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Soldier's Fortune

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  1. #11
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross, for his part, had not been that surprised to hear of Sterling's involvement with the Brood. Or at least it didn't take him long to accept the news. That Pale had been pretty far gone, something her performance at the Necropolis Court confirmed. "Pissed, yes. Surprised? No." The grim look on his scarred face telegraphs that he shares her anger. "And who knows what she might have revealed..." Alice had described the former Reeve's state when they'd found her. But Sterling could've given up valuable information before her slide into monstrosity. The Burned Man gives a rueful shake of his head, "I think it might be best to assume they know a fair bit about us..." Not a good thing.

    As Alessandra speaks of Emma he does no more than listen, attentive to her pain and disappointment at the loss, understanding it. But also knowing that this is the reality: with the Brood it is war. And in war, soldiers are lost. The only answer is revenge. Accordingly, all he has to say in response is: "They'll pay for what they did." The words are final, flat. Deadly.

    There's a pause as he lets that promise hang in the air, and then he's on to other matters: "As far as Mr. Stax goes, I'm unclear on how or why he came to the domain. It seems he was previously in San Francisco, which is where he became of aware of the hunters we're tracking now, by way of his Sire. I can tell you this, though: he's cautious," those cameras set up around his haven made that clear, "and...difficult to pin down." Which is why, in one sense, Cross had taken the job off of Stax's hands. The trivial boon hardly covered the trouble. The threat to the city is real enough. But, in the end, it'll let him keep his eyes on this new arrival, with his helpful information and evasive ways. "And don't worry, Reeve. We're proceeding as carefully as possible on that front." A two-front war is the last thing the domain needs.

    And then Alessandra comes to Alice's punishment. It takes everything in Cross to avoid becoming argumentative. His whole being strains toward rebuking the Reeve. Is Alice not the voice of the Prince? Is the Prince not the Law in the Flesh? Hadn't Bea threatened Alice, thereby threatening the Prince's order in the city? Instead, he listens. A clenching of his jaw, a slight rippling of the scar tissue there, is the only betrayal of his internal struggle. Finally, he speaks: "I see the reason for it, your decision." Though there's an edge to his voice that hints at his disquiet. "And His Grace? He approved of this punishment?"

    But here, on the topic of the circumstances surrounding the incident, they are again in agreement. "No, Alice is not one to be controlled." The way he says it hints at knowledge gained from first-hand experience. "The best we can do is arm her and make sure she's prepared for the next time." And there will be a next time, Cross has no doubt about that. Two constants in the Danse: Blood and Murder.

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  3. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding grimly, “That’s what I’m afraid of, what she may have shared.” It was a mess, and who knew what was going to happen.

    “Yes, he found his way into our Domain from San Francisco.” There was a pause, “Chasing, or hunting if you will, a Fledging from his own Domain. Was quite a mess, but has been handled.” Difficult to pin down, an interesting way of putting things. “I got that feeling when I talked with him and we settled what he would owe the Domain. And difficult to pin down is an excellent way to put it. Thank you for be cautious, I don’t know what his goal is and don’t really trust him and his intentions. And should you require assistance, please call me.” So Stax was finding hunters, she wasn’t sure if that pissed her off, or made her nervous. Either way, he needed to be watched a little more closely.

    She studies his face and body language, especially with the edge in his voice. There was then a nod, “The punishment was approved by His Grace.” She wasn’t about to defend it, it was done and in the past. Though she does leave out the part about Asa asking her if she was ok putting down Alice should it come to that. The punishment seemed to be an issue for Robert, though how big of one, she didn’t know. Nor was she going to poke the bear and test it. She was Reeve and had done what needed to be done. End of it.

    Another nod, “I agree. I’ve been in contact with some sources trying to get a weapon for her. My contacts with local arms dealers isn’t the best, I’ve focused elsewhere, but I’m working on it. Getting her something that will blend in with her and not give itself away as a weapon. I also hope to spar with her again, you’re welcome to join us if you like. I know you can handle yourself in a fight, maybe you’d have some insight I don’t. That’s up to you of course, but I believe the more experience we can give her, the better.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  5. #13
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Between Josephine and Dirge, the Brood could now possess a wealth of knowledge concerning the domain and its inner-workings. Not a good situation. Still, there's one solution to that problem: "We'll just have to flush them out and take care of them before they can act on anything she might've revealed." With this sentence, the Burned Man's frown is replaced by a small, but frightening, smile.

