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(1611) William and Ale

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  1. #1
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Now that got her interest, the Prince ran the gangs. Was this part of the fabled American Mafia she’d heard stories about?

    “Oh, gangs? Is that like the American Mafia type thing, or something else?” she’d heard of gangs before in her travels. “Speaking from my own experience, the black market is a very lucrative business if done right.” She was still working her connections in the city, and it was slow going. But she was gaining some traction with Konrad gone.

    “I have to say, I had never meet any Kindred who were in that line of work before moving here. I’m curious, were you a doctor before being Embraced? Sorry if that’s too personal, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” She wasn’t his Priscus nor the Prince, so her questions weren’t necessary. “Though I’m curious, do you find it hard to perform your duties in the ER?” cause blood.

    “I’m really surprised you haven’t found more Kindred interested in it. I’ve watched games a few times, but I’m no expert on the sport.” She says with a laugh. “Sport betting used to be part of my families business. Not a huge part, but a small part that made some extra money. So I know a little bit.” She understood some of the rules and calls, but that was about it. “Ever thought of hitting some of the various bars around town? I’m sure there has to be a few that get busy with Kine going in for a drink and the game.” Cause weren’t sports bars a thing?

    She gently shakes her head, “Not rude at all, I was asking after all.” She says playfully. “Me? Well I can usually be found at a shooting gallery or out in the woods keeping my skills up, hitting local bars playing pool, and sometimes the gym. But my focus has been mainly on business and expanding my influence. Though I’m trying not to be all work and no fun.” She adds with a laugh.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  3. #2

    "Nothing as romantic as that," Will said, rubbing his neck. "The gangs are... basically just kids from bad situations pit against each other. And they don't even know one person is pulling all the strings."

    It brought Will down a bit to think about it. One too many nights patching up kids who had shot each other for nothing more than stepping on "their" side of the street. He was glad to be done with the lot of it.

    "No, it's not too personal. I was a doctor before my embrace. It's... not so difficult if I take precautions. I suppose I probably wouldn't recommend any of our fellows to walk into the ER on an empty stomach, though." He said with a grin. "I guess part of me is just being stubborn that I keep doing it."

    He laughs in a good-natured way, and shrugs his shoulders. "Most Kindred I've met are far more interested in blood and politics than the old ball and stick. Maybe I've just been around the wrong crowd, but, well, I am a Ventrue." He winks. 'Kind of funny how much those little words mean to us now, when in waking life they would've sounded made up or silly." He grins sheepishly. "But I don't mean to get philosophical."

    "I do hit up some of the bars, but drinkers are usually bad company." He pauses and adds with a grin. "And they taste bad."

    "The shooting range? That's impressive. Here I thought all Kindred just liked to pull strings and never the trigger. I wouldn't know my way around a gun if you handed one to me."

    But then, he, and most Kindred, could throw your average Kine through a wall if it came to it, so he didn't feel any less for it. A gun was probably just a cleaner, quicker way to get rid of someone. Part of it might also be some liberal hold over from his living days.

    "I guess I know that's not true. Back in Detroit a lot of the other Carthians carried guns."

    It occured to Will that she might take some offense to his allegiances if she was Invictus, but... she didn't really seem the sort.

    "What sort of business are you into?"

  4. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ah, well that was disappointing. “Ah, well, isn’t that the joy of youth?” she had hoped it would have been something up her alley, but oh well.

    The grin was returned, “That wouldn’t defiantly create quite the breach. But no worries, I try and stay away from hospitals.” She adds with a wink. “That’s nice though, must be a rewarding way to pass the nights. Did you grow up wanting to pursue a career in medicine?” There was a hint of praise in her tone. She had lots of respect for Kine and Kindred who were able to do that kind of work.

    “Well, politics are an unfortunate bane to our existence. But I find if one focuses too much on them, then the nights and years just get too boring. Probably why I’ve stayed out of them as long as I have. I don’t hate politics, hell I grew up having to know the ins and outs of it, I just get tired of em.” There was a shrug. “But you’ll have to give me a call the next time there’s a game on and I’ll come out. I have the basics and can appreciate the sport, and it’d be an excuse to get out.” Why not? She needed allies, and the best way was to make nice. “And yeah, I hear you there!” she makes a disgusted face, “That’s why I prefer my Herd before I go out.” She had a strict no drug use with them.

