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(1604) Formal Court

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  1. #1
    Chrisie's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Please remember that Predator's Taint is in effect and role-play of this is expected, or rolls will be asked for!

    This is a great place to get Acknowledged

    The Nox Populi Nightclub.

    In the heart of downtown Sacramento, there is a place of intrigue, excitement, and entertainment. The modern flare of this venue is host to exclusive parties. The seduction of this establishment may take you away as you drink, dance and socialize. There are private services available upon request. The best DJ’s in town are in line to play a wide variety of music. Some of you may dine…as long as you have your VIP pass.

    As Kindred arrive at Nox, they are discreetly met and led to the back of the club; some may recognize the area leading to rear stairs upward. The space downstairs is decorated in dark, rich woods and expensive furniture. There's a coat room that will also hold one's 'unmentionables' (namely, weapons) at the foot of The Stairs. There are also private areas: dark, and furnished with soft couches, meeting rooms with conference tables and chairs, and an area with several inactive televisions.

    The Court area is decorated with long black and crimson silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Draped in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars; the lighting is intentionally low, and the dull throb of music upstairs creates a low, rumbling pulse.

    The common area circles the Court proper, and it becomes apparent that this is not decorated for a single evening. Small symbols note areas reserved only for the Kindred that branch off from the Commons, which will be necessary once those Kine privileged enough to see behind the Masquerade filter
    in: ghouls, herd members, or other types of devotee.

    Another evening; another
    Danse. For some, it will their first, for others it shall be their last.

    After all, this is the Prince's Elysium, and subject to the Laws of the Domain.


    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  2. Likes Cayce liked this post
  3. #2

    This would be his first Elysium in Sacramento, but Joseph was well acquainted with the ritual. Meeting in the night to scheme and connive was in the fabric of their very being and Joseph felt like he was made for it, though only time would tell. Even the best among them could slip and slide over their own iniquity.

    Wearing one of the few suits he had, for his income from clients still landed more on the 'light' side, he was dressed in a basic black suit with a matching vest. Refined was how he liked to label himself and he hoped that was how he appeared. Of course, that would be if any viewers could overcome the supernatural paranoia his presence brought with him. It was both his curse, and a blessing at times. Hard to gain ones trust when they feel like you're watching and waiting for them to slip up and reveal all their secrets, though sometimes he wanted his enemies to feel his gaze upon them even if he were in truth ignorant.

    He smirked to himself as he descended the steps into court, taking in the scenery. He imagined he'd be seeing it quite often for the foreseeable future. Reaching the bottom he wandered into the middle and waited for others to join him in the night. A chance to make his presence known and hopefully meet his new Priscus to gain acknowledgement.

    [expenditurereason]-1 blush[/expenditurereason]

  4. #3
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Entering the formal court, Twist let out a breath. This early not everyone had arrived yet and it meant that instead of preparing her beast for a sudden plunge into a full room, she would only have to deal with the rising wave of them as they entered. Of course, in both cases the outcome was the same, but it was an enjoyable change of pace from her last few court arrivals.

    Her attire was simple, it was spring after all and a full ballgown would have been pushing it. Her hair was rolled and twisted up away from her face. A scattering of rose headed pins stood out from her dark hair in much the same way as the gold filigree stood out from the black of her dress.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  5. #4

    Daisy Wen
    Daisy Wen

    Daisy Wen

    Wizened Artist
    Presence ●● (Vivacious)
    Striking Looks ●● (Delicate)
    Fame ● (Culture - Art World)
    Mantle (Spring) ● The scent of plum blossoms swirl around her, as their petals fall in her wake. Language - Mandarin.

    A slim and petite women, of seemingly fragile beauty. With hair as black as a raven wing, kept long, either loose around her shoulders, or pulled back into a bun. She has a fair complexion, with delicate features.

    This Porcelain fawn, Manikin is material, Beast in shape. Artist in reality. comprised a fine white china. Her hair, still long is glazed in jade. Dainty china antler-horns poke out from her hair. Unguligrades legs she crafted for herself, now support dainty deer hoofed feet. Her eyes are large, pupiless, and the entirety of the eye black as pitch. She's lean, her limbs are long, her fingers spindly, but carry a certainty and deftness when plying her craft.

    Nell had been to Court during her short time within the Domain, but this would be her first Formal Court. Capitals required. Nell was very glad that she planned out her outfit before hand and was able to arrive at the beginning of that night instead of being late, fashionable or no. The only hardship she faced was managing her hair, and dealing with her stilettos, (which were not a perfect match for her hair, but she'd fallen for them as soon as she'd spotted them). Which was why she chose to call a taxi instead of riding her bite. She was fairly certain, that since this was an Invictus Domain, and this was not an Ordo Dracul function that she would get away with wearing both blue and black.

