It had been an interesting night. Joseph had come across a weak willed man and was now toying with him. Nothing Masquerade breaking, Asa scared him enough, Joseph didn't want to meet the Hounds.

So he was playing nice, though as the night progressed and the man made more of a fool of himself in front of the growing crowd Joseph noticed something strange. The man was watching his eyes more, so Joseph started to play dirty. Every now and then during the conversation Joseph would look the man in the eyes and state a word while he was talking.

Another hour passes and everyone is almost on the floor except for Joseph. That damn kindred lack of normal digestive system makes long term drinking a problem. An attractive blond sits down next to Joseph, not nearly as gone as the others she manages a somewhat coherent conversation for a time. Joseph however has another plan, something had happened that night at the club to his blood. He wasn't sure what yet though, as a member of the Ordo this feeling was not new to him but this wasn't a forced change. It just ...happened... so Joseph decided to learn it the best way possible, by trying.

He leans forward to get the women's attention and looks in her eyes. A short sentence later and the women was walking to a back room. The Cheshire cat lost it's grin for a few moments as it filled Joseph's face. Standing he walks to the back room.

A few minutes later he leaves that room and the club.

When my belly is full my will is strong