    “Oh, I love my guns and I’m rarely without them. And while they don’t really help against our kind, they do slow them down a bit. If you ever want to give it a try, let me know and we’ll go shooting. I’ve done it a few times with my Family and don’t mind passing along my knowledge to others. Plus, I like showing off.” There was a grin and chuckle.

    “They aren’t a bad weapon to carry, it gets the job done, though it can draw unwanted attention.” So it was something she was learning to be more careful with. But with her new identity and carry permit, it felt a little safer.

    “My business?” there was a little evil glint to her eyes, “I’m in the more, lets say, unsavory, type of business, I deal in the criminal aspect of our world. I’ve been slowly building up my name and connections since arriving here. Unfortunately, my name doesn’t carry the weight it did back home, so it’s been a process.” She jokes. Or was she joking?
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #4

    "No, I never thought I'd be a doctor as a kid. I guess my parents did have something to do with it but I've not spoken with them in some time. For... obvious reasons."

    Giving away how much of a fledgling he really was, again. Even with his blood he always failed to hide it.

    Here he thought he'd never convince another Kindred to watch a game with him.

    "That'd be fun. I'll be sure to do that, watching the game is always better with friends. Sounds like a good policy on politics. Sacramento seems pretty relaxed as it is."

    Will smiled when she spoke about her gunmanship. To him, it sounded a lot like her guns were the same as his patients. Something that was, well, normal. Something that was tangible in the world he used to know, before the veil was pulled away and he saw past the darkness. It was a relic. A remnant of a time less sinister, more simple. He could appreciate that.

    "Oh, a mastermind?" He grinned. "Sounds like you're pulling the strings and the trigger."

  6. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Oh, are they in the medical profession? Sorry for all the questions, I love learning about others.” Which was true, sometimes you never knew what information could prove useful later.

    “But it seems like it takes a lot of dedication, in my opinion it speaks volumes about someone able to dedicate themselves that way.” But that was her opinion.

    Smiling, “You just have to promise not to laugh if I ask stupid questions.” She jokes before nodding, “It is. I came here Unbound and remained for my first year or so, and never had any issues. Plus, no one pushed joining a Covenant one way or another, which was great. I always hated those who pushed their beliefs on you, beyond annoying.” There was a small eye roll added.

    There was a sly smile, “Oh, that’s a good way to put it. I don’t pull nearly as many strings as I did back home, but I’m getting there. Kids today don’t understand the old ways of doing things, or understand how important Family and your word is. So finding those type of people has proven to be a challenge. It isn’t a Family business like it was when I first got into it. Plus, with how much times have changed, the cops and government pay a little more attention than they should.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #6

    "My father was a dentist. Mother was a homemaker. Though sometimes she worked in dad's office." William mused, with a light shrug of his shoulders he added. "It's fine. If you asked me something I didn't want to answer, I wouldn't."

    "You make me out to be much better than I am." He said, holding up his palms. "It's probably more selfish of me to still practice than anything else."

    "Ahaha, I better not try to recruit you then, aye? I've struck out with everyone else I've asked anyway." Which was true. No one he'd approached so far seemed very interested in the Movement. But then, like they discussed, Sacramento was a very relaxed domain, so none of them probably felt like they were being trampled on. But, well, you didn't always have to realize you were being stepped on for it to be true.

    It occurred to Will there was a good chance Ale was much older than him. "So you'd prefer to stick with the old ways? Not interested in trying out the new?"

  8. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a pang of jealousy hearing of his parents professions. She by no means had a normal upbringing, her father grooming her at a young age to take over the business. “My father was the professional in the family,” was professional the right word? She wasn’t sure, but it worked, “while my mother focused on charities and the such.” Which was why she could do dressy and polite when the situation required it.

    Tilting her head slightly, “Selfish?” she says before shaking her head, “Nah. If you still take pride in what you do and feel the urge to do some good, then it can hardly be called selfish. For some there has to be some good to the Danse, something that fills the long nights with worth."

    Laughing, “Sorry, but I was already recruited, a couple months ago, into the Invictus.” She didn’t care who knew she joined the ranks. “The previous Gangrel Priscus had mentioned the Movement to me once or twice. But it just seemed too unorganized for my taste, though my opinion could be wrong. I was going based off previous experience with it and what I was seeing. So don’t take my words wrong, they are merely observations. But you don’t strike me as unorganized, so perhaps you’ll be the one to make it a success here.” She wasn’t trying to be rude or a jerk, but the Movement never lasted long around here or had huge numbers.

