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(1712) An Empty Court

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  1. #21
    Cynthia Weiss's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Hot Goth)
    (Mask of Tranquillity)
    New Identity
    (Elise White)
    Cynthia Weiss

    Nosferatu Curse:
    The fowl scent of toxic chemicals follow Cynthia wherever she goes. Everything from Ammonia to Sulphur seems to cling to her.


    "Good. Nothing to complain about so far." Cynthia said to Alice as she started to circle the chair, looking like she was trying to casually find some sort of secret from the dark wood furniture. She seemed to eventually give up and stop just off to the side of it. She would have continued speaking but the blind doll suddenly found that she had business elsewhere.

    "You really do make it work." The haunt said with a nod. She did at sympathise with the Reeve it came to colour. Large quantities of bright colours never seemed work with whatever she wore. "Same as its been over the past few weeks. Nothing for me to worry about at any rate." Cynthia replied with a shrug to the her.

    "So...Musical Chairs?" Cynthia asked as she turned her attention to the Daeva. She had no idea that was the origin of that party game. It could be a lie but then again she was never much of a church person even in life. "I've never met the man my whole time I've been here. Has anyone checked on him recently?" With what Alice had told her before and the Brood still at large, it was possible he was no longer around for the Danse.

    The artist would have continued but she felt the beast thrash and scream within once more. She looked like an unmoving statue, save for a pale hand reaching out and grabbing the back of the chair to mentally pin herself on the spot. Her gaze shot out at an unassuming man that had stepped into court. His appearance had caught her off guard, the monster within reaction had more power for the unprepared goth. "Evening." She finally said, her body slowly relaxing. "I'm Cynthia." She managed to say.

  2. #22
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    A small smile curls her lips at Alessandra's teasing of the man, though inwardly she is almost surprised. It seems that it wasn't just a change of outfit that Alessandra was trying on tonight. Twist couldn't help but approve.

    With such an empty court, it is not hard to feel the approach of Lawrence. And she is not the only one. As Alessandra turns, opening up the floor to introductions, she takes the time to look over the man. When she is introduced, a small nod of greeting to him, though she remains silent in words.

    Instead she glances to Mable, a single eyebrow raising, "Queen Elsa?" Well well now... this certainly changed the game. Was Mable actually aware? Was she making a move? If so... Queen?

    The sound of Vivian explaining a game brings her back from her ruminations and she turns in time to catch the glance her way. A small gesture with her hand, but whatever she was going to say in accompaniment of the gesture is lost as she glances almost sharply to Cynthia. The sharpness mellows into an almost smirk, "I saw him but the other night."

    The implication of why she saw him was as clear as Threndyn's clan.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  3. #23
    Lawrence Taft's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    New Identity
    (Frank Petros)
    (City Hall)
    Lawrence Taft


    "Good evening to you, Madam Reeve." he answers the Italian. "My name is Lawrence Taft, of the clan Mekhet." He could be more forthcoming; let the proverbial 'cat out of the bag'. But he holds his tongue. The time for that would come. For now he listens and observes.

    A Reeve, a Duchess and a Seneschal. Curious. No mention of a Prince. But then... the title of Duchess isn't easily earned. He inclines his head and offers a polite "Your Grace."

    Before he has a chance to truly observe the doll-like Seneschal, she's called away. Lawrence writes it off. There would be other chances. His brown eyes flit between the Duchess and another who had been speaking. He doesn't miss Twist's sharp glance or her explanation to the other. There are secrets to be learned of, here. The Spider within preens its pedipalps in anticipation.

    He becomes aware of this... 'other' addressing him - her chemical reek surely identifying her as a Haunt - and offers another polite greeting. "Cynthia."

    He gives the rest of the room a quick once-over, observing the other denizens in turn. Two of the other, stronger Beasts he'd sensed came from females. One dressed in gold, one dressed like... well... that annoying animated character all the little girls these nights were imitating. Neither of them had spoken to him, which suits him well enough. It's unlikely either of them have anything he needs. He'd have to wait and see. The other, stronger Beast belongs to a man of some sort of Mediterranean descent, but this one also has failed to rouse his interest.

