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(1702) Eternal Court

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  1. #1
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    The Nox Populi Nightclub.
    In the heart of downtown Sacramento there is a place of intrigue, excitement and entertainment. The modern flare of this venue is host to exclusive parties. The seduction of this establishment may take you away as you drink, dance and socialize. There are private services available upon request. The best DJ’s in town are in line to play a wide variety of music. Some of you may dine…as long as you have your VIP pass.

    As Kindred arrive at Nox, they are discreetly met and led to the back of the club; some may recognize the area leading to rear stairs upward. The space downstairs is decorated in dark, rich woods and expensive furniture. There's a coat room that will also hold one's 'unmentionables'; namely, weapons, at the foot of the stairs. There are also private areas, dark, and furnished with soft couches, as well as meeting rooms with conference tables and chairs, and an area with several televisions. The Court area is decorated with long black and purple silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Draped in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars; the lighting is intentionally low, and the dull throb of music upstairs creates a low, rumbling pulse.

    The common area circles the Court proper, and it becomes apparent that this is not decorated for a single evening. Small symbols note areas for Kindred only that branch off of the Commons, which will be necessary once those Kine privileged enough to see behind the Masquerade filter in: ghouls, herd members, or even devotees.

    Another evening; another Danse. For some it will their first, for some it shall be their last. After all, this is the Prince's Elysium, and subject to the Laws of the Domain.

    The furniture has been rearranged yet again. Now a set of elegant chairs, all dark wood and red leather, have been arranged in a circle. The baroque lighting leaves the corners of the Elysium commons in deep shadow.

    Eternal Court is open once more...

    Please remember that Predator's Taint is in effect and role-play is expected, or rolls will be asked for!

    This is a great place to get Acknowledged

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Yup, another Court. She was beginning to get used to how often the little gatherings were held. Though maybe she was getting used to it because she was settling into her office, Coterie and Covenant. Whatever it was, she was just going to go with it.

    Tonight she had been in her office, unpacking and studying maps of the Domain. Some newly acquired stakes had been fashioned and were placed in a draw in the desk. Cause you never knew when some Kindred was going lose their shit and need a time out. And stakes were cleaner and a little safer than her using her claws.

    Glancing at the clock on her computer, she realized it was show time. Time to smile and play nice with the other Kindred of the Domain.

    Leaving her office and walking into the common area she stops and looks around. Tonight the Italian will be found wearing black pants with knee high black boots. On top is a black sheer blouse over a black tank top, which exposed the many tattoos covering her midriff, sides and back. And of course her two sleeves were on full display. Her long dark has was let down and her lips were red.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  4. #3
    Vivian York

    Vivian felt as if she had a fresh outlook on Sacramento lately. It was all attributed to three unlikely women who seemed to come together by happenstance. She was gleeful at finally feeling a belonging without having a Covenant, but that too was in the works as well. Things were going swimmingly at present, so the wanker who dared ruin it would likely be eaten alive right now.

    The Daeva stepped with a bounce down the stairs. She wore a purple dress that really wasn't anything exciting as she had contemplated. The black short gloves worked easy with the sleeves. Having spotted the Savage right away, her beast seemed to be caught between slashing her really cool blouse, or turning away and swiftly ascending the stairs. It was a good thing that decision took no time due to more small get togethers with their coterie.

    "Ah, Ale! Love that blouse. It really plays well with your ink."

  5. #4
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma walked into court wearing a cute plum colored sleeveless top black shorts with black tights and kneehigh black boots with thin silver chains on them. Her dark hair was in a messy bun and sun glasses where perched on her head. As she walked around the room she noted the change in décor. She gave a quick nod of greeting to Ale and Vivian and continued on her visual check of any potential issues. Beast reacts by pulling hard as she gets closer to the others and her green eyes become darker with the effort to restrain beast.

  6. #5
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Noise had been coming from the Seneschal's office.

    Not an unusual occurrence as the Seneschal herself worked within most nights, offering prayers and...clicking noises to the air. This time, it was different. Soft, whispering voices, and the persistent pitter-patter of a living heartbeat.

