The last word tumbled from her mouth, a truth she'd rather kept swallowed.
"I swore to the Supernal...And you're right. That oath hasn't been...hasn't been finished."
She'd been about to say followed, but she couldn't quite bring herself to say it. That would be admitting she'd broken her word. Become Oathbreaker. Harmed Truth itself. But, even if that was the Truth, even if harm had already been done, she had a plan.
"I'm still going to follow through. I called in my favor from him. I made him leave town. For good. Stupid fucker is going to try and come back, but if he does he's going back on his word. He swore he'd try to make things right. Rejecting the favor I demanded from him would be betraying that, and if he does that then he'll have no more chances. He'll have proven he's not really Awakened and...I'll kill him."
Twisted logic, maybe, since she'd transgressed against Honor, too, but there was a difference. Striker acted like a manifestation of the Lie. He'd proven he didn't follow the laws, and that he didn't care about violence, or the hierarchy of their Order...if he ever came back and betrayed the favor then he would have willingly abandoned everything that made up the society she protected. That is when she would claim his life as forfeit.