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Graves and the Reeve

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  1. #11
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "Actually, you're incorrect," Josephine primly riposted. "The word sheriff derives from the words 'shire' and 'reeve'. Thus the Invictus is merely being historically correct, for I am the legal magistrate of our little shire, here. One that was appointed by the source of all of our Laws, the Prince. And, as for the subject of Priscii, you would ordinarily be correct except for the fact that the Prince, the most honorable Alder Asa Clarke, Duke and Judex of Sacramento, has seen fit to install the Priscii as court officers. Thus they do operate in the official capacity of acknowledging and granting feeding rights and tenancy. Thus, the fact that I have been double appointed as both Priscus and Reeve should tell you one thing, Miss Graves. I am trusted by the Prince, and that is all that matters as far as you are concerned. Do you understand?"

  2. #12
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    If Graves had been dealing with someone who, as far she knew, hadn't killed people for saying words that hadn't been appreciated, she might have voiced her thoughts. That just because something was historically accurate, didn't mean it should be applied in the immediate - and thinking that it needed to be was a typical Invictus way of thought. That there were a million different ways to get enough 'trust' for political appointments, beyond actually being the right person for the job. But hey, she wasn't suicidal.

    "Yeah. Sure. I get it." All that talking, just to convince Graves that the Domain believed her enough to accept whatever ruling she issued. "If you say I'm okay, they'll listen, and if you say I'm not, they'll listen to that too."
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  3. #13
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    "Excellent. Then you should not be surprised when no one aides you while I confine your hunting to the Barrens," Josephine swiftly replied, waiting, with no small amount of relish, for the look of self-righteous injury upon the imp's face.

    "In one month I shall reconsider my decision. Should you stay within the confines of this mandate, that should sufficiently prove you are to be trusted. If you do not, you should flee. Now then, are there any other assumptions of yours I might be able to clear up?"

  4. #14
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Graves' smile disappeared in a second, and her eyes narrowed. "No, I guess I can't be surprised." Covenant politics. Graves would bet that, come next month, the Reeve would 'forget' about reconsidering her decision. Or, she'd remember to maintain the banishment.

    "I got nothing to ask. I'll see you in a month, then." Graves should probably come armed to that one. Or at least bring backup. Graves stood, shoved her hands in her pockets, and forced a toothy smile before she walked out.

    And Graves exits! Thanks, fun scene!
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

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