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  1. #1
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    At the eastern approaches to the city lies Rancho Cordova. Here new suburbs have begun to cut into the surrounding countryside: residential streets and gleaming towers of industry. At the furthest limits lie a line of warehouses and light industrial lots. Alessandra's agents bought a small warehouse here, at the furthest reaches of the city: a small, unassuming, rectangle with a basement that smelt of dust and disinfectant.

    Here they hid the staked and shrunken bodies of the devilish Brood and the the former Reeve, lost to the Beast and madness.

    Who knew if the Brood had learned of the place?

    Who knew if any were left after the little band had stormed the old house by the airport.

    But a message had been sent. That rotting old house had been left to burn by Reeve Antorini's own hand.


    Its dark. Yellow light burns like islands in the night, staining the shadows with their brilliance. All colour is drained here. Silence is loud and sound is an intrusion in this Barren land of concrete and metal. No Kine here. No animals neither. Its a dead place.

    Thats why its perfect.

    This continues the story arch from earlier The Dark threads. It is for Alice Hart Saber Sloth Alessandra Orianna Robert Cross unlimited sink Woland Robert Longstreet . I could possibly fit one more in if there is further interest - please note there is combat involved in this storyline - see earlier threads

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  3. #2
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross pulls his Town Car around the side of the warehouse, finding a spot to park.

    Alice is in the passenger seat, inhumanly composed. In the silence that comes after he cuts the engine, the Burned Man reaches over and squeezes her hand. "I think we may be the first to arrive," he says.

    The place does, truly, look deserted. "What do you say, wait here for the Reeve to show?"

    He can't really see any other option, but maybe Alice is familiar with this place. Maybe she has a way in. Who knows what's transpired since the Burned Man left.

    The Blind Doll had filled him in on some of the details, the most salient points. The raid on that other house, now destroyed. The loss of Emma French. What this warehouse now contains. But there will always be details that Cross hasn't been clued into. That's what you get for leaving, asshole.

    There's no point in self recrimination now, though. Bigger issues to deal with.

    So he waits, silently, preparing to see Alessandra--Reeve Antinori--for the first time since his departure. Trying not to think about how their reunion could go wrong.

    Equipment: 9mm, knife, cell phone on silent.

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  5. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    It didn’t take long for the throaty sound of the Torino to pull in.

    It was time to get shit done, or at least take the steps to trying to end this mess. Josephine was theirs to do with as she saw fit. And even though she wanted to end the Ventrues Danse, the woman now served a purpose for them.

    But would the Brood take the bait? Had they already found the warehouse and were laying in wait for them? No way to really know until the party got started.

    Removing each gun from its holster at her side, she double checks that they are fully loaded. Each clip full, safety off and ready to go. A hand then reaches to the spare clips that hung under the guns, and she finds reassurance in them. Not that guns really stopped Kindred, but they did slow them down. Her Claws, which itched beneath her finger tips were eager to rip apart Brood flesh.

    She steps out of the car, clad in black once again. Black leather pants, black tank top and black leather coat. Her long hair was tied up in a ponytail, cause you don’t go into an unknown situation with long hair left free. In a fight, it was a tool to bringing someone down, been there and done that. The leather coat is unzipped and her guns are visible at her sides. A bowing knife had been tucked into the top of one of her steel toed boots.

    Dark eyes look over the Town car, knowing with new faces in town there would be Kindred looking to prove themselves useful. She leans against her car, waiting, wondering who had come to aid her and Alice.

    Equipment: 2 .357 Desert Eagles, two spare clips, bowing knife, cell phone on silent, steel toed boots
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  7. #4
    Robert Longstreet

    Despite all the breathing and non-breathing years he'd spent in places like these, he still had some trouble finding the exact spot. He parked the car a street or two away, and walked over to the warehouse on foot, wondering how the initial meet with the other Damned will go - if his information on who'll be participating was accurate, none of these people liked him very much. Perhaps this is the night he proves himself and finally gathers some reluctant respect. Or maybe this is the night he is torn to shreds.