    Eyes finally returning to the Reeve, he lets some of his intentions spill past the veil. "Under whose authority might I gain sanctuary in this city?" It's a terribly baited question, to be sure, but one worth asking. Not only for gaining permission to stay... but for who would grant it.
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  5. #24
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A look to Mable, what the hell was a Queen Elsa? Did she miss something? "What's a Queen Elsa?" she asks, looking a little confused.

    A nod offered to Vivian, “Ah, musical chairs? But with cake as a prize? I can see children loving that game.” And the comment made sense now as she glanced at the empty chair.

    The comment about not sipping on children seemed odd, but even if Vivian had, it was none of her business.

    The Savage watches the Ghoul, and was a little surprised as Alice excuses herself,

    Bowing, “Of course Seneschal Hart, call if you need anything.” Cause she didn’t know what was going on and was worried. Security was her thing after all.

    A smile then turned to Cynthia, the concern for Alice at the back of her mind, “Thank you!” seemed the addition of color was a hit. Maybe she’d try it more often. “And having nothing to worry about is good.” It meant things were quiet. Which could be good or bad.

    “Having talked with him a few times before, I’m sure he’s in his office working on something for the Domain.” While she was worried, she trusted him, and those around him, to let her know if something was amiss.

    She catches the smile from Twist and returns it.

    And then the confirmation from Twist having seen Asa settled some of her concern.
    Back to the new guy,

    “Pleased to met you Mr Taft, welcome to Sacramento.”
    She waits to hear what else he might have to say before continuing.

    “Seneschal Hart would normally Acknowledge you as there is currently no Mekhet Priscus, well, no other Mekhets actually. As she has been called away, Her Grace would be able to offer sanctuary to you.”
    A gentle nod offered to Twist.

    Part of her wanted to step up and offer a temporary Acknowledgement, but not a huge part. This wasn’t her place, and she really didn’t want the responsibility of it. If Twist declined, she would of course step up, but the Daeva outranked her.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #25
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable gives a sweet smile to Lawrence, "Welcome, Mr. Taft. I'm Priscus Wood, gangrel."

    She gave a light chuckle, "Queen Elsa is from a children's movie. I just love movies."
    She looks at the empty chair, considering the implications. "That would make a lovely throne." Her smile twitched at the corners of her mouth.
    She paused while she watched Alice leave. And stayed silent as discussion of the acknowledgement commenced.

  7. #26
    Vivian York

    At least Twist was in check with whomever they were speaking. One thing she'd learned in conversations thus far, is messing with the Archon was probably not a good idea, evening questioning her could incur her wrath. Instead, she focused on the Reeve's note.

    "Indeed, it was rather fascinating to watch, Ale." Vivian chuckled, but more for the memories. "I think my fun with the fathers in confessionals was certainly more memorable though." But she's let that conversation drop for now.

    And then, like a child with candy, her attention shifted to the Mekhet. "Yes, you are the first in a while Mr. Taft, how lovely to make your acquaintance. I'm Vivian York." He may not have been 'a looker' but the mystery of the Shadows intrigued her.

  8. #27
    Lawrence Taft's Avatar

    Blood Potency
    New Identity
    (Frank Petros)
    (City Hall)
    Lawrence Taft


    "Thank you. It's been quite a trip." He considers offering his services to the Reeve on the spot, but refrains. Patience. With as many eyes on him as there are now, he's already feeling like something of a novelty.

    "No other Shadows? A shame. I'd hoped to exchange information." The expression on his face doesn't line up with genuine disappointment. He simply offers a half shrug before his intense gaze finds Duchess again. To Alessandra, he adds "If it pleases her Grace, of course." with a hint of a smile. Some dry humor.

    The one with the Queenly dress addresses him next, and he offers her the same level of courtesy as the rest. "Priscus Wood. A pleasure."A few tibits of gossip later simply confirm the likeness of her outfit with the childrens' idol. A thoughtful frown appears on his face. He doesn't share the Savage's love for cinema. Movies don't hold up well compared to literature. Though, perhaps she's a Carthian? Following some new-aged trend or something.

    The other one - clearly a Daeva, if looks are any indication - pays him some attention as well. "Ms. York. Why do you suppose that is?" he asks, lending his tone some genuine curiosity.
    Health | Willpower | Vitae

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