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The Petition

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  1. #11
    Cayce's Avatar

    "As you say, Senor Cordoba. Simply let me know when you would wish to meet. I will be available at your convenience." The words fell with the rhythm of artificial servility, though there was no disrespect in her voice. No, rather there was a sign of respect, for she did not attempt to fool her Sponsor into believing she would be servile outside of what propriety demanded of her.

  2. #12
    Juan Cordoba

    "I am most grateful. You will do so very well with us. It will be a pleasure working with you." Juan arose from his seat, extending a hand to Josephine. He addressed her by her new title.

    "Welcome, Miss Sterling."

  3. #13
    Cayce's Avatar

    "Thank you, Senor Cordoba," the Ventrue replied, rising as well to accept his dead grasp with her own.

    "I believe that we shall make the read wheat bloom beneath the stars of Sacramento like the Domain has not seen in decades. Of course, one must first till the soil before one can expect a harvest. I have something in mind to begin this," she explained, releasing the Deava's hand.

    "It will become public knowledge soon, but seeing as how my intentions affect you, I believe it is only fair that you be the first to know. I intend to challenge one of your Clan to Monomacy. The Carthian, Fernandez. Though he might be kin to you, he is enemy to us both, and more than that, he has grievously offended me as well as His Grace's Seneschal. I believe he has erred one time too many...would you disagree?"

  4. Likes West liked this post
  5. #14
    Juan Cordoba

    The Daeva sighed as Fernandez was mentioned. "Correct, he has offended many," he nodded in confirmation. "However, I'm unaware as to what he has said to you." Court had shown that much.

    He paused briefly. "That being said, given the nature of his offenses, I will not hinder you. I'm simply curious as to what chain of events led to this. I plan to ensure the rest of my Clan learns from his mistakes."

  6. #15
    Cayce's Avatar

    "Perfectly understandable, Senor Cordoba. And I thank you for not interfering. It would be your right of course, were you to deem it necessary, but alas, I'm pleased that is not the case. For he has cast derision upon my former covenant and my continual faith, and despite his feeble protestations that he does not know what he did and wishes to atone, he has nonetheless transgressed and has performed no action to actually rectify this.

    "You see," she continued, once more sinking into her seat, "he took communion during Mass. This was a false proclamation of belief and thus a severe insult to the sanctity of not only that ritual, but the beliefs behind it. No doubt he only partook for political purposes, to foster a false sense of solidarity between his deluded covenant and the Sanctified, but in doing so he attempted to transform the Mass from an activity of worship to an activity of misguided, apostate politics. Furthermore, in public conversation he has compared my beliefs to the worship of a flying spaghetti monster. Obliquely, of course, but undeniable. And, were this not enough, he has also spoken with delight of his sins, smiling in my face all the while and without even a mention of confession. In short, he has publicly mocked the Second Estate and mocked my beliefs, and I wish to teach him, as well as the rest of the domain, the price such mocking will carry."

  7. Likes West liked this post
  8. #16
    Juan Cordoba

    Slowly Juan sank back into the chair. Josephine's testimony was a genuine surprise to his ears. "I cannot believe it," his voice was heavy with disappointment. "I appreciate your candor. We cannot allow such disrespect to persist. Otherwise it will fester and detract from the stability of the Domain."

    He sighed, "I can only wish you the best in your course of action."

  9. #17
    Cayce's Avatar

    "Thank you, Senor Cordoba. I shall leave it to the Almighty to decide, though I have begun preparations to...encourage a favorable outcome."

    What those were, she would not say. Not because she feared he might say anything, merely because some things were best kept as surprises. Especially for the Damned. A surprise transformed a moment of Damnation into something spectacular, and they had few enough of those to accompany them into hell.

  10. #18
    Juan Cordoba

    Cordoba did not seek an answer to Sterling hedging her bets. Deniability was necessary, should any Kindred come asking. "Alea iacta est." Juan was certain that Josephine knew what he had said and the true meaning behind it.

    "Is there anything else you wished to discuss, Miss Sterling?"

  11. #19
    Cayce's Avatar

    "Nothing, Senor Cordoba. Thank you, once again, for sponsoring me. I shall await your summons," the Ventrue replied, bowing her head once more to her patron.

  12. #20
    Juan Cordoba

    "Very well," he concluded, "I have nothing further to contribute tonight." A lingering gaze observed the Pale Lady. "I look forward to our next meeting."

    Good to wrap

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