    Alessandra's revelations concerning Stax clearly interest Cross. Any context concerning the man is welcome. "That's wise--not trusting him." Something about that Pale doesn't sit right with Cross. "But if we're going to learn what he's really up to, we'll need to keep tabs on him. I'll track down his hunters, and monitor Mr. Stax at the same time." Two for one. "And at any sign of trouble, I'll contact you directly."

    The Reeve's unvarnished response to Cross's question concerning the Prince's opinion of Alice's punishment is absorbed with a nod by the Burned Man. The deal is done, then. Nothing Cross can do. And Alice seems consigned to her fate, so he let it drop. Though he won't forget, not anytime soon. "Understood," is his only reply.

    What kind of weapon might Alessandra be describing? Cross ponders it, and suddenly realizes: "Something like a sword cane, then?" It would make perfect sense, given her blindness. He offers a little nod of approval. "Yes, that would work."

    As the question of sparring comes up, Cross allows himself another smile, his scarred face twisting horribly as his expression changes: "I'd be happy to join you. Never hurts to practice." And besides, there are two further benefits: helping Alice and measuring himself against the Savage sitting across from him.

    "Well, Reeve, that's I all I have for you this evening, I don't want to take up all of your time." Still, he doesn't stand. Waiting to see if Alessandra has anything further to discuss. Waiting to be dismissed. "Thank you again for giving me the chance to serve the domain, to prove myself."

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  7. #14
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a quick nod, “That is the plan, flush them out and burn any place they’ve called home.” If the Brood had no safe Haven within the Domain, they’d either make a rash attack, or move on. Which would more than likely be temporary, depending on what they were after.

    She wonders if the situation of that night might have gone down differently with Cross here. He can certainly be intimidating, and seemed able to hold his temper.

    It seemed Cross hadn’t skipped a beat in Domain safety. Not to mention the way he was stepping up and doing things, perhaps things were going to go well. “Sounds like an excellent plan.”

    Though how Stax came into the info about the Hunters was unsettling. Was he in the Domain for his own plans, or was he sent? Time would reveal all, it always did.

    Smirking, “That’s actually exactly what her and I discussed. With it being an illegal weapon, it hasn’t been as easy to get. But I still have a few contacts to call, she’ll get one.” She needed to get one, there was no failing. “She actually wants to learn to shot at some point, which I have to admit would be pretty amazing if she could actually do it.” But Ale knew there was no ‘could’. If Alice wanted to learn how to do something, she would.

    “Wonderful. I can talk to Alice and when we are all able to have a free night, I’ll get us a secure location.” She wasn’t going to assume that Cross didn’t have his own things to do. Plus it would be good to gauge his skills.

    Nodding, “Well, you haven’t taken up my time, I enjoyed our talk. And I look forward to moving forward and working with you.” best way to keep an eye on someone you were unsure of? Bring them into the fold.

    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  9. #15
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    What more is there to add? Not much. The meeting has been comprehensive. To the point. Resolute. Everything he might have expected from Alessandra. He finds himself watching and listening with deepening respect.

    She makes a good Reeve. Better than I would've. It's not hard for him to admit. Cross knows his strengths and, as of now, he doesn't count leadership among them.

    "Yes--I think we'll work well together," he responds. And they'll need to, given the scale of the threats facing the domain. "If you ever need anything from me, please don't hesitate to ask."

    With that, he stands. "Have a good evening, Reeve Antinori." He gives his superior a curt bow, stiffly bending at the waist, before letting himself out of her office. The door shuts softly behind him.

    As he makes his way toward the exit of the Nox, Cross finds himself relieved to be away from the presence of Alessandra's potent Beast. Doubly relieved that she has accepted his apology and offer to serve the domain.

    Though his work is far from done. In fact, it is just beginning.

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