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(Private) Out of Her Depth

11 - 18
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  1. #11

    "That's quite all right." Katya says in an assuring tone to Alice. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't repeating anything he might have said. He was actually Hierophant prior to leaving the domain, so he is also a good source of information."

    Katya's head tilts before smiling to Alice. "That must be quite an honor, he told me you had been working on it for quite some time." not viewing it as an isolated incident, Katya prods further "What does being Keeper mean to you at this point? How does it define 'purpose' for you and how has that changed your experience living here?"

    Then Alice opens up more about her concerns with her Priscus, a question that makes Katya's gaze turn away as she plays out the scenario in her head. Alice's chain of thoughts over what faith means to her as she's tried redefining what joining a covenant provides brings Katya's attention back to her so she can stay within the moment. Even without a clear point, Katya nods and tries to help guide Alice deeper towards the entrance to a gateway she is unsure of stepping into. "Yes I believe i understand. Initially, you felt there had to be a concrete benefit in being part of a Covenant, such as social support, but now that you have that, there is still a need to explore one because your recent appointment as Keeper still fails to answer all your thoughts on your Requiem." with a shrug Katya says "It's fine to want to explore more, and seek answers. With eternal life comes the burden of always seeking more answers to new questions. The Circle provides one way to approach and analyze those questions to shed some light on them." her eyebrows shift upward as she brings up another point Alice had. "your ties to your family and your covenants are not a strict dichotomous relationship. It lies on a continuum. You can still devote respect to Priscus GIlroy AND devote your faith to the Dark Mother. If you choose to follow a path to her, it is your own path and not even David Silver or I can deny you that path. It isnt impossible for Acolytes to follow a deity that goes against the grain of their covenant mates. That might be viewed as a betrayal, but that becomes a test, a tribulation for that Acolyte to endure as they navigate their relationship to the Dark Mother and how it survives against the barriers others try to put up for them."

    A smile returns to Katya as she stares at Alice, "You have not committed to any covenant, so you cannot betray any of us. It's much like a relationship, you might want to date someone just to see if it fits, but until you go out on a few dates you can't really tell if they are right for you...but if you decide to move on, that's not cheating on them. Does that make sense?" despite having a different experience, with joining the Circle right after her embrace, Katya can understand Alice's ambivalence for joining and putting so much thought into the consequences, but she doesn't want that to cause so much anxiety that it inhibits her from doing anything about her faith.

  2. #12
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    "Oh, alright then." Alice had been worried that when she admitted her lack of speaking to Mister Silver, that would have been taken as a detriment. "I might have to seek him out after this..."

    "it is." Alice says, as her mind wanders over the thought that Gilroy spoke to others about her work. "The phase of the construction is complete. I think we're going to leave it as is, at least for a little while. Basking in the fruits of our labor. If you'd like, you're more then welcome to visit."

    "Being Keeper...it means, that I can't just be a mote of dust upon the wind, like I have been for the majority of my Requiem. This is the longest I've settled...since I was Embraced. And now...responsibilities laid upon my shoulders...I'm not going to flake out, abandoning the Kingdom and my Clan." she says her hollow voice, strong in a way it hadn't been throughout this entire conversation. She hadn't even noticed she'd said Kingdom instead of Necropolis. "It gives me direction, a path to tread, and even though I'm uncertain on how to be an authority figure...which is what I wanted to ask your help with." Alice look down, but realized that would defeat the purpose, and looks back up upon Katya's face. She holds the other woman's gaze for a moment, feeling strange with the calm understanding that the gangrel has been showing thus far.

    Returning to Katya's second part of the questions, Alice thinks on it for a moment, "For a great majority of my time here, I've been focused on making the Necropolis better, that I haven't had much time to socialize. And now as Keeper, I think that window of just goofing off and hanging out with x, y or z, will close even farther. But maybe it's for the best." Maybe the doll believes that, or maybe she's just comforting herself with the thought that it was for the best. Truth be told, even Alice, confounds Alice.

    A pressure Alice didn't know she was feeling, lifted when Katya spoke of how it was alright to seek more answer during one's Requiem. The continued calm understanding that gangrel was radiating, helps ease the guilt that Alice was feeling at the thought of maybe joining a Covenant other than the Lance. "I think I understand."

    Then Katya smiles and explains Covenants in a way she's never heard before. A laugh escapes the dolls. A too wide smile finds its way across her features. "Oh! That makes perfect sense! More sense than anything I've ever heard on Covenants before." And while she never dated anyone her parents hadn't picked out for her, she'd read enough, and watched enough tv to understand all the same.

    Alice takes a moment to calm herself a little, if her faith could be nurtured among the Acolytes..."I think I'd like to start dating the Circle. At least for a bit and see how that goes."

