davis, or do you prefer Colonel Davis, even with those among the First Estate?"

  5. #5
    John Davis

    Turning to face Duchess Twist , Colonel Davis responded to her question, "Your primary query would be most astute and accurate. I am indeed looking for a new domain to call home and where there are Kindred of Quality to offer my services to. My arrival in Sacramento initially is to present a gift from the Right Honorable Southern Lords to her majesty Prince Alessandra. But after much contemplation and reminiscing, I do believe that it would not be unpleasing to once again call it home." Making large gestures indicating the city above. "You see this is not my first sojourn into the Great Domain of Sacramento."

    Turning to respond to Rebecca Simmons , "To answer your question Madame. If this was a formal gathering of the First Estate, the proper nomenclature for my person would be the Alder John Jefferson Davis, Esquire;" pause "Vauntcourier, Pursciuvant, and Amicus Curiae for the Right Honorable Southern Lords;" pause "Eldest Child of Sir Jean-Christophe Trudeau," pause "Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Thorned Wreath. Seeing as this is not a formal Estate gathering and we are all friends here, for sure, you may simply call me Colonel Davis. Far much easier on the auditory nerves and requires far less flapping of the jaw."

  6. #6
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    "Pardon me."

    The Reeve had been silent up to this point, content to simply listen and observe, the death glare incessant as it moved from Fujia Simmons to Davis, and then back again. Now, however, the Reeve's eyes were fixed firmly upon the rakish gentleman.

    "I was not aware that Colonel was a title conferred among the Knightly Orders. I, of course, would not ask you to betray any secrets of your most ancient order, but I am curious if you would be able to explain the significance of this title to me."

    It was difficult not to smile. This peacock might like to strut and play toy soldier, but he would not have even noticed that he had been cut down before his jaw stopped moving. Of course, even her own skill with a blade aside, they were currently speaking with Sacramento's own Angel of Death. Twist could have likely turned them both to Ash before they had could even say the words "first blood".

    As for Fujita, she was interesting. Her test would be yet to come.
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

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  8. #7
    John Davis

    "Purely honorific Miss Reeve Katsumi, I assure you. A token of gratitude bestowed upon me by the Inner Circles of the Southern Lords, for services rendered." Colonel Davis was uncertain if the fame or infamy of the Southern Lords, an alliance of Invictus Princes of the southern U.S. had made it this far over the Rockies. It was with their leave that he was allowed to come to Sacramento. Word of the Sacramento Invictus affairs had trickled through various means from Domain to Domain. It was the Prince of Baton Rouge who had presented Davis with a gift to deliver to the new Invictus Praxis holder of Sacramento. A gift he had yet to deliver.

    Looking at the others orbiting the Archon, he continued to answer the Reeve's question, "And if I am not mistaken it also serves as an equivalent rank to a naval captain and as I am just such a nautical savant, the title is most appropriate. Perhaps I can entertain yall fine ladies onboard my newest vessel once she is ready to launch."

    Looking back at the Reeve, Davis felt that a chill would have run up his spine if he was alive to feel such things. He had sat across many a stone cold poker faces, stared down some of the most ruthless gunslingers to ever hold a revolver. He could stare her down but what purpose would it serve, what message would it convey? It would be rude to take the challenge beyond a momentary second. And Davis was many things, rude was not one of them.

    Davis chose to call, taking only a second to return the cold look, then fold, presenting a smile and jovial demeanor. "In regards to the Order, Miss Katsumi. That is a topic best reserved for a more intimate venue. Perhaps, in the presence of the local martial meister."

  9. #8
    Takeda Katsumi's Avatar

    Takeda Katsumi

    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)


    Takeda had been looking for a weakness to sink her fangs into, and had pondered for a moment, using his oh so vaunted connection to the "Southern Lords", Kindred who were conspicuously absent from Sacramento, though, thankfully, another opportunity presented itself. With his attempt to appear familiar, thereby displaying his power through his blase air, he had overreached, and just as if he'd been wielding a blade, Takeda would turn that against him.

    How charming this gentleman was, to present such an easy opportunity. Though, in truth, Takeda would have to thank the Duchess, as well. She had prompted Davis' mistake.

    "Her Grace, the Duchess, has leave to call me whatever she should wish. You, Colonel Davis, have not earned that right, no matter your desire for an intimate relationship. My name is Takeda Katsumi. My clan was Takeda, and thus it is Miss Reeve Takeda to you. I am sure you did not intend to cause offense, though I wonder what you will offer to assure me of this.
    Takeda Katsumi. Given Name: Katsumi. Nosferatu, Invictus.
    Curse: Sakki (The projected Intent to Kill)

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  11. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    A nod of confirmation to Rebecca's statement. Lifting a hand she motioned to where Vivian held her own soiree, [color="#663366"]"Lady Vivian York is Sacramento's Seneschal."

    As Rebecca as well turned to John Davis, Twist followed, a small "Ah," at his revelation that he had been in the city before. Which potentially explained his Alder title. As well as his words.

    Words. Titles. Twist kept her grimace at the recitation internal. A small frown though as none of the titles or names listed included "Colonel", but it seemed that Takeda already was questioning the matter. Though his answer did little to clarify. Inner Circle of the Southern Lords? Honorific only? What was the point then?

    A smile, "That sounds like a fine reason to host a party and I am far from one to deny an evening of celebration."

    Glancing to Takeda, she let the Reeve handle the topic of Orders, not wishing to make a fool of herself. She had some knowledge of the Orders, but still, better safe than sorry this evening.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  12. #10
    John Davis

    "Miss Reeve Takeda, please do accept my deepest and sincerest apologies. I promise you, offending you is the last thing I would ever wish to do, cross my undead heart," Colonel Davis makes the motion of crossing his heart. "I tell you what, let me offer you a trivial boon in exchange for your forgiveness, seeing how this was a trivial mistake on my part."

    He waited for a response but all he got back was the same ice-cold resting murder face. In fact, it reminded him of the same face Madame Ah Toy made whenever she caught him soliciting her girls and that is when the ah-ha moment occurred. The Chinese reverse their names. Madame Ah always got upset when he referred to her as Madame Toy. Davis had to fight back a guffaw at the thought of Madame Toy.

    "Seeing as we do not have a Harpy to record the transaction, I do hope you will take my word as a true gentleman that I will honor said boon." No response. Davis couldn't read her. Would she accept his boon as an apology or would she leap at him and disembowel him in front of the assembled Kindred. Damn, she is good. I must take her with me to my next game at the Capital Casino. Even as Reeve, he doubted she would break Elysium but it was then that Davis made a sudden realization. If the city lacked a Harpy, what if it lacked a Master of Elysium?

    Turning to Duchess Twist to respond to her statement. "Then it is settled, we shall have a grand celebration aboard the Spirit of Sacramento when she is ready to once more paddle up and down the river." Turning back to Takeda, "I may even let you steer." Still no response. She is very good. Returning to Twist, "I should make arrangments with our Master of Elysium. I don't believe I have had the honored chance to meet them yet."

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