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(1604) Rhodes, Greenberg, York, etc.

21 - 26
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  1. #21

    It was always intriguing to hear someone's opinion on 'second chances'. He particularly liked the comparison to mother nature. Sometimes you never got that branch to recover with.

    A smile spread across his face as Vivian spoke about cars more. "That sounds like a wonderful idea. Even a classic Mustang is only as good as the one who takes care of it, and with your love of vehicles I imagine your Nova must be well taken care of. I would love going for a ride with you some evening." Subtle, flirtatious banter and cars, always an enjoyable time. "That is a dream I'd enjoy seeing come to fruition. All the colors and designs lined up and ready to be driven and enjoyed. A spectacular sight to be sure," he added with a devilish grin. It was a sight he'd seen on several occasions. Helps when you've represented wealthy criminal clients. They tend to be the types to show off their wealth, even when it was ill-gotten gains.

    At the transition to the Prince Joseph offered a friendly smile and said, "That is an excellent suggestion Vivian. I will be sure to do such as soon as I can, give the Prince plenty of time to see me at his convenience." Alwasy good to let the Judex and Prince run the show instead of Joseph trying to dictate the terms.

    Turning then to Kenneth at him confirming he was free he added, "splendid," before turning back to Louis and Vivian with a smile, "just splendid. I have enjoyed our conversation greatly. Hopefully we can talk more later. But for now, good evening," he said with a slight bow of his head before turning back to Kenneth. "Lead the way Priscus Gilroy," he added before following after the man.

    Greenberg heads here

  2. #22
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2


    As the pair talk about cars, Louis muses on things. Things. Collecting things would be one way of passing eternity, he supposed. Nothing wrong with things, really. a little preventive maintenance could keep your things from wearing out and if all else failed you could always just get more things. Vivian's occasional innuendos weren't escaping his notice either, but experiences were just another type of thing after all.

    Louis watches Greenberg leave, and keeps an eye on where he went to make sure the man doesn't slip away to listen in on him later. "I guess I'll settle for Priscus then."

    Turning back to Vivian. "So what do you know about the Ordo?" She had mentioned that the Grand Wyrm had spoken to her about it, and that she was open to discussing it further.
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  3. #23
    Vivian York

    The Haunt had things to attend to and would note to resume their conversation over a drive, hopefully soon.

    Her Cousins question was cause for pause and a brief mulling over an older conversation. “Well, I know about this much. It’s about change, the want to change and become more than what we are.” Vivian recalled there being much more to it, but summaries were definitely her thing.

    “David Regan told me a few things, they may have been private examples of his own for me to understand. Don’t worry, it’s doubtful they were covenant secrets, he’s not like that.”

    “So if I may, Louis, what is your take on the Ordo, or perhaps what you’d like to share or divulge?”
    Vivian left it open ended, after all, she didn’t expect that he’d give away secrets such as that.

    No one should give those away willy nilly.

  4. #24
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2


    "I'm sure the Grand Wyrm is better suited to deciding what is and isn't appropriate to share with outsiders than I." Diplomatically said, but even if he had been partial to criticizing his superiors (especially when those superiors were within earshot) to outsiders, he wouldn't have done so at Court.

    "Like the Lance and the Circle, the Ordo Dracul focuses on spiritual over temporal pursuits." Though Louis doubted any vampire could thrive to any degree if they just ignored the world around them. "To the best of my understanding, both of those covenants have differing opinions on what our curse means and what the proper behavior is for the dammed to act on. For dragons, the specifics of 'what it means to be dammed' varies from one person to the next, but for each of us we seek to decide what we think it should mean. After that, we measure the difference between the two using various practices and methodologies and then we set about making our ideal visions real to varying degrees of success."

    Damnation wasn't an easy beast to yoke, after all.
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  5. #25
    Vivian York

    Louis spoke of curses and damnation, so did a few of the Covenants, save for one. Maybe these were the words to finally make her decision apparent. Vivian realized after some time that it wasn’t a curse. In fact she regretted some of the acts she’d done before her Embrace.

    “You’ve put more in perspective than you realize, Louis.” The Daeva pleasantly nodded, understanding exactly what he was saying. At least she hoped so. “It’s good to hear anyone’s take on their covenant, even if you are limited in what you’re allowed to say. I certainly appreciate your honesty.” And she meant it.

    “But, I think perhaps I should let you go mingle with some others. Maybe we could get together and talk another time?”
    He was family after all, and didn’t seem so irksome as a few who’d trickled through; family or not.


  6. #26
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2


    "Of course Vivian, I appreciate your understanding. It was a pleasure to meet you." Louis responds warmly. "I didn't mean to monopolize your evening. Please don't hesitate to contact me, if you wish to arrange a tête-à-tête more in line with your schedule."

    What a delightful woman. It was almost enough to make you forget she was a predator. That was another notch that made her dangerous.

    After passing along his contact information, Louis returns to the main thread to mingle
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

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