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With the Tide

21 - 29
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  1. #21

    Rising from his seat, David glides through the Library with a familiarity borne from long-nights and intimate knowledge of the Chapter House. He knows the House's annoyances and the points where it would protest his weight. David deftly ignores those points in the hard-wood floor and finds a specific book buried in among the collections of general occult knowledge and the collected notes of Dragons, past and present.

    Delicate fingers tug at the spine and pulls it forward, and David continues moving towards Nell's corning. It might very well become Nell's Corning, in time; becoming a place everyone silently agrees is hers. Offering the book to Nell, David says very little; but he doesn't do things like without a reason.

    Give me your honest opinion when you finish,” is all the Grand Wyrm says, while leaving Nell to it.

    Given the Supplicant's interest in Slumber, and knowing that she's following a very similar path, David wonders how Nell would respond to the undertones of Haemomemetics that underscores his own work.

  2. #22

    Daisy Wen
    Daisy Wen

    Daisy Wen

    Wizened Artist
    Presence ●● (Vivacious)
    Striking Looks ●● (Delicate)
    Fame ● (Culture - Art World)
    Mantle (Spring) ● The scent of plum blossoms swirl around her, as their petals fall in her wake. Language - Mandarin.

    A slim and petite women, of seemingly fragile beauty. With hair as black as a raven wing, kept long, either loose around her shoulders, or pulled back into a bun. She has a fair complexion, with delicate features.

    This Porcelain fawn, Manikin is material, Beast in shape. Artist in reality. comprised a fine white china. Her hair, still long is glazed in jade. Dainty china antler-horns poke out from her hair. Unguligrades legs she crafted for herself, now support dainty deer hoofed feet. Her eyes are large, pupiless, and the entirety of the eye black as pitch. She's lean, her limbs are long, her fingers spindly, but carry a certainty and deftness when plying her craft.

    Nell blinks as Martha's attentions are drawn towards her fellow Supplicant, speaking of the Beast. The teal-haired shadow smiles faintly at the Initiate's enthusiasm, while her own experiences differ in regards to her Beast, she wonder if it has to do with how they each perceive the primal, predatory part of themselves. The Grand Wyrm self-assured movement does not draw her eye as would another who's presence filled the air around them like a palpable thing. Her mind instead is bubbling forth with varring thoughts, random pieces of information and half formed questions when she is handed a book.

    Nell caresses the cover, and the spine before she even realizes that it's within her grasp. "Oh, I will!" Nell rasps with a smile, as she eagerly opens the book. Curling upon herself within the chair she choose and silently fell into a blessedly awaited moment of discovering something new.

    I will post something more substantial as soon as I get a chance to read the 'book'

  3. #23
    Alkeni Synair

    Constant monitoring. Sounded about right. It was a neverending struggle, as far a she could tell. Elysium a few nights back had been especially bad in fighting it back, but then, that was a lot of new vampires. Every time she fed, it clawed and raged at her, determined to drink her prey dry, to leave an empty husk.

    "I've never considered it with language like that, but you're right. To me, my experiences with the Beast have been more... akin to some great monster being chained to the ground by an army, and it constantly breaking free of those chains, and new ones needing to be thrown over it, if we're going to go with colorful meaphors. But... now that you put it like that... I like the idea of it. That the beast is something you can actually fight back against, rather than desperately try to restrain." Sarah trailed off, looking at her hands, which were resting in her lap as she thought back to those horrified few moments before her death, when Mark had come into her little efficiency apartment that night. Things between them had been deteriorating, with Mark's changes in schedule and behavior, but they'd agreed to have a bit of a late date night - she'd had to do a few things late anyway.

    Sarah's whole plan had been for a nice dinner, then a romantic night - rekindle things, restore the romance, et cetera.

    Instead, Mark had been in a hunger frenzy and rather than being the night her relationship with the man had been saved, it had been the night he'd killed her. The night he'd turned her into a monster out of remorse for killing her. As if what she was was better than death. If it's not, Sarah, why haven't you just ended it? Sarah had no answer for that question. The obvious answer would be that being Truly Dead would be worse. That some part of her thought that. But emotionally... Sarah didn't want to admit that.

    Sarah didn't need to share all those details.

    "I've... experienced firsthand, what losing control to the Beast can result in." She said after a long moment.

  4. #24

    Daisy Wen
    Daisy Wen

    Daisy Wen

    Wizened Artist
    Presence ●● (Vivacious)
    Striking Looks ●● (Delicate)
    Fame ● (Culture - Art World)
    Mantle (Spring) ● The scent of plum blossoms swirl around her, as their petals fall in her wake. Language - Mandarin.

    A slim and petite women, of seemingly fragile beauty. With hair as black as a raven wing, kept long, either loose around her shoulders, or pulled back into a bun. She has a fair complexion, with delicate features.