    The other arrivals, faces she didn't know, were Masked, which was great for her. Nell kept her face in it's neutral cast. What kind of Mekhet was she, that she couldn't Masked her Beast? She really, needed to get on that!

    Nell kept her place, until she was sure that the others had their Beasts within their grasps before she made her decent into the Elysian Field.

  6. #5

    SHe waited in her office, door left open as she listened for the others to arrive after checking to make sure all was set up for Court to start in the event that preparations hand't been made. Confident that all was well, at least for now, Katya felt less anxious waiting in her office. It wasn't common for her to dress for purposes of looking domineering, at least intentionally around her undead peers but tonight was different. With her hair worn up in a bun while the sides hang behind her shoulders, she relies on her long face to look like a harpy about to tear into someone who would foolishly become difficult with her.

    A corset was considered and then she decided against it, not wanting to confuse sexy with assertion. She still needed to be a bit dressy at the very least for court. What she goes with is a sleeveless black vest over a matching sleeveless button up, perhaps baring her arms might be helpful. A white tie is the only contrast to her colorless ensemble. High heeled shoes tap as she paces back and forth and then hears footsteps outside. She waits to see David or Garrick enter and wonders what is taking them so long.

    Then the anger, mixed with anxiety forces her to press her hand against teh wall. There is more rage behind this one, indicative of the power behind the one behind it, Her Grace. Shit...I was pacing longer than I thought she thinks once she relaxes

    With Court having started, Katya realizes it's too late to wait any longer and steps out into Court just in time to freeze as her Demon lashes out again at the sound of Nell entering. Still new to her, Katya's inner voices practically screams to keep herself in check as now is not the time to be held up.

    As soon as she snaps out of it, she realizes Nell Cooper is closest in proximity and she gives her a smile and a nod"Good evening Miss Cooper, it's nice to see you again." she turns towards Twist and gestures for Nell to follow her."Come, have you met the Archon of the domain yet?" Leading the new Shadow to Her Grace, Katya demonstrates a proper greeting with a low bow and says "Good evening your Grace your dress is stunning this evening. I hope you've been well. I'd like to introduce you to Miss Nell Cooper of the Mekhet Clan and member of the Ordo Dracul. Nell Cooper, I present to you Her Grace, the Royal Archon, Twist. "

    When she rises again to gesture to Twist, Katya notices another man in the room, one her Demon hadn't noticed. Looks like things were definitely not going as planned. Katya is also sure to position herself in the direction of the entrance to the main floor so (@%1;) and Kelreth ) David or Garrick can pull her aside once they arrive.

  7. #6
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Formal Court…..which meant she had to put some effort into her outfit for the night. Though she was defiantly more comfortable in pants, she could wear a dress if she had to. The catch? It had to have her own twist on it, she had to make it her own. It took her a few nights to hunt down the perfect dress, cause just not any dress would do for the former Capo.

    Tonight’s dress was daring indeed! See through mesh made up the majority of it, while carefully and strategically placed leather flowers covered the more taboo bits. It was floor length, brushing the floor as she walked. Her dark hair was left down, and she wore almost no makeup, letting the dress speak for itself. Well, that and her tattoos which were clearly visible where the mesh was. Could the leather flowers be covering more? Maybe…maybe not.

    So into Court she descends, guns left safely in her jeep. Pausing at the base of the stairs, she allows her eyes to scan the room, while waiting for the press of present Beasts to hit her. One dares to challenge her, her own wanting nothing more than to show its dominance. Another was weaker, and her own wanted to exploit this, wanting to paint the walls in another shade of red. Both thoughts were brushed aside, it wouldn’t be appreciate and was frowned upon.

    Seeing Twist, she dips into a bow of respect. Then a bow was offered to Katya, who was with the girl with the cool hair. The guy she didn’t recognize, but she wanted to observe first.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #7
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



    They emerged. Fringe and Priss descended into Elysium together, hand in hand. A closer examination will reveal that this is no romantic liaison or quaint affection: Fringe is leading Priss as one would lead a reluctant puppy and she is none to happy about it. The pair grind to a halt as they hit the Elysian Field proper - the sudden press of Beasts is too much. Caught between confusion, a need to dominate and an equally inexplicable desire to run, the pair hover like lacklustre wannabe's at the edge of the group.

