It started with a bitten lip. Or rather a few plans made with the Former Badass Queen of Badassitute. They were going to gather reagents for her war fans the Smith was finally getting around to crafting - but with all that had happened since Mhairi'd been a pledge-sworn member of the 'hold she understood why it was taking this long for the Ogress to get around to a Page's request. Only....Ava had gone and it seemed the Iron Queen had followed.

So Mhairi worried her lip.

Two Seasons short of a year without her favored weapon, it truly made the elemental feel vulnerable. She hadn't stopped trapping her room at Edna's, for that paranoid just in case.

Continuing to worry her lip, the wisp frets.

What is she going to do! The 'hold has no smiths!

...but they had an inventor. And once, a fashion designer....which reminded Mhairi of that conversation had with Coco at the Quicksilver Gate before talks of curry and rectifying the fact that Coco didn't know why Game of Thrones fans were going on, and on about a door.

But...thinking back to when they were browsing scarfs, had the wisp nodding to herself. If she was going to take up the tittle and responsibilities of the With of the Bitter Winds (when she was ready) she should stop waiting on the sidelines and do something for herself for a change!

She needed her fans, she wasn't a smith, but that wasn't the only way for her to gain her favored weapon...nodding once more a smile twisting her lips. She could give hedgespinning a try!

Hiking through the hedge was no walk in the park. Slipping to the Autumn commons when she needed to peak at the archives was one thing. But since her arrival she hadn't thought much of carving out her own slice of hedge-y paradise. Maybe she should. Maybe she could grab Coco and they could make an adventure out of it.

The pages she looked at before her trek told her that this hedgespinning thing was instinctual for most 'lings. And something that could be trained, so there was more thought to unknowing actions. But for right now all Mhairi had was her instincts to guide her.

Thus the hiking. Reagents needed to be gathered so she could start experimenting.

It took longer then it should have. Sure experimenting with motes of hopeful sighs, sunbeams favored by lazy cats, or even a fawn's first hesitant hoof beats, was a blast, but finding the one recipe that would work for her - Mhairi Ankaa, Twilit Page of Autumn, was a challenge.

That is, until finally, she found fallen leaves. Who's death came with Autumn's first frost. Woven together under the light of the sickle moon, it's Cheshire grin used as the binder so the frostbitten leaves wouldn't be taken by the winds.

Taking the frosted leaf-fans in hand the frost coating not only the leaves themselves but creating a gleaming and wickedly sharp edge as she snapped them open. Resting them in her hands as if they were not a new thing, nor as if she'd been without a pair for nearly a year, a grin, full, and not a crooked line in sight bloomed across Mhairi's face.

Taking another moment to admire her creation she stood in stillness until their siren's call was to strong to ignore. Exploding into motion the wisp danced the rest of the night away - her best and favored weapons right where they should be.