    This Porcelain fawn, Manikin is material, Beast in shape. Artist in reality. comprised a fine white china. Her hair, still long is glazed in jade. Dainty china antler-horns poke out from her hair. Unguligrades legs she crafted for herself, now support dainty deer hoofed feet. Her eyes are large, pupiless, and the entirety of the eye black as pitch. She's lean, her limbs are long, her fingers spindly, but carry a certainty and deftness when plying her craft.

    Her own precarious perch between, thought-memory, dreams, hers and others, and the Blood, offered her own unique viewpoint upon the topic, and while she isn't poised to plunge from the precipice, not yet, she knows with time she will be. Torpor will come, and she will be Prometheus, laid bare and chained, while the eagle-the Blood, the Nightmares, take and take and take.

    What started her own to walk the Path of Blood, is not why she continues to do so, and those reasons are why she seeks the Coils of Slumber.

    It hadn't taken her long to read, then again. Still finding the same result. A small whine escaped her throat as she closes the book, setting it on her lap.

    "Well." she said after a long moment. "I wish there were more data." she taps the cover of the book with her finger. "And I wish I had this primer when I first started down the path of blood. If offers an unique view, that I could have, and might still benefit from."

    "Honestly, I believe we need more data. We could always use more date." she says with a smirk, "Maybe see if we can...we could use the viewpoints of the other Covenants. What Clans have you tested? Were there any variations within bloodlines?" she asks in quick succession.

    Then silently, 'And can we get our hands on any Mnemosyne.'

  5. #25

    Nell's devouring of his piece surprises him, though he immediately knows it shouldn't have. From the place he floated off to after giving Nell the book, he moves to return to her Corning. “There's never enough data,” David agrees with the sentiment of her lament. “I think I was lucky to have two Academies at my disposal for research and when I conducted interviews here, the Academy here was at its peak. I've wanted to interview more Dragons, but the transient nature of our Domain works against that.

    Her flurry of questions earn a flurry of answers. “I haven't interviewed anyone outside of the Order. All of the clans were interviewed and I never saw any correlations with bloodlines.” One of those answers does, however, get elaborated upon, “I've wanted to interview those outside of the Order but, I don't think an interview of the nature of blood and feeding would be welcomed; especially without context. The intense nature of it needs the context that only those of the Order would appreciate; I think.

    Idly, David scratches at the back of his left ear, “But, it seems the work did attract some attention. However, the night does draw fairly late and I think this conversation requires a bit more time than I can give tonight. Let's meet again soon and you can pepper me with questions then.

    Looks like we're reaching a natural stopping point. Wrap up?

  6. #26
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha sat and listened without interrupting and, as Sarah seemed to deflate in the retelling of her story, she reached out a hand in a tender gesture of silent sympathy and alliance.

    She didn't know what else to say that was either positive or constructive. At this point, Martha had an instinct that pretty much anything would sound like a platitude, so she held her tongue and simply offered a nod of understanding.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  7. #27
    Alkeni Synair

    Sarah appreciated the woman's silence. "Sorry. Just... thinking about the Beast made me think about some things I'd rather not think about." She shook her head, as if to cast off the unwanted thoughts.

  8. #28

    Daisy Wen
    Daisy Wen

    Daisy Wen

    Wizened Artist
    Presence ●● (Vivacious)
    Striking Looks ●● (Delicate)
    Fame ● (Culture - Art World)
    Mantle (Spring) ● The scent of plum blossoms swirl around her, as their petals fall in her wake. Language - Mandarin.

    A slim and petite women, of seemingly fragile beauty. With hair as black as a raven wing, kept long, either loose around her shoulders, or pulled back into a bun. She has a fair complexion, with delicate features.

    This Porcelain fawn, Manikin is material, Beast in shape. Artist in reality. comprised a fine white china. Her hair, still long is glazed in jade. Dainty china antler-horns poke out from her hair. Unguligrades legs she crafted for herself, now support dainty deer hoofed feet. Her eyes are large, pupiless, and the entirety of the eye black as pitch. She's lean, her limbs are long, her fingers spindly, but carry a certainty and deftness when plying her craft.

    Nell nods in understanding of the Grand Wyrm's words, setting the primer on her knee while snaking around to pull a random text from the self. "Now that the Order is growing again, maybe it's time to look into acquiring more data?" she says absently as her fingers snag a book.

    The teal-haired shadow hums in acknowledgement, of the night's events drawing to a close, but she opens the book and curls around it. A part of her content in a way that hadn't been since her old life disappeared in the Hunter's flames.

    I'm good to wrap. This has been really, really fun!

  9. #29

    Thanks all! Feel free to start any threads in the OD or ( Nell Cooper particularly with Haemomemetic Lessons) ping me if you wanna start scene-age

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