    Within the office sage was burning and the lights were on.

    Living hands touched dead doll flesh as one women helped the other into a new dress. A dress gifted to the Blind Haunt by her new Coterie mate, Alessandra. Carefully described both in mountains and valleys, and by a soft and sweetly spoken voice.

    Alice hadn't worn butterflies in months.

    She really needed to do something to thank the Italian Savage.

    Shaking her head, Alice moved to the door, which was opened for her. Walking down the hall to the Elysium proper Alice heard Vivian's delightful tone and wonderful accent. Preparing her for the monster hidden behind the delightful Daeva. What stopped her in her tracks was the emphatical pull of the Wraith as it hissed at her to flee! To flee from Alessandra who'd given her this lovely dress. To flee from her Coterie mate who was to teach to to fight blind.

    The sweet voice of the women next to her, telling her with quick, quite detail the lay of the room, and those residing in it, brought Alice to the forefront, nodding to her Ghoul, Alice shoved The Wraith back behind cold iron bars and stepped further into the room.

    "Ale, Vivian, Emma." Foregoing titles as it just the four of them at the moment, "Good evening. This," she gestures with a bone pale hand, "is Lyssa. Lyssa Wolfe."

    The women behind the Haunt gave the gathered Kindred a deep bow.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

  7. #6
    Dominic Ashton

    Descending into Elysium for the first time was grating. The weapon check and metal detector were fine. And the arrangement of the chairs made for a certain American Gothic charm that fed into his darker tastes. No. It was the Beast that set him on edge. Three beautiful women and deep down at his core Dominic wanted nothing more than to paint the walls with their entrails. In time though, as it always did, the rage subsided. By the time he got in speaking range the Beast had been banished back to its cage.

    He'd dressed as well as his meager budget allowed. Dominic's ensemble was an old tweed jacket that was fraying at the edged, accompanied by a pair of blue jeans, wing-tipped boots that were heavily scuffed underneath thick polish, and a starched white button up. At best he appeared as a fairly ragged graduate student.

    His arms opened to his sides as he approached the women to show he meant no harm. "Beg your pardon ladies, I'm a new arrival and was wondering if.." A finger danced around pointing this way and that. "You might be able to, uh, point me in the direction of management." He offered a reassuring smile.
    Last edited by Dominic Ashton; Feb 5th, 2017 at 11:57 PM.  Reason for Edit: Signature error

  8. #7
    Bea's Avatar



    Another night, another cluster fuck. Bea wondered why she even bothered showing up. She have expected the court to be filled with more busts of dead white men, and more assholes from some other Domain, not to mention whatever shit they'd tracked in with them.

    Still, this was Elysium. This was the seat of the Court. She couldn't avoid it forever.

    So, after checking her firearms with the staff, and throwing them some cash to make sure that they actually took proper care of them, Bea strode down the stairs in her usual dark suit and highly polished black leather boots.

    Truthfully, the only thing that kept her from keeping a gun with her was the fact that she couldn't afford to lose one. Yet...

    One day soon, she wouldn't give a fuck. Because, really, from what she'd seen, there was nothing in this Domain to respect in the first place. She might as well try to build her own.

    But, again, not yet. Not until she'd managed to build a foundation. And, speaking of a foundation, she might as well try and start with the sacks of preserved flesh and bone standing around in front of her.

    "Did you bring a snack?"
    Bea asked archly as she walked up to join the others gathered around the Seneschal. She could practically smell the blood flowing beneath the pale skin of the Seneschal's companion.

    "Oh, and it looks like someone finally found a date," she added, turning to eye the handsome new arrival.
    Bea ("Bee"). Daeva, Carthian Movement. Pres 2 (Unimpressed).

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  10. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her Beast stood and took notice of Vivian approaching. It’s fangs bared in a snarl at the challenger, who dared present itself. Oh how it wanted to show it was stronger, but that’d be rude and would make a mess.

    “Vivian! What that is a beautiful color on you! And thank you! It’s secretly one of the reasons I got it.” She adds with a wink. “Though I’ve been thinking of trying to add some color to my outfits.” But it wasn’t easy for her, black was just so much easier.

