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  1. #11
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Varyx grinned as he complimented the food. There was nothing particularly special about it, but she didn't mind. "Flatterer," she quipped, leaning into the kiss.

    It was interesting to hear a little about Miach and Pelican's past. She knew some of the people around here had long, storied histories. Find out more about them gave her new perspective on them. Then she smirked at his mention of VT not having any room. She'd gathered it was the largest cabal in the city these days, between Avis, Arthur and July, plus the handful of members she was aware of but hadn't met yet. Though, it occurred to her, if the meeting with Miach and the others went well, they'd be a cabal of 5, which might actually rival VT in size.

    She took a few bites of breakfast while pondering his last question, and the context in which he presented it. He suspected someone was getting to the mages that were leaving? Driving them away? It sounded like paranoia at first glance, but then, from what she'd heard and seen about Sacramento so far, it might not be that far gone from reality. Chilling thought. "I haven't spoken at any length with that many people, yet. Avis, obviously, and Arthur. Plus I spoke with Richelieu at the Consilium at some length. I ran into Emrys at a club on Hallowe'en, but other than that, I'm afraid I haven't had much chance to really judge any of the other mages. I've met and had words with several others, mostly at the Consilium, but I couldn't claim to know them well enough to make any particular suggestions concerning a second Sentinel. I'll certainly keep that in mind, though, and I'll give you a call if I come across any particularly promising candidates." She took another bite, and then, an idea. "Ah, I haven't met him yet, but I understand one of the people I'll be meeting to discuss this possible new cabal is an Arrow. He might be worth speaking to, at least."

  2. #12

    He was pleased to feel her lean into the kiss. None of the morning felt force, like either wanted the other to leave. It all felt natural and good. At least so far.

    Continuing to dig into his meal he listened to Varyx respond. "I figured as much. I was actually going to reach out to Richelieu. Setup a time to meet and everything and then nothing. Avis suggested I look for someone with some detective skills, though they don't have to technically be one. I kind of feel made for the job in that way. I was a US Marshal for many years before Awakening, and then I've worked with the Guardians investigating things ever since. I haven't done much with the Veil in Sacramento getting here but that's more because other than Star I think Zilkers the only Guardian here, and me and Star are already investigating stuff." He certainly hadn't heard back from Bahlam, though he may have left over embarrassment with the Avis situation.

    He let out a sigh. "I'd appreciate that. I mean, if we don't have an candidates we don't have any candidates." His interest was piqued when she mentioned a new Arrow. Maybe Avis hadn't met him when they last talked. "I'll have to look into that guy. If you find out his number at the meeting could you pass it along. I'll see if he's a fit."

    The night had started with talking and fun. Ended in even more fun. Now the morning was evolving into a potential friendship to go along with the benefits. Plus she could cook. Always a plus. Seemed like things truly had worked out for the best.

  3. #13
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Varyx paused when July mentioned having once been a Marshal. She smoothed her features against the instinct to wince at the thought that of course he'd been a Sleeper cop before Awakening. She should have guessed that. Well, all she could hope was that he cared a little less for Sleeper law than he used to.

      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-12-02 12:21:10 Varyx rolls 7 to keep a straight face (again, because dice pools are hard) (Comp + Subt + Spec) (10 Again) 8, 1, 8, 6, 6, 2, 9 3 successes
    She nodded at his interest in talking to the new Arrow. "I'll talk to him, maybe at the meeting. Let him know you want to talk."

    She took another bite, pleased at how the evening (and morning) had turned out so far. It had been too, too long since she'd just spent time with someone for the sake of it, because she happened to enjoy their company. And so far, she really did enjoy his company. It had started out of a callous desire to make friends with someone in a position of importance - she'd wanted to get off on the right foot with the city's only Sentinel because he was the city's only Sentinel. Who would have thought that she might actually have ended up legitimately liking him?

    I'm happy to end the scene here, unless you want to roll against my subterfuge to notice her reaction to the cop comment.

  4. #14

    He took a final sip, finishing off his coffee as he finished eating. "Thanks, I'd appreciate that," he said, smiling to her.

    July was not the kind of man who smiled. In fact, he generally enjoyed keeping his face calm and emotionless. He felt like it took less effort to avoid trying to keep up appearances. He didn't feel that way with Varyx. He genuinely felt like smiling around her.

    He was also very accustom to the abilities of Fate. It could make the unlikely become improbable, and the impossible more possible. But if he had cast a spell last night, hoping the two of them would have a good evening, he doubted even Fate would have had them end up where they were right now. Sometimes things just worked out better than anyone could imagine, even with magic.

    I don't need to roll. We can end another great scene there.

  5. #15
    Varyx's Avatar

    aka Vanessa Thomas

    Tempting (Pres 4)
    Sultry (SL 4)
    Varyx, Apostate Mastigos


    Varyx's nimbus is subtle - she still looks more or less like herself, but there's something about her, something difficult to put your finger on... She's always been beautiful, but it's magnified and somehow terrible. Something so lovely can't be human, and it gives the people around her the impression that maybe she doesn't have any humanity, either.


    Then End Scene! That was great! Thanks

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