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(Nectar) Taste of Death

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  1. #1
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    Transfusion is a new night club.

    Raw. Unrefined. Right out in the suburban waste of North Sacramento. Why, the walls are still brick and the tang of grit and concrete is in the air. But what it has is enthusiasm. The band is alive. The patrons are enjoying themselves - honest enjoyment, not the fake and manufactured thing found in the few remaining big clubs in the city's heart.

    Tranfusion exists in the basement of a strip mall. The mall had a few late night cafe's but it was hardly an oasis in the sparse hunting ground of Sacramento's northern fringe; with the new club one might have to review that assessment. It is a bit of a tight squeeze in there. The rear of the mall (and indeed, some of the streets nearby) make ideal hunting grounds.

    And already, some Kindred are checking it out.

    Robert Cross @unlimted sink Alessandra Orianna

  2. #2
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent


    The hunt. It is a necessity. And, in it's own way, a distraction. And tonight, in Northern Sacramento, Cross has been successful. In both feeding and taking his mind off of recent developments in the Domain. Off of Alice's current state, for instance.

    But now, flush with blood, Cross finds himself alone with his thoughts again. And he's not ready for that.

    So instead, he's ended up here, at Transfusion. It's not his sort of establishment. And he sticks out with his scars and his black suit. His cold, dead eyes. But what does that matter? He looks alive enough, even if he's ugly and in the wrong clothes.

    The Burned Man stands toward the back of the crowd, watching the band with apparent detachment. Letting the sonic assault drive the thoughts from his head.

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  4. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP

    (Blush)Vitae 1 Spent

    Nightclubs aren’t her typical haunt. They are loud, packed and full of annoying drunk Kine. And one in the basement of a strip mall? Well, she wasn’t expecting much. But it was new, and should be checked out.

    So that’s where the Savage found herself. Not in her usual attire, but in a tight fitting sweater that covered her chest and arms. She was still rocking her wounds from the Brood fight, and the sweater provided a nice little cover. Sadly, only her neck, face and hand tattoos were visable. She threw her hair up in a messy half pony tail, painted her lips red and drove over. Blood was pushed into her body, making her skin warm and her heart beat.

    Already she can tell it isn’t her type of club. Between the tightly packed bodies and loud music, she was eager to leave.

    But a familiar face caught her eye, and even though she was surprised to see Cross, she makes her way over. If he was here, maybe there was something wort checking out.

    Thankfully, there was no Beast to contend with. Once close enough, “Not sure if I’m more surprised to find you here, or myself. How’s it going?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  6. #4
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    There is a break in the music as the band prepares for its next set. In the interim, the lead musician says a few words while they crowd bubbles restlessly.

    And through the crowd comes the scent.


    Fresh blood.

    Blood pumping in veins. Throbbing with life.

    Neither of the Kindred needs to focus their highly attuned senses this time; the scent hangs in the air like a cunning crafted perfume.
    Alessandra finds her hungry Beast stirring fitfully. Thankfully the scent, while present, is not overwhelmingly strong. At this range it simply teases her Beast. If she were closer to the source... well, who knows.
    Robert Cross finds his Beast stirring as well. He may be full but he isn't satiated. The promise of more has certainly got the Haunt's inner demon curious though. Whatever is making that smell must be a rich source of Blood.

    Thought I had better get this tidbit in before we get going.

  7. #5
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?

    (Heightened Senses (Sight))Vitae 0 Spent

    He feels the rage and the fear first, the burning brand of his Beast pressed again and again into his flesh.

    Then he sees her: Alessandra. The Reeve. Will his troubles find him anywhere he goes?

    Gritting his teeth, gathering his composure, the Burned Man watches her approach.

    When she's within speaking distance, he offers a respectful nod, and answers:

    "I'd say we're both out of our depth. But, gotta keep up with the times." A shrug. "I'm doing well enough. Yourself?"

    But then, the scent of Life fills the air around them, and despite his recently completed hunt, Cross instinctively begins to search for its source. Senses heightening, dead eyes wandering over the crowd. A scent that strong, blood must've been spilled...

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-07-04 08:37:14 Robert Cross rolls 6 to Wits3+Composure3 (10 Again) 3, 3, 7, 10, 8, 5, 7 2 successes

  8. #6
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP

    (Heightened Senses(Sight,Hearing))Vitae 0 Spent

    Smirking with a nod,

    “Ain’t that the truth.” And times were always changing, they either kept up, or took a long nap. She’d rather keep up.