    Well. We'll see how it goes.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

  3. #13

    "Thank you, I certainly may once some of my other business is taken care of." she says in response to Alice's invitation. She had only seen the entrance, but would like to see the vast realm the new Regent had created. Her hands clasp over her knee as she listens to Alice describe the significance her new title has for her. When Alice asks Katya about teaching her on authority, Katya's mind leaves the room as she thinks back to her own past and current challenges she's faced as Seneschal. It's not that she doesn't think she's up to the task, but past behavior and failures make her think on how they might be used as teaching opportunities for alice. Authority however can mean many things and Katya says "That is something I can offer assistance with. There are many ways we can work on this, but I suppose to start I'd need to know what the extent of your responsibilities and power is as Keeper when Regent Gilroy is not around and also mm..." she looks away as she finds words before looking back "What stops you from taking authority, or rather, what consequences do you fear that inhibits you from being assertive?"

    With regard to Alice having to give up her social unlife Katya grins, "Well, you say that now, but you might actually end up interacting with kindred you might not have prior to your appointment." she says, "I think you're correct though in identifying the fact that you are no longer a 'mote of dust in the wind' but an active member of kidnred society."

    When Alice gets Katya's metaphor, the Gangrel chuckles a little and says "Excellent. " the smile quickly fades but does not evolve into a scowl but more like she is ready to get down to business. "Now, in trying to see if this relationship to the Dark Mother is worthy of her energy, and ours, we must get a sense of your devotion, or rather, your willingness to endure trials and tribulation." The Dark Mother's power never comes without the sacrifice of blood, and the trust of Acolytes does not come without sacrifices from someone else.

    Taking her hands off her knee, Katya says "I would like to discuss this with David as he should also be part of your...evolution into the circle. In the mean time, I propose that you research other archetypes, deities that might provide new insight into those former ideas of God and Devil. Purge those old concepts. You are welcome to meet with David to discuss ideas, but that is one of the things I'd like you to work on before we meet again to discuss that subject. Does that sound like something you are willing to do?"

  4. #14
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice smiles, a too wide when Katya accepts her invite to the Underground.

    "I've never been...confident. I don't know how to act like it. I'm afraid that no one will take me seriously, especially when sometimes I can't take myself seriously." Alice began her explanation. "And you're right I'm afraid of the consequences. Of-any decision I might make. I want to learn of to-to deal with them I guess."

    "That's very true." Alice nods, considering Katya's words regarding her own on her social life, "But I think turning from a dust mote, to an active member of kindred society is a good thing. Even when all the thoughts of pressure and consequences I know I'll face."

    Then Katya's attentions turn back to the reason Alice called the gangrel in the first place.

    "Trials and tribulations. My life has been full of them." she'd been born albino to appearance minded parents. Her sire was killed a few short months after her Embrace. "If this is where I'm meant to be. Then I'll suffer some more. I'll follow this path, until I know if I should continue down it." Alice says.

    "Okay." Alice nods when Katya mentions David, she understand why the only other Acolyte in the Domain would be included in overseeing her evaluation. "I'll try." Alice says when Katya gives her an assignment. "It will be work, but hopefully worth it. So I'll try."
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

  5. #15

    Nodding slowly, Katya says "I can understand your concern, it's one I had shortly after becoming Seneschal." and one that was still plaguing her after over a year of being in His Grace's service. Leaning closer to Alice, Katya says in a quieter tone, "I can tell you that no decision, can sometimes lead to worse consequences than making a bad one." the words almost taste like bile coming out of her mouth, but if she was to offer a service to Alice, then it had to be said. "I have a few ideas as to how we can work on this. We can try role-play in which there is sort of a scripted format that gives you the chance to practice being assertive, or we can incorporate this into your introduction into the Circle, allowing David and I to use this as guidance. Either way, I think it's good of you to recognize this challenge."

    When Alice verbally confirms her willingness to endure, Katya smiles and says "Excellent. I would encourage you to reflect on your past challenges you've faced as you reflect on the task I've given you. After all, your own experiences offer a unique perspective into your relationship with the Dark Mother." her lips curl as she thinks of a deadline and then says, "This month we are hosting the Summer Solstice at the Crone Farm. Perhaps by then you will have had enough time to mull things over and then you can have a chat with David and I on what you've come up with?"

  6. #16
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    When Katya confesses her own concerns it makes the impressive women more relatable. When the women comes closer, to offer Alice some whispered advice, Alice nods sharply. Her ghostly locks following the motion. "I'll keep that in mind. And thank you."

    The second part of her words take Alice a few moments to process. "I think I might be best to try both...? Maybe. Um to see which would work best...." she trails off.

    "Yes! That sounds great."
    Alice smiles her too wide smile when Katya mentions the Summer Solstice, giving her a goal and a deadline to meet it. It was almost like she was back at school. Maybe she wouldn't need collage, if she was opening her mind with these other possibles...
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

  7. #17

    With a nod Katya says "Very well, let's both take some time to think about how this lesson will go and we will discuss details at the SOlstice." she rises from her seat and grabs the cane, holding it with both hands. Her body turns to the door and she looks to Alice "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss this evening?"

    I'm good to end the scene if you are

  8. #18
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    With Katya's nod, she speaks a few more words, and rises from her seat. Alice follows the women and carefully stands as well. "Yes, thank you for meeting with me."

    Alice take a moment to think of anything else that would cross her mind, but nothing struck out at her. She shakes her head, and answers in a negative, thanking the Seneschal again for agreeing to meet with her. ]

    I'm good to wrap! This was a lot of fun!
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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