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(1512) Cordoba and Braggs

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  1. #11

    Tiernan grimaced. Three final deaths in one year? It seemed he had stepped into a hornet's nest. “Well, tha's unpleasant.” He listened to the rest of the Priscus' words carefully. “I'll ask fer protection if it's warranted, but I'm not one fer hidin' behind others' coattails. I try to clean up me own messes when I can.”

    “What's the political climate, if ye don't mind me askin'? I'm guessin' Invictus rule.”

  2. #12
    Juan Cordoba

    Cordoba shook his head at Bragg's inquiry. "There is only the benevolence of His Grace, Alder Duke Clarke, Prince of the Domain," Juan politely stated.

    "You will find that Sacramento is a meritocracy. No Covenant receives special treatment. The Priscus of the Gangrel is a Carthian. The Priscus of the Mekhet holds membership in the Ordo Dracul. Priscus Marlon of the Nosferatu is Unaligned, unless that has recently changed," he paused glancing to the Haunt, uncertain. "I am of the Invictus."

    Turning his attention back to Tiernan, "You will find that each Kindred who has a station, has earned it."

  3. #13

    “Meritocracy, eh? Good to know.”

    Tiernan would probably never reach any level importance in the local hierarchy, but he liked the sound of a meritocracy nonetheless. (Monomacy, not so much.) He glanced around the room at the Prisci that Alder Duke Clarke had pointed out and made a mental note of which Covenants they belonged to. That information could prove useful later.

    “The laws are fair. I'll keep to 'em as best I can, an' I'll do me best to set things right with Miss Hastings too. I did some apologizin' already, but it seems best to make it formal. Anythin' ye'd like to know afore we get that sorted?”

  4. #14
    Juan Cordoba

    It appeared that a resolution was at hand. "We'll have time to chat at a later date. Let's get this situation squared away."

    Juan returns to Brittany and Company

  5. #15

    ((Forgot to switch accounts again. Working on it.))

  6. #16

    "Aye, lets." Tiernan followed Juan back to the larger gathering of Kindred.

    Tiernan returns to Brittany and Company

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