    “Oh, well, won’t lie, I’ve been better. But I suppose that is all part of our job, huh?” there was shrug.

    She then goes still, eyes staring, but not at anything.

    Blood. Fresh blood. It doesn't belong in a club.

    “You get that?”

    Her Beast stirs, reminding her of its hunger. Reminding her that they needed that blood to fully heal. She increases her sight and hearing, eyes searching, but not seeing.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-07-05 12:39:18 Ale rolls 5 to Where is it?(Wits+Comp) (10 Again) 5, 4, 3, 6, 6 failure
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #7
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    There is nothing to see. Nothing to hear.

    No. Really.

    The band continues to prep for their next set; the patrons move and chatter. If they were Mortal, no doubt they could pick up on the good and energised vibe of the club. But they are not, and all the Reeve sees is a press of contented kine in a somewhat confined space.

    Its the same for Robert as well. No blood. No gasps. No reflex of revulsion. No staff hurrying to clean the mess up. No cries of dismay. Nothing.

    Alessandra may have been wrestling with her hungry Beast and could have missed it. The Haunt did not.

    No blood. No gasps of horror. No cries of dismay or shock. No staff. The herd panics. If there herd is not panicking, then there might not be actual blood.

    So what's making the smell they are so intimately acquainted with?

  10. #8
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?

    (HS (Sight, Smell))Vitae 0 Spent

    "Yeah," Cross responds. But that smell, so rich, so thick, would mean Blood spilled in significant quantities. And there's no sign of that being the case.

    "But...I don't see anything." He glances at the Reeve, arching a scarred brow in question.

    So, no Blood shed. But that fucking smell. It's almost too much.

    Focus, he tells himself. And look. The scent must have a source, even if it's not the obvious one. Trained eyes begin to scour the scene. Nostrils flare as he heightens his sense of smell, trying to let the scent itself lead him.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-07-06 09:47:49 Robert Cross rolls 5 to Wits3 + Investigation2 (10 Again) 7, 6, 3, 1, 5 failure

    ...But nothing catches his attention.

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  12. #9
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    The pair stand. And watch. And smell: dust, sweat, alcohol, perfumes.

    The scent of blood. But its lost in the maze of people and other scents.

    The band begins its next set, jumping into a lively tune that gets heads nodding and feet tapping. The energy given off by the mortal herd does not help.

    Fortunately, the blood comes to them. A man and a woman: a gangster and his moll. The moll sashays past holding a drink; her man follows behind projecting an air of controlled menace; he too has a glass. The pair are chatting amiably until they notice the Kindred - how can they not? Robert Cross is the Burned Man; Alessandra is a sultry, tattooed, hottie.

    The blood is theirs. Its scent pulses off of them, thickly underlining their own perfumed scents. Not just blood, but health. Vitality. Life.

    And then they are gone. Back into the crowd. Reappearing in a corner where they have obtained a table. The moll appears to be looking in their direction, then she turns to the gangster and laughs.

    @Alessandra Orianna will need to make a frenzy check - Resolve + Composure. She will need 2 successes (sight / smell of blood) to avoid Frenzy.

  13. #10
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP

    (Use 1 WP)Willpower 1 Spent

    If Cross didn’t see anything, then what the fuck was giving off that sweet smell?

    The smell that had her wrestling internally with her Beast, her Beast that was hungry and wanted to find the blood. If not find it, then rend all these Kine and drink until it was fat and sated. Finger tips itch as claws beg to be extended.

    And it was a struggle, the smell almost over powering, but she feels her grip tighten on the steel leash. Eyes flutter closed briefly as she makes sure she has that control. Losing it here, among so many Kine, would mean Final Death for her. She wasn’t ready for that.

    Eyes open, looking to Cross before back at the crowd.

    Through the struggle, she almost misses the two.

    Eyes narrow as she leans towards Cross, “Know them?” cause to her, they look like they could be interest, or trouble, or a mixture of the two.

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2017-07-13 12:39:03 Ale rolls 9 to Frenzy Check(Resolve+Comp) (10 Again, WillPower) 10, 5, 8, 3, 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 2 2 successes
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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