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Required Reading

31 - 34
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  1. #31

    "It would take... a lot," Ava said finally, having turned the question over. "If I was in danger, and my presence was no longer an aid to the Freehold, it would be tempting to leave. If there was something I thought needed to be done somewhere else, and it was pressing enough. If the Freehold was destroyed again, a possibility I know no one likes to think about but... if happened again, it might be hard to stay." Touching her teacup lightly to her lip, the Nix spoke past it, gaze even. "I hardly knew anyone when I first arrived. Their deaths are a tragedy, but it wasn't my friends, dying. So... I wouldn't leave lightly, but I'm not swearing to live and die in Sacramento."

    Sacramento wouldn't be home anymore, without the people that made it such. Even David might not be enough to make her stay in a city where so many had died, if that happened again. A terrible, heartbreaking thought, but not outside the realm of possibility.

    "Why?" she asked simply, instead of turning the question around.

    We've passed the month mark, want to start wrapping up?

  2. #32
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Lynn simply tilted her head a bit to the side as she studied the other woman in turn. "So many of us come and go and half the time we don't even say anything to those we're leaving behind. Daniel was unusual in that he let us know he was going. I've not been . . . out for very long, really and this is the first place I settled down after I got back. I've wondered what it was; if something was driving people away or if people just didn't have a reason to stay." She finally shrugged. "Call it my own morbid curiosity."

    I'm good to wrap this up. Excellent scene!

  3. #33

    "Hm, I think a lot of folks have a difficult time sitting still, After. Sometimes they leave because they feel a sense of duty to something or someone else, occasionally they cycle back through, but it's true, hardly anyone says goodbye. Might just be too difficult." Daniel's going away party hadn't been the social engagement of the year, as much as she had appreciated the thought. "That said, I'd like a few more goodbyes, make sure people aren't just getting snatched again. I met someone, awhile go, who told me he'd been away because his Keeper had found him again. That gave me nightmares... but, I don't think that's universal. I really hope it's not." Al-Adin had been incredibly nonchalant about it, something she'd had trouble understanding.

    "Well," she began again after a moment, looking into her cup, "Unless you need me to head out, how about that cider? I've been thinking a little about psychology and I want to run an oneiromancy idea by you..." And so one discussion became another, stretching through the bottle of cider and onward through the evening.

    Thanks for the scene!

  4. #34
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Thanks very much!

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