    The place was perfectly non-descript. If he didn't know where to look, he'd probably overlook it, and hoped this was also the case with mortals and uninvited vampires. However, he was packing some heat, just to stay on the safe side of things.

    When he is finally there, he sees two figures by the door, one dark like burnt meat, the other white like a snowflake. A few steps more in their direction and it becomes obvious that these are Cross and Alice. Together. Was the matter at hand so important that the Seneschal had to oversee it directly? He wasn't yet filled in on all the details, just that there is a captive Brood inside.

    And there is Madam Reeve herself.

    "Whip Cross, Seneschal Hart, Reeve Antinori, I trust you are well this evening." a half-smile. Gotta be polite and all that. "I heard we have some captured devil-worshipper inside that warehouse. Someone we want answers from. What's the story behind it?"

    Equipment: Heavy Revolver, a knife, a cellphone on silent and some casual, loose clothes

  8. #5
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    "Ale's on her way. She'll be here soon."

    Alice's confidence in her coterie mate was proven true with the sound of the Torino pulls up next to them.

    Alice opens the door of the town car, and slides, out. For the first time in weeks the Wraith thrashes at another's beast. Pulling, twining twisting, desperately wanting to flee!

    But this was Ale (the savage who forced her into starvation) her Coterie mate. Alice knew that the women wouldn't hurt her (unless alice lost control)

    Wearing her leather jacket, and faded jeans, her little fang rested in her waistband, at the small of her back. Her feet encased in work boots. "Ale." Alice greats the Italian.

    The Wraith snarled inside, the weakness of the thug, a black mark upon their clan! Alice leashes the beast, and gives the Name-Thief a nod in greeting.

    "Last summer the Brood fired bombed the Crone Farm. It's been a back and forth since. We hit up one of their bases, killed a lot of them. Lost one of our own to their claws. We captured one, we'll interrogate her. They've also the former Reeve in their custody." for Robert she says the venture's name. "Josephine Steriling. They'd propped her up as an icon of worship. She's not there anymore. Vacant and completely mad. Currently they are both in torpor. The latter we thought we could use as bait to draw out whatever remains of theses blasphemers in Sacramento."

    Equipment: Knife, folding cane, Leather Jacket - Reinforced Clothing, cell on silent, steel toed boots,
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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  10. #6
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    As if summoned by Alice's words, Ale's car pulls up to the warehouse.

    Well, let's see how this goes.

    Cross gets out after Alice, making sure his gun is holstered at the small of his back. The knife stays sheathed at his waist. Both are covered by his usual black suit jacket.

    Car locked, he follows the Doll to greet the Reeve, letting Alice take the lead so he can wrangle with the rage and fear of his own Beast as it washes over him. Ale is the stronger predator, but Cross won't let himself balk before her.

    Once he's dealt with his Beast, Cross gives Alessandra a respectful nod. "Reeve Antinori. Good to see you again." He leaves a little space between them, should his return inspire a less-than-pleasant reaction in the Pale who was once his deputy.

    In the wake of Ale's Monster, Longstreet's seems pathetic. Much like his own, which stirs restlessly at the approach of an equal. The Bruiser draws a grudging nod from Cross, who falls silent as Alice catches them up to speed.

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  12. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Well, this was one she wasn’t expecting to offer aid. After his attitude in Court, she was surprised he stuck around.

    Her Beast stood and took notice of the weakling as it approached. Fangs were bared and claws dug into her mind as her Beast demanded to be set free. Demanded to be allowed to flay this welp of his flesh. But Ale couldn’t let that happen, even though he was rude in Court, she couldn’t just kill him. Well, she could, but she was held to the same Laws as everyone else.

    A small nod was offered as her Beast pouted.

    Then Alice appears from the car, even though the Haunt couldn’t see her, Ale deeps her head in respect,

    “Seneschal Hart.” She greets her Coterie mate with warmth in her tone. Though she was wondering how Alice was handling her banishment. It couldn’t be easy, but she had faith that if anyone could handle it, it was her. “I’m in talks with some people about getting you that cane, until that gets settled, I have this bowing knife that could help you.” If Alice wants it, Ale will give her the bowing knife.