    Seeing Emma enter, and her Beast wanting to rip her Priscus apart for her weaker Beast, Ale bows her head. It was interesting to her, Emma was her Priscus, but Ale was Reeve, which was amusing to her.

    And then there was Alice, and some woman. But there was a smile on Ale’s lips as she offers a bow to the Seneschal. Alice was hearing the dress she got her, it must have been a hit. Which was good.

    “Seneschal Hart, good evening.” Greets the Savage, who can’t forgo titles in Court. Being Reeve and of the Invictus, titles were ingrained in her now.

    Dark eyes move to the woman, “Lyssa, a good evening to you as well.” Was this Alice’s Ghoul?

    And as luck has it, a new face. His weak Beast angering her own Beast, who wanted to greet the guy by rending the flesh from his bones.

    But the Italian smiles instead, “Good evening. It’s your lucky night, you find yourself in the presence of Seneschal Hart.” she says with a gentle gesture of her hand to Alice. “I’m Reeve Antinori, and this is Miss York. And who do we have the pleasure of speaking with?” asks the Savage.

    Then comes Bea. The weakness of the Carthians Beast brought forth a sadistic grin from her own Beast. It’s mind filled with many different ways of inflicting pain upon the Daeva, eagerly pulling it’s chain.

    A snack? The urge to sigh was strong, but the lack of working lungs prevented her from doing it.

    “Ah, Miss Connelly, good evening.” The Savage was able to play nice, let Alice set the Daeva straight. Ale wasn’t in the mood tonight.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  12. #9
    Ishani's Avatar


    Presence 3
    Striking Looks 4 (graceful, Alluring)
    Mask of Tranquility


    Most females enjoyed the process of getting ready for Court. Picking out just the right dress, getting their hair to fall at the perfect angle. Even choosing the right jewelry could be a whole ritual in itself. Ishani hated it. She despised having to stand in her closet and figure out what was 'in' and what wasn't. Should she wear her hair up or down? After so many years of doing this crap one would think she had it down to a science. But a Daeva she is not and never will be. Finally, she tossed on a white suit fitting to her form and walked out the door. She left her hair coming down in waves and slid some heels on her feet. There, done, she had clothes on.

    She left her knives and other sharp objects back at the haven so there was no concern when she went through the metal detector. She entered the common gathering room and scanned the area for familiar faces. Having her Beast hidden seemed to be a good idea as her eyes slid over the other predators. Ale, Alice, Vivian, Bea, a woman she hadn't met yet and a man she didn't recognize either. Were these new to the Domain? That was a welcome sight indeed. Painting a small smile on her face, she wandered over to Ale and gave the woman a once over. Not bad. She liked the body work. It was well cone.

    Sje turned to Alice first, of course. Having the highest status here, she was to be greeted first. "Good evening Seneschaul Hart, Reeve Antinori, Miss. York, Miss Bea. It is lovely to see you all." She gave a graceful bow to the Seneschaul before turning her attention to the unknown woman (Psychangel). Extending a hand, she also extended her smile. "I am Ishani Naetesh. I do not believe we have met yet."
    Presence 3
    Striking Looks (Graceful, Alluring) 4
    Mask of Tranquility

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  14. #10
    Emma French's Avatar

    Emma French


    Emma had walked over to Vivian and Ale when Alice had walked in with her Ghoul? Her beast pulled hard as she approached them. As she walked she counted backwards, a little trick she used for beast control. "Good evening folks." She gave her fellow Keystones a big smile.

    Before she could say more a new guy joined them. "Hello..."

    Then Bea joined them with a few sarcastic comments. All she did was raise an eyebrow at Bea's greeting. Emma wondered if she thought she was being personable or funny with the comments but all it did was make Emma feel socially uncomfortable.

    Then the woman Emma had seen with the Prince at a previous court joined them. Emma took the woman's hand, "Good evening, Miss Naetesh. I am Dr. Emma French, Priscus of clan Gangrel and a Deputy of the domain. Nice to meet you." Emma hoped she didn't sound all title-y but she wanted to make sure for all who didn't know her knew what she did in the domain.

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