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Needful Nightmares

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  1. #31
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan couldn't help the laugh as Lynn pulled a trick right out of an action film, "Right Lynn. I think I can swing swish-swish-stab. Yet, other Jedi tricks..." Despite the new Jedi/Sith duds, the Beast was still cautious by nature. So she looked over at the boulders and smiled evilly as she raised a hand, palm open, towards them. Time for a Jedi trick.

      3 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-12-13 14:59:20 Morgan Bellanar rolls 8 to Dream jedi (10 Again) 1, 6, 1, 8, 5, 10, 2, 5, 8 3 successes

    And she mind threw three boulders at the wolves before leaping after Lynn into the melee. The boulders did a good job of softening up the briarwolves: scattering those that dodged and knocking about the ones that were hit. And then she was in the melee, sticking close to Lynn for both their safety.

      3 suxx
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-12-13 15:00:10 Morgan Bellanar rolls 7 to Dream fighting (10 Again) 1, 6, 3, 4, 10, 10, 8, 4, 7 3 successes

    While the Beast lacked skill in weapons she made up for it with muscle, even if it looked like she was swinging a glowing club compared to the flashier Jedi maneuvers of Lynn. The duo were doing a good job slicing down the numbers of briarwolves. Not that the rancor wasn't doing a grand job of wiping them out on its own. "Wonder if we could ride the big guy?" She just really had to ask Lynn that.

  2. #32
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Lynn laughed, her blade glowing as she sliced easily through the briar wolves. "Are you insane?" She looked up at the Rancor and laughed again. "Maybe I'm insane, because that does sound like fun." The distraction cost her as one of the briar wolves leapt at her from the side. She went down hard but managed to keep the blade up and had the dubious satisfaction of watching the thing fall into two roughly equal chunks of semi seared meat. She glanced up again, this time keeping a way eye on her surroundings. "Where would we sit? The plates between it's shoulders?"

  3. #33
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan gave Lynn a flat look before smirking as she quirked an eyebrow, "Of course I am. Have you met any changeling that was 100% mentally stable by norman standards?" She laughed before sing-songing out: "~We're all mad here~"

    The sound of a briarwolf being crunched by the rancor's jaws ruined the tune. It got less fun when Lynn was jumped by a briarwolf: "LYNN!" Morgan charged towards her friend as a wolf tried to meet her charge.

      Angry swing
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-12-15 22:20:41 Morgan Bellanar rolls 7 to Dream fighting (10 Again) 8, 8, 5, 3, 7, 5, 8 3 successes

    The dream briarwolf didn't even slow her down, losing is upper torso in the process. Morgan sighed in relief that her friend was fine. This was getting dangerous. Time to change the rules, "How about some saddles?"

      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-12-15 22:24:00 Morgan Bellanar rolls 8 to Dream alterantion (10 Again) 3, 2, 4, 2, 8, 8, 9, 4 3 successes

    And suddenly they are atop the rancor, complete with riding saddle for the two of them. "Or did you want your own?" Asked the Beast whilst she watched their "pet" smash the wolves.

  4. #34
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Lynn leaned over slightly, watching with interest as the Rancor tore through the remaining briar wolves. "Oh no, this is fine." She had to laugh a bit as one of the wolves was kicked, flying through the air as if the Rancor was trying to score a field goal.

    "And the crowd goes wild!" She snickered, wrapping one arm around her friend for balance as the beast suddenly dipped down. "Besides, I don't think this dream of yours can hold too many more changes without breaking down."

  5. Likes Origins liked this post
  6. #35
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan cheered with Lynn, "Goal!" returning the half-hug arm wrap with her own arm. The rancor dipped down and out of their sight there was a very wet crunch. When the movie monster rose up, there was a pair of briarwolf feet sticking out of its mouth. It gobbled this down too. "Aw, no more changes then? This has gone from nightmare to entertainment though."

    Well the wolves weren't even trying to attack now. They were just running around in circles as prey for the rancor. Stomping, punching , punting, biting, that was the fate of the dream conjured Hedgebeasts. Morgan smiled at her friend but then her face turned serious: "Lynn my friend? While it is therapeutic to see the monsters that hunted me laid low, and I am certain it would entertain me for hours, did you wish to continue using the lightsabers against them? I will admit I find this preferable and it feels safer. But I did not ask if this is your preference."

    She didn't want to be the one to harsh on Lynn's fun.

  7. #36
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Lynn grinned and shrugged a bit. "This was all about understanding fear and what drove it. Since that's done for now, we can do whatever we want. Even jump into a entirely different dream, if you'd like. Something that's pure enjoyment." She tilted her head to the side and regarded the ugly head of the Rancor as it stalked after one of the last wolves. "Or we can watch Junior here finish his meal. Whatever you want to do."

  8. Likes Origins liked this post
  9. #37
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    The rancor punched one of the surviving wolves so hard, the hairless hedgebeast split in half when it hit a branch of the Hedge wall. "I--wait, did that just?" She pointed over to the gory mess where the wolf had landed. Then Morgan looked down, leaning over the rancor's shoulder: "Oh yeah, there's the briarwolf's pelt." The rancor had punched the wolf right out of its skin. Their mount was not stuck trying to chase the last couple of wolves.

    It would be moments before the last monsters were mere blood smears. She turned to Lynn, "I am uncertain of what to do next," the rancor crunched its jaws down on the last wolf, elliciting a grin from Morgan: "though watching artificial vengeance was most rewarding. Mush!" And the rancor roared as it did so, smashing through the (for it) knee high Hedge with ease. "Hmm...anything you would like smashed? For a next target?"

  10. #38
    Lynn Mills's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Queen of the Verdant Court
    Darkling Nightsinger/Minstrel
    Presence - 2 Mantle (Spring) - 3 Wyrd - 3


    Lynn laughed as she watched the last of the wolf stomping. "Honestly, this is the most fun I've had in a while!" She gripped the saddle tightly as the Rancor dipped suddenly, lurching into a surprisingly fast run. Not having any other ideas, she was content to let the dream unwind on it's own, and they spent the rest of the night riding together through the Hedge. For once, they were the creatures that went bump in the night.

    Thanks very much for an awesome scene!

  11. Likes Origins liked this post
  12. #39
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    You are welcome. And great line to end the scene on btw.

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