    She nods as Alice explains the situation, “I’m not sure if either woman will be willing to give us information. Though I can be, lets say, very persuasive when it comes to getting people to talk. The girl might break, though I’m not sure about Josephine, like you said, she didn’t appear to be all there. Not sure how much of her mind is gone, but, we’ll figure something out.” They had to, one way or another.

    Now Robert Cross spearing from the car was a surprise. When the hell did he get back?

    Eyes narrow suspiciously, “Mr Cross.” She replies, not sure what to make of the situation. He was a former Reeve who had up and abandoned his duties to the Domain. While she wasn’t sure she trusted him, she did trust Alice, but her guard would not be let down around him.

    “I just wanted to say I’m ok with dropping the formalities while we’re here if you guys are. We don’t know if the Brood has found this place or not. So just call me Ale for the night.”
    Best not give the Brood anything to use.

    “You guys have any experience with Brood?” asking the Roberts.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  14. #8
    Robert Longstreet

    Okay, this could've gone worse. Remembering how Reeve Antinori took offense back at Court, he wasn't sure she'll even let him stay. The reserved greeting was a good sign, then. On the other hand, he sensed some tension between the Gangrel and the Burned Man, wondering if it was on professional or private grounds.

    "I'm not a therapist, so I don't know if I'll be of any help with the former Reeve - you know her better than me, anyway - but interrogating people is right up my alley, if I do say so myself. Been doing this before and after my last breath, so you could say I have some expertise."

    A moment of silence, digesting what Alice told him previously. Then, when the tattoed Sherriff asks about previous Brood experiences, he answered:

    "The Brood? They make good target practice. Wild and unorganized, but when they do something, they commit. They're bona fide fanatics, though. I doubt a beating is the best approach, we should try something subtler if at all possible. I even have some ideas... Ale."
    He didn't interrogate anyone in months now. And now he not only gets the chance to do so and impress three Domain officials, but also a devil-worshipper was to be his subject? This was too good to be true.

  15. #9
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice smiles, too-wide, too-sharp and too-fake. "Thank you, I'm seeing more and more that I'll need that cane, but I remembered my knife this time." if Ale insists, then Alice will take the offered knife.

    And Ale wasn't to pleased to see Robert. Alice would have sighed, but she'd expected that. The two of them needed to sit down. If Ale punished Robert for his leaving, then maybe the Prince wouldn't get involved.

    "Hart's fine." Alice says to the thugish aura'd haunt.

    "I wasn't thinking of touching Sterling, she's to far gone. You remember how she left, and how she was like when we found her. She's best used as bait. The other....yeah. Subtle methods would probably work best. Tearing strips off her, wont do anything." from her own experience, something that physically violent is just another method of proving one's faith. "So, I'll leave the interrogation to you three...I haven't the same experience as you have."

    Stepping away from the cars, Alice tilts her head, "Shall we?" before she begins to make her way into the unassuming warehouse.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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  17. #10
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross has plenty of experience extracting information from less than cooperative individuals himself. But there's no need to brag about it. There'll be time enough to show his worth in that regard.

    "It seems we have more than enough expertise to work with our friend inside. As for Josephine, I agree with Alice. Keep her on ice until we need her."

    The Reeve's greeting strikes the Burned Man as the best possible outcome. There'd need to be a discussion later, surely. But he knows Alessandra well enough to figure she's focused on the task at hand. He'd always appreciated that about her.

    Longstreet's remarks on their adversary draw a grim smile from Cross. They'd need to have some words about his earlier behavior. But, from Alice, he's learned a little about their newest Family Member. Including his adherence to the Dark Faith. Having another of the Sanctified with them strengthens Cross's own determination.

    "My only experience with Them is what happened at the Farm and trying to flush 'em out, afterward. Never any sort of confrontation." He says this last bit with a certain note of anticipation. Truth be told, he's been looking forward to actually laying his eyes, and hands, on one of these assholes.

    "Yes. Let's," he responds to Alice's suggestions, falling in step behind her and the Reeve.

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