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(1606) Brittany and Cross

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  1. #51
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    "That she is. And don't worry, she's not fooling me," he says with a playful wink in Brittany's direction as he shakes Ale's hand. They'd just been discussing sparring after all, and the adorable Savage seems hungry for the opportunity. Besides, as a general order of business, he tries not to judge a book by its cover, especially when it comes to other Stiffs. His own sire had appeared to be nothing more than a half-dead druggy, or a terminal cancer patient, but Cross had seen him crush a man's skull with his bare hands. On more than one occasion.

    "Oh, it's not on you. I'm fairly green. Been here a little more than four months. Already keeping busy, though." The idea that this woman should be apologizing for not attending to the likes of him, a charred piece of meat, throws Cross for a bit of a loop. He has to fight the urge to pinch himself. Instead, he falls silent, letting the Savages catch up, paying close attention to their words while trying not to stare...too much.

  2. #52

    Brittany laughed and said, "don't give away all my secrets." Her smile stayed on her face at the thought that Ale considered her someone worth knowing. Especially in their world, that was something good to hear.

    "I would actually love either, though a drink and some dancing sounds more fun," she said with a devilish smile. "Maybe pick me up, I can fill you in on the ride and then dance away the worries?" She greatly enjoyed the idea of the two of them dancing. A night on the town was exactly what Brittany needed.

  3. #53
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding, "I get that. Seems like I’ve neglected my family keeping busy helping the Domain. But welcome, if you need anything, let me know.” Busy helping and making connections. And now Konrads failure had set her plans back.

    Laughing, “Oh, I would never give them all away!” she teased. “Us girls need our secrets.” Ale even still had a few up her tattooed sleeve.

    “Dancing? Sure, though I must warn you, I’m really bad at it.” Though the last time she went dancing the night ended very differently than intended. The memory brought a secret smile to her face. “Sounds like a plan, just let me know when.” It would be good to get out.

    “It’s getting late, so I’m gonna head out. Was good to meet you, hope we get to talk again soon.” She says to Robert with a smile, “And Brit…good to see you and call me. Have a good evening!” she says with a small wave.

    Unless stopped, Ale exits the scene and Court

    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  4. #54
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    "I'll do that," Cross responds to Ale's offer. Never know when you're going to need help.

    After Ale's departure, Cross turns to Brittany. "She's right, it's getting late. I think I'll take the cue and get going myself. Thanks for the company, it's been a pleasure." The burned man gives her a roguish, if grotesque, smile, "And don't forget that sparring date."

    After waiting to see if Brittany makes any remarks in return, Cross will leave the thread and Court. Great scene!

  5. #55

    Again Brittany giggled at Ale's words. "We really do." And what secrets they have. "I doubt I'm much better, but it'll probably be fun. I'll call you. See ya."

    Turning to Robert she said, "we'll definitely find a time to spar. It's been good talking to you too. Have a good one."

    As they both walked away Brittany waited a moment and then left as well.

    Brittany returns to the main thread.

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