Ingrid had hit upon the idea late in the day, as Christmas approached and the pressure grew in proportion to the people spilling out onto the streets and clogging the arteries of shopping centres and malls alike. When it was standing room only at her favoured coffee house, she decided to do something about it.

Gifts for her new motley.

And there went most of her available funds: burned away in a glorious effusion of gratification.

For Seraphina Orianna a wide selection of vouchers. Discounts for many of Sacramento's clubs and bars - free drinks and meals for one of the Freehold's most social Lost. The Darkling knew the Treasured enjoyed new experiences and clubbing. Now, armed with discounts, she could explore every nook and cranny of the club scene without blowing a hole in her budget. Oh the adventures that she, nay perhaps they could have!

For Mhairi Ankaa Saber Sloth a mixture of clothing materials. Different colours. Different textures. By now the Darkling knew of Mhairi's interest in fashion. For a while she had debated whether to obtain a variety of discount cards for various shops and fashion warehouses; but in the end she determined that was something of a cop out. No! Mhairi liked to create! and so Ingrid would provide her with fodder for her imagination. She wondered, salivating, what the Elemental would make of the materials.

For Thomas Land unlimited sink a notebook. A notebook with expensive rag pages and a cover wrought from well tooled leather. A notebook that had all the appearances and metaphorical weight of a grimoire of old. It was a perfect keep sake for a librarian and their resident lore keeper.

Left where her motley were sure to find them, her gifts were wrapped in a garish effusion of tissue paper and overflowing with pretty bows.