Why had she accepting the call from Kevin? It was really simple, he was not only cute, but she was hoping to add him to her Herd. Why him? She wasn’t exactly sure to be honest. But he had been fun to talk to, was kinda cute and hadn’t asked to visit her place. And a few others as she finds them. Cause lets face it, it’s much easier to have a Herd to feed from then go out night after night to find dinner.

So she agreed to meet him later in the evening for some type of party. Regular jeans and a tank top, along with her boots was the choice for the night. A little lipstick was worn and she quickly ran a brush through her hair. Parties were not her thing, young Kine drinking and acting stupid was not her idea of a fun time. Not that she didn’t like to party, but Kine don’t know how to party. But, it was a necessary evil to blend in and keep the food coming in.

Kevin was waiting outside when she pulled up, and led her inside after she parked. The music was loud and bad and the other guests were drunk and trying to be louder than the music it seemed. Why people liked to have music so loud you couldn’t think was beyond her. Or maybe it was her age. She did the polite thing, smiling and being friendly as she was introduced around. A few of the party goers seemed like they might make for a good addition to her new Herd. Though she would have to meet them outside a party, see what they were about. Doing her best to fit in, she danced to the music with some of the faces she was introduced to. A little flirting here and there, and teasing guys in Italian seemed to make her more popular. And she must have made a good impression cause she left with some phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Looks like it was time to get her own address and all that.

After what seemed like forever, they finally meet back up and left, headed back to his apartment.
It was the same story, a little kissing led them to his bedroom. But this time, between the drinks and the dancing, he fell asleep. Which was perfectly ok with her, she only need one thing from him.

After getting what she needed and closing the wound, she made her way out.