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(1606) Brittany and Cross

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  1. #41
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross is now fully focused on Brittany again. As she explains her recent sleep-issues, the burned man's eyes become a touch wider. "I see... Well I'm glad you're on the up and up. Never had that kind of trouble myself." He pauses, studying her, trying and failing to keep himself from asking the question: "You mind if I ask what it's like? You know, the sleep..."

  2. #42

    At Robert's question Brittany breathes in, then out to steady herself. "It's not fun for sure. It's...strange really. I saw the last few moment replay over and over again until by the time I woke up nothing made sense. Everything becomes hazy and blurred as if each moment is being sent through a telephone and then on to the next receiver. An endless game of misremembering and confusion until you wake up. I couldn't even tell how long I'd been sleeping at first. It's something I hope to avoid in the future."

  3. #43
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Cross hadn't expected it to be fun, but Brittany's description makes it sound worse than he'd even imagined. Not for the first time, he finds himself confused and humbled by the facts of their, completely inexplicable, existence. Just what the fuck are we? This is exactly why he wants to speak with Gilroy. He has questions and his hope is that the Faith will have some of the answers.

    "Well that sounds awful..." His tone is one of real sympathy. "How long were you down?"

  4. #44

    "Turns out only two weeks," she said with a smile. "I've heard stories of people going through that for decades, centuries even. Forget how hard that would be to relearn the world, just imagine how that could drive someone crazy?" It was one of those things that once you experience it for yourself, the rest of the world starts to make more sense. Elder vampires made much more sense after experiencing that.

    "But I'm awake, it's all good. I'm just, like, focused on getting back out there and doing everything I can to help the Domain now, you know?"

  5. #45
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    Only two weeks? Sounds like more than enough to Cross. The thought of that amount of time caught in a nightmare is horrible to his mind. But to consider centuries lost to The Sleep, well...Let's just say if he could shiver, he would.

    "I'd rather not. Imagine, that is." No wonder so many of us are completely fucked up, he thinks, his eyes scanning the room. Who among them has experienced that? One, he's certain of: Luca, though he makes an effort not to let his eyes linger on that asshole. No need to invite trouble when the night is so close to ending.

    He nods at Brittany's desire to get back to work, "I feel you. Best way to keep going is to keep going, right? I've been trying to make myself useful in that regard as well. Much as I can, at least. If you ever need any help, feel free to give me a call. I'll do what I can." Cross's offer is, in part, selfish. He knows the best way to secure his position in the domain is to work with others. Classic scratch-me-back. Still, he's also inspired by Brittany's recent trouble. Deep down inside, he knows she's got to be shaken by her recent experiences and he just can't help himself.

  6. #46

    Brittany laughed slightly at Robert's respond. "You're probably right. Good not to imagine it."

    At his next statement Brittany nodded her head in agreement. "So true. You can't overcome the bad times by just sitting in your room crying. I always find work and stuff to help remind you what really matters to you. And I'll definitely remember that. I'll let you know if I need any help." She would certainly remember the offer.

  7. #47
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her Cousins Beast brought a cunning grin from her own as it imagined tearing apart the adorable Savage. Not tonight.

    Smiling, "Sorry to intrude, but I hadn't seen my cousin lately and had to make sure everything was ok." she greets, her tone friendly.

    "I'm Alessandra by the way, but please just call me Ale." says the Italian to the burnt man.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  9. #48
    Robert Cross's Avatar

    Robert Cross
    (Mask of Tranquility)
    (Emergency Services)
    (Emergency Services, Criminals)
    Robert Cross

    Nosferatu | Lancea Sanctum

    Nosferatu Curse: Cross has obviously been badly burned in the past with visible scars to prove it, and is that a faint smell of burnt hair and skin?


    "You got it," Cross says to Brittany, a mischievous grin wrinkling the scars on his face, "work... and a good fight doesn't hurt either."

    But then every scar on his body burns in unison and he wants nothing more than to recoil at the approach of a stronger beast. Hands clench for a moment, then go slack, and he turns to face Alessandra. "It's no problem," Cross replies, forcing himself to return her smile despite the protests of the monster inside. "Brittany and I were just getting to know one another. I'm Robert Cross. Family member to Regent Gilroy." He extends a hand in greeting. If she shakes it, good. If not, he tried.

    It's only at that moment, with the fiery anger of his beast under control, that Cross realizes just how beautiful Ale is. What is up with tonight? Speaking to one striking woman is rare enough for Cross, but two is unheard of. I wonder how Roth feels being the homeliest in his bunch? he wonders, a wry light shining in his flat, blue eyes. "A pleasure to meet you."

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  11. #49

    At the mention of 'a good fight' Brittany giggled slightly just as Ale wandered over. Her Rage struck against the inner cage to seek the freedom to strike her cousin down, declaring Brittany the stronger Savage, but after her frenzy it was easy to resist this. With a smile she said, "Hey Ale, it's so good to see you. I'll have to tell you everything later, but just know I overextended myself and ended up sleeping because of it. Just woke up a couple days ago really." The images of her Torpor were still stained deeply in her mind.

  12. #50
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    She accepts the extended hand, “Pleasure to meet you as well.” Ah, a Haunt, well that explains the burns. But it didn’t bother her, and she smiled warmly. “Well she certainly is worth getting to know. Just don’t let the adorable looks fool you.” She says playfully with a laugh. “Are you new to the Domain? Or have I just been rude and in my own little world?” still playful, but with some seriousness. She would hate to think she overlooked someone, but, with so many coming and going, it happened.

    Worry flashes in Ales eyes as Brittany mentions sleeping and only recently waking up. “Would be lying if I said that didn’t worry me. But I’m glad you are up, and we def need to catch up later.” She tended to be a little protective of Family, and knowing one went into Torpor was unsettling to say the least. “Maybe we can meet up for a drink or a drive, whichever works for you, I can make the time.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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