    With a determined effort marking her face, Fringe plunges in. Dragged along behind, Priss can only snarl and hiss. They wind up in a corner, simultaneously a part of, and apart from, proceedings. Fringe finds a seat. Priss remains propping up the walls, sliding ever further into an animalistic crouch, her blank face staring vacantly out across the chamber.

    Fringe has gone all out tonight, crushing her meagre savings for a respectable, if cheap, pantsuit. All that remains of the buying spree with tiny Martha are the pointed-toe flats, dark blue contrasting with the black and white of her suit and shirt.

    Priss is waring a simple black dress, demure with a hint of suggestion. Black and white stiletto's grace her feet; the poacher newcomer displays some skill with the shoes, perched on them while holding her hunched, primeval, pose. Whatever effort Fringe took to bring her companion's long hair into line has failed: its all over the place and tumbles in a cascading heap over her face. Priss really does look like the feminine horror of recent lore, stuffed into a party dress.

  9. Likes Orianna liked this post
  10. #8

    Time is not the friend of a Kindred and somehow it always conspires to ruin plans. Perhaps, that is a form of revenge taken on the Kindred for living beyond their years. Who knows. David arrives as early as he can to Court, only to find it already waking. His suit, the color of sand, rests on his beanpole frame; an Egyptian Blue tie in a meek-four in hand knot at his throat.

    It doesn't stand out and is barely worth any notice; other than it carries the marks of who he is, maybe only in ways the Invictus understand.

    As David arrives, the press of Beasts threatens to overwhelm. All of the unmasked beasts around him are mewling weaklings. Ones that his own beast begs to just reach out and smother before each can spread their wings and threaten everything they've built. However, just as a warden will never give into the prisoner's demands, the Man will never give into the lowly Beast. So, those thoughts are locked away into the smallest box his mind can find; ignoring the screams carrying its demands.

    David spies Twist first, how could he not, and then Katya ( sumthingpositiv ) and moves towards them partially to offer the women respect and partially to join up with the Seneschal for the first order of business. Business that nags at David as he notices the pair of poachers women standing awkwardly within court.

    Your Grace, Madame Seneschal, Miss Cooper -- good evening” deeply inclining his head. “Madame," looking to Katya, "I'm ready whenever you are.

  11. #9
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2


    Tonight's cast came back with "No gain without loss" as the result as well as a warning against easy solutions to complex problems. If that wasn't a frustratingly vague result, it was at least consistent.

    Keeping the advice of the cleromancy in the background of his thoughts, Louis enters the underground court while bracing against the hellish push and pull of his blood of the assembled vampires, pushing his instincts to and fro with no regard for anything but the thickness of everyone's blood. He tilts his head to one side as he looks out across the assembled Domain through mirrored green sunglasses, with so many pretty predators about it was almost a shame that photographs were so difficult to make stick. So many pretty dead things, young and old, dressing up and showing off their plumage. Not that Louis was any different! No, a shirt with cheetah print in lime green and hot pink under a leather jacket and snakeskin boots under jeans did not exactly fall under the understated category for clothing.

    The Grand Wyrm looked like he was embroiled in something, so Louis scanned the room for the Whip, Vivian York. They were the two people he knew he should introduce himself to who he also knew by appearance. The night was young. So was he, but there wasn't much he could do about that other than wait.
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  12. #10
    Vivian York

    The Daeva’s ’67 Nova rolled into the parking lot of the Nox. She wasn’t late, nor early, just as she liked it. The car, which smelled of Fred Hayman’s 273 still lingering even when the door opened, wafted the scent as she opened and closed the door. Locking it, since she had her old trusted friend in the trunk

    Her outfit could be described as vintage with a touch of sass. Vivian’s hair was blonde tonight, a change from red, or most would assume. Her own smell of Poison touched each pressure point and clung to her lace gloves. The Daeva’s heels matched lovely with the dress, and they clicked as she strode to down the stairs.

    No matter how many times Vivian arrived to mingle with the Domain, still her Beast didn’t appreciate it. Instead of attacking the Seneschal, she grinned widely with a slight wave. Still making her way into the main part of the Underground, a few still caught her attention. The urge to turn around quelled as she secured her gloves again. A brief nod to Alessandra , followed by the same to Nell Cooper . But for David Regan , she beamed a genuine smile and bowed her head to one of the most splendid Kindred of the Domain, Twist .

    Passing by the new people, Vivian took a moment to survey all that was in attendance so far. She eyed Louis Rhodes with pleasant curiosity.

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