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(3CM) La Sombra del Asesinato

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  1. #21
    Bea's Avatar



    "It's your show," Bea grudgingly replied to Alessandra. The only reason bea was there, after all, was because Ale was caching in her favor. Would be stupid to start another fight in the middle of it.

    "As for what we say," she continued, looking to her assigned partner, "I don't think our priority is stopping a war, it's finding the instigator, so that's the only point I care about making. If you'd like to address something else, I won't stop you."
    Bea ("Bee"). Daeva, Carthian Movement. Pres 2 (Unimpressed).

  2. #22

    (Drink Coffee)Vitae 1 Spent

    "No questions." His eyebrows might have raised as Jesse acts as though the evidence is garbage. He flat out laughed when the phrase 'science voodoo' exited his lips. He wasn't sure if Jesse was joking but god could he deliver that line with a straight face. He couldn't help but chuckle at the 'Ok, old-fashioned,' either. He wouldn't comment on his own humour value, but he was glad his cousins could keep things light.

    And then there was Bea... He stirred his coffee instead of rolling his eyes, all this posturing -- so pointless. But, as Bea said, it was the Reeve's show. Jacob would wait until she called 'scene,' metaphorically of course, before heading out. He made the plunge so they didn't look completely weird and started to drink the coffee. Taking long silent sips as the quiet buzz of conversation from the other side of the diner rolled over them.

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  4. #23
    Hugh Everwood's Avatar

    Hugh Everwood


    Jacob biting the bullet for them and drank the vile stuff was appreciated. After taking a whiff from it, he figured he didn't care enough to taste the stuff twice.

    Jesse smiled back at Ishani, unrepentant about his ways. "Far be it from me to go and say you need a chaperone or something," he said and gave a nod in her direction, willing to drop the subject there.

    Did have to add something about her question regarding the gangs. "Doubt there's much stopping a war if the gangs want one, ain't going to listen to anyone who ain't in charge. Unless you'd use some fancy method of persuasion." Meaning Ventrue mind tricks. "Getting them fancy bullets out of their hands might be enough. Sides, if we go find who's playing them for a fool, might all calm down to normal gang behavior."

    Whatever constituted as normal.

    Jesse also made to look over at the Reeve, shaking his head since he hadn't gone replied her before. "Ain't hearing no questions from me, you won't. There anything else we need to discuss?"

  5. #24
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Ishani nods as Bea speaks, considering her words. Yes, finding the instigator was indeed the point, but her concern was for the grudges she knew most gangs held. Not to mention the need to wave around their egos and make sure everyone knew what kind of bad asses they were. She hoped Bea and Jesse were right, that finding the source of the problem would clear things up. Maybe she should talk to her own contact before heading out on this little expedition. Or maybe not. She had to do these things herself. Couldn't keep relying on the kindness and patience of others.

    "I think allowing you to do most of the talking would be best." She says simply to Bea. The woman seemed to think she knew what she was doing, and Ishani didn't know enough about her to argue. So if she wanted to take the reigns, Ishani was more then willing to let her.

    She turned her attention to Alessandra, waiting to see if there was anything else the woman had to say.
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

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  7. #25
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding, "I agree, while I would like to stop this war from happening, somethings cannot be helped. But finding who is pulling the strings and stirring the pot is priority. It usually isn't all that easy to smooth things between rival gangs, but, if we can, then we can. Our boss isn't too keen on a war happening, I'm not either, it disrupts alliances and can get expensive." sighing, "But sounds like we are all on the same page, I say we get started and get this taken care of as soon as we can. Lets try to not cause any extra problems with anyone."
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  9. #26

    Jacob nodded, "Shall we?" He speaks to Jesse, he needed the cigarette. The night was young, there may be time to investigate yet.

    "Good to see you all, until next time." And took his leave.

  10. #27
    Hugh Everwood's Avatar

    Hugh Everwood


    Jesse nodded his head at all being said, chair making a sound as he pushed back to stand up.

    "You're spoiling our sport, you are." Jesse drawled in good humor at Alessandra, though he honestly didn't want any more trouble for them than already was brewing in gangland. The criminals in this city didn't really matter much to him in the end, might be a good time to extend his contacts with them as well at some point.

    Depended how things went down when they were going to meet the 301.

    Looking over to Jacob, he nodded towards the door. "We shall. Got the stuff in my car," he said, then looked at the assorted Kindred ladies still seated. "Been a pleasure. If nothing else needs to be said or done, going to take my leave as well. See you around." He smiled at them, then turned around to leave and give Jacob the things he found.

    Didn't need them anyway.

    Jesse figured he'd hear from one of them — most likely the Reeve — when they were going to make their trip over to the Pho restaurant and 301 territory.

    Unless stopped, Jesse will leave the scene; he also will hand over the evidence to Jacob to do his thing.

  11. #28
    Bea's Avatar



    Don't forget to update the 3CM OOC thread with who is going where so that West has an easier time planning the next scenes
    Bea ("Bee"). Daeva, Carthian Movement. Pres 2 (Unimpressed).

  12. Likes Yumyumcrow, , Acheron liked this post
  13. #29
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ale nods to those at the tables and makes her exit as well
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  14. #30
    Bea's Avatar



    To the next threads! (I'll have Nortenos up in a bit!)
    Bea ("Bee"). Daeva, Carthian Movement. Pres 2 (Unimpressed).

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