    There was a thoughtful look on her face, “I grew up with the old ways. Where honor, your word and Family meant everything. While I was my father’s daughter and who he chose to take over the business, step into the role of capofamiglia, or Boss, I still had to prove my loyalty and honor to those I would be leading.” There was a shake of her head, “These days not many are loyal, or their loyalty can be bought and their word isn’t worth anything.” She sighs, “And that’s not a reputation I want, nor behavior I want in those under me. So it’s taken a while to find those who still stand by their word and are loyal. New isn’t necessarily bad, but not many today hold the same values that make my business successful. It’s been a delicate balancing act to say the least.” She wasn’t sure she answered his question, but it wasn’t an easy one to answer if one didn’t have a past in the Mafia.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  10. #8

    "I... wish I wouldn't have been so quick to leave my family behind to make my own way. There's nothing wrong with keeping your family with you while you find yourself I think. But it's a bit too late for that now." He says, a certain wistful air about him.

    "Well, I do try to do right by my patients, but sometimes I'm pretty sure I just like to hear 'doctor' before my name." He says, a joking smile on his face.

    "I would have never guessed you were with the Vic." He said, genuinely. "Most Invictus I knew back in Detroit were stuffy, old business men and women." And he meant old in the Kindred sense, too. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder about being a Carthian here. In a Domain so easy going there's not a lot for us to push for."

    "That's very interesting... it's sort of like that in the Danse, though, isn't it. Everyone here is loyal to the Prince, but given the chance most of them would be after his job if they thought they could have it. It's a sort of loyalty that only goes so far when you really come down to it. A bitter chess board where all the pieces are grey..."

    "But it sounds like you are making progress, then? Haha, if you ever need a doctor for your underlings feel free to contact me. I'll cut them a good rate."
    He jested with a wink.

  11. #9
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Speaking of the name doctor before your name, have you met Lady Seneschal Stamford? She’s a doctor as well. Though I don’t believe she still practices, but don’t quote me on that!” she says with a laugh.

    There was a smirk as she chuckles, “What can I say, old and stuffy just don’t fit me well.” She jokes. “And so far there hasn’t been a dress code that I’m aware of, so thing that is good.” She knew she didn’t fit what people assumed the Invictus was. Hell, she was surprised when she accepted the offer from Victoria. “Easy going isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’ve been in a couple Domains where Carthian’s weren't allowed.” She didn’t want to really encourage the guy, cause, Carthian. “Maybe once there is a few more you guys will figure something out.” But it never hurt to sound like you cared. “Nothing easy is ever fun or worth fighting for anyways.” But she would have no idea what a Carthian would want, well, besides the obvious.

    “After theythey have it and realize how much work and patience it takes.” There was a gentle shake of her head, “Not something for me. I kinda lack the whole patience thing. And I could do without the added giant bullseye on my forehead too.” Not to mention worrying if Kindred were forming a Coup behind your back all the time, nope, all set. “All comes down to power, everyone wants it. But the allies you would need to form and then sacrifice don’t seem worth it to me. I’ve always been happy with my little band of criminals, owning the black market and pulling the strings of the criminal underworld.” Her loyalty ran deep. Though that wasn’t to say she couldn’t step up and take key player out of the game should they prove not useful or betray.

    “But it is a fun game though.” She adds. The Danse could be fun if played right, and she wondered how he played?

    There was a small nod and shrug, “Some progress, and I certainly won’t complain about it. But it comes down to that whole patience thing and my lack of.” She adds with laugh.

    “Oh, a gracious offer, grazie! though not a lot survived that long if it came down to it. “We haven’t found ourselves in any wars or the such yet. But I’ll keep it in mind.” And Kine were disposable pawns anyways.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  12. #10

    "I met Lady Stamford for my acknowledgement when I arrived at the domain." He says, nodding. "I haven't had the, uh, occasion to speak with her since then, however." Will wouldn't say he was intimidated by the other Ventrue, but something about her certainly did make him uncomfortable. Perhaps it was just the beast.

    "Certainly not." She was anything but old and stuffy. He laughed light-heartedly at her jest about a dress code, but became a bit more serious as she spoke of more restrictive domains. "I know we're certainly not always appreciated. But I suppose there are domains of all kinds, yes? I haven't been far, but I've certainly heard of domains that frown on the Circle and the Zealots as well..."

    "Patience is the key, then? Here I always thought someone just came in an asserted themselves."
    He grinned wryly.

    "Probably more fun when you're winning."
    He responded, still good-natured in his tone and demeanor.

    "Oh, it's not so gracious as it might be. I could always use more business."

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