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Barbecue with TdS

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  1. #51
    Fisher's Avatar


    Extempor. Affinity: •••••
    Eidetic Memory


    "Yep," Fisher said in agreement. "There is always that hope that the next one you try will be what you were looking for. Then you find that near perfect taste only to have them discontinue the run. Well that's my luck anyway."

    "Oh that would be interesting, we totally should sometime. I'll have to work on some stuff too, to get you an idea of some of my recent stuff." Fisher said with an excited grin.

    The thyrsus was excited about meeting new people and getting to know people in the city, but she was a little scared that they just wouldn't hit it off. I mean what if she ran out of stuff to talk about and it was another awkward Chinese dinner situation?

    Oh, god. That would just blow goats, she thought to herself.

    She was really digging this get together, but then people started talking work and politics. She didn't hear much of what Crowley said, but it sounded like was asking for help and then had to leave, so Fisher had no idea what that was about. She hoped everything was ok with him. He was an interesting guy and they did not have a chance to talk lately.

    "Hierarch, what's that? Is it yummy?"
    Fisher asked innocently toward the others and then grinned teasingly. "Cause it almost sounded like work was getting discussed at a party, and that certainly can't be the case."

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  3. #52
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Varyx turned to Truce for a moment, smiling at the way he seemed to be concerned that his comments to Avis might somehow offend her. "Of course," she answered, waving her hand with a sot laugh. "I have only the greatest respect for Avis, and I'm not surprised to hear that I'm not the only one. Still," her gaze flicked to the First Talon, "I'm glad to hear you have such faith in my abilities."

    A eyebrow lifted at the mention of Truce becoming hierarch. In that case, she definitely wanted a chance to get to know the man better. She liked what she's seen of him, so far, and she suspected he'd make a fine leader. But suspicion wasn't enough. Well, in that case, perhaps you and I could have a chat sometime soon? I'd like a chance to get to know the man who could be our next Hierarch."

    But Fisher was pointing out that they were talking business at a party, and earned herself a grin from the blonde. "Of course you're right, Fisher. What were we thinking?"

  4. Bump West "Bump" this post
  5. #53
    Avis's Avatar

    Vulgar: Color drains from the immediate area and depth perception becomes temporarily skewed, everything seeming to draw in uncomfortably close, making rooms smaller and all but distant objects seem in reach.
    Vice: Color drains from Avis and her facial features seem indistinct and grainy, as though her identity is growing less defined.
    Virtue: Colors appear more vibrant and everything seems to become grander in scale.


    "Only too right!" Avis agreed with Fisher, or the pompous version of her, anyways, and without another word she tossed the non-alcoholic beverage Star had handed her over her shoulder and went to get a plate of food, and pour herself a glass of something strong and brown. Whiskey, bourbon, rum? She honestly had no idea. As was likely evidenced by the amount she poured, but she had poured it nonetheless and soon walked back over to her conversational companions and took a sip.

    "Why don't we liven things up with a little truth or dare?" she suggested. Surely our new Hierarch wouldn't mind a little bit of truth, or a little bit of daring, now, would he?
    "Aw-Vee". Pres 2 (Moody). Mastigos, Adamantine Arrow. Trace of a Cajun accent.
    Defense: 8. 3 cloaked spells. Phone (pot 6), Belt (pot 5), Self (pot 2 +3) Spell tolerance: 1/3, Accumulation: 3/7

  6. #54
    Star's Avatar
    (News Media)
    New Identity
    (Jack Hoyle)

    The Mirage: Star appears translucent with overlapping and slightly offset images of himself in different identities/disguises.


    Were all cabalbecues this weird?

    Because this is weird. First divvying up strays, then pimping Sentinels, now straw polling Hierarchs. Or maybe that's what to expect when two Thearchs throw a barbecue. Was Crowley a convert?

    Maybe it's time to see if all the Smurfs are settled in.

    "I think I shall join the hoi polloi and see what this Uber fuss is about."

    And a kabob to go.

    "And thank you all so much for hosting this lovely soiree! Keep Watching the South!"

    psssst 3 days to wrap up!
    Nimbus in MiniSheet 2. Cloaked spells, no overt magical res. Scrut for deets.
    '...Watch With Glittering Eyes...'
    - Roald Dahl

  7. #55
    Truce's Avatar

    Presence •• (Bookish)

    Fair-skinned and thin, Truce does not appear to get out much, choosing instead to pursue more studious endeavors. He appears as a typical college student, wearing button up shirts, slacks, and a sports coat at times. His hair is dark brown and wavy, his eyes hazel.

    Spell List

    Spiders: EGuard(3P,self)


    "You're right, of course. My apologies, Fisher, Avis. I just wanted to let you know before I made any formal announcement. And I wouldn't presume to claim the title without the Consilium's support."

    At Avis's challenge, Truce wonders if she ever plans to break character tonight. He hadn't wanted the subject of politics to overwhelm the conversation, but there seemed to be no easy way to break the news. Perhaps he should have waited for a private word at the next meeting. It just surprised him to hear of her leaving the Council.

    "Perhaps another time. Please enjoy the meal." Truce, decides to do just that as well, whether their guests decide to stay or go.

    Star's farewell is met with a soft smile and farewell nod. There would be things to talk about at the next Consilium gathering.

  8. Likes West liked this post
  9. #56
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Grinning, “All the more reason to brew your own. You find a taste you like and don’t have to worry about it being discontinued.” Well, so long as you are successful. She had many failures when she brewed, so she stuck with the box kits for now,

    “We’ll have to exchange numbers.” And if Fisher was agreeable, she would provide her with her number.

    That settles that, Truce and Varyx could discuss politics later. Perhaps things would keep up on a positive note. But then there was Avis, and Faye was really starting to think the woman might be on some type of drug, either legal or not. She does one of those counting in her head things to stop herself from saying anything.

    Smiling at Star, “Thanks for coming and bringing those amazing kabobs! Gonna have to check out that store you mentioned.” Cause mystery meat was yummy!

    Good to wrap when everyone else is

  10. #57
    Fisher's Avatar


    Extempor. Affinity: •••••
    Eidetic Memory


    "Oh for sure," she said with a nod of agreement about the beer.

    "Sounds good!" Fisher said to Faye with a smile and provided her number when asked and then entered Faye's number into her own phone.

    When the others mentioned leaving she looked down at her watch and frowned. It was getting rather late and Fisher didn't want to overstay her welcome.

    "I should probably get going too since this isn't a sleepover or anything...oh that would be kind of fun too," she mused to herself. "Well I'll be in touch then Faye! Feel free to call me!" Fisher said with a grin. Then turned to the other members of Faye's cabal.

    "Thanks for having me, it was great! I'll see you all around the office."

    Fisher is good to end here.

  11. #58
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Varyx pouted playfully as the group began to scatter at Avis' suggestion of Truth or Dare. Too bad, it sounded fun.

    Ah well. It seemed the party was breaking up in earnest, now. "Well, thank you for holding such a lovely party. I'll see you all soon, I'm certain." She turned to Faye, offering her a wink and a private sort of smile. "You and I are going to have to have a chat. Sometime soon, I would hope, too."

    Offering a wave to the rest of the gathered mages, she headed out into the evening.

    Ready to wrap!

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