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(1509) Ale and Katya

11 - 16
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  1. #11

    "That is very good to know Ale, I think to overlook your abilities would be a tragic waste so I will be sure to keep you in mind and that others will also keep you in mind in calling on you for help."

    At Ale's suggestion Katya shrugs and says "That could work. I suppose I should have handed surveys out after the last one but oh well. Either way it's not a problem to bring one new kink into play."

    With her arms folded, Katya turns to the room and spots Konrad talking to a stranger who she has not seen. "Him for starters, looks like we might have a new family member." she turns back to Katya and says "Apart from that, there seems to be a sudden boom of followers of the Movement, lots of attractive women. I've met one, she mysterious 'Chloe' who only answers to her first name. She is...brief in her responses, I can't tell if it's due to shyness or some other reason. She definitely fits the term interesting though. I did have the chance to sit down with Priscus Sterling and Ms. York and I will say they are both lovely women to chat with. How about you? Any new people in your unlife that have caught your attention?"

  2. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Thank you Seneschal. I would love the chance to be of use to the Domain and those who reside within it.” Being idle really wasn’t her thing. Hence her plans to work on improving her fighting skills.

    “Not sure if there is a webpage or not, but if there is, it might be a good place for customers to leave comments about their experience.” She suggested. Computers weren’t really her thing, but she could do the basics which was all she really needed anyways.

    She follows Katyas gaze, spotting the new guy with Konrad. Her eyes will linger long enough to try and catch Konrad Roth , in case she was needed. Not that he couldn’t handle himself, but she didn’t want to be left out if things went south.

    “New Family is always good, especially with our low numbers.”

    At the mention of attractive women, she chuckles, “I’ve noticed that.” Kindred did like the pretty ones.

    “Chloe? Can’t say I’ve heard of her, though you do make her sound interesting. I actually came across both of them in the park. Priscus Sterling was fun to talk with, and I’d like to talk with her more. There seems to be more to her then she lets on. And Ms York is always a pleasure to talk with. Never a dull conversation with her.”

    There was a shake of her head, “Not really. Afraid I haven’t been very social lately, so no one new to mention. Have to start making a point of getting out a little more I think.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #13

    "Anytime, I'm sure it will come soon and then you'll be so busy helping others you won't know what you did before then." Katya says with a smirk, knowing all too well what that is like currently.

    "I'm not sure about a website, I don't manage much online stuff myself but it is something I could ask Cozette for sure." computers were not her thing either, it took her forever to learn how to open a fetlife account and upload pics.

    "I'd have to agree with you on Priscus Sterling." Katya says as she casually eyes the Lord in the room before turning back to Ale. "she brings a good unique perspective on things that's for sure. " she looks back to Konrad and notices the rather tense look on his face as he interacts with the newcomer. "Do you suppose we should go over there and get acquainted with the newcomer? Judging from the looks of things, it might be something we should be aware of in case a faux pas is made."

  4. #14
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Laughing, “I would love to be busy!”

    Shrugging, “I don’t do much online either. Just the basics, looking for addresses and all that. But if there isn’t a website, it might be something that would be good for business. A way to announce upcoming events and all that.” Though she wondered who Cozette was.

    “I hope to call her sometime and setup a time to sit down and talk with her. While talking in public is fun and all, I hate veiled talk.” She says with a playful eye roll.

    At the mention of joining Konrad, she looks back to him, seeing him look tense and not impressed. “I think it would be a good idea. We don’t need a cousin in the Domain making trouble."
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #15

    Katya sighs and nods "Tell me about it, I've had to learn to be very creative with regards to veiled talk." and secret talk regarding threats to the domain that can only be held in cars. My poor gas bill.

    Turning to Konrad she says to ale "Well then, shall we?" and heads off in his direction unless stopped.

    Katya returns to the main Court thread

  6. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    She nods her head in understanding, the Danse would be easier if they could just talk freely. But the Masquerade must be kept and all that stuff.

    “Let’s go.”

    Ale will follow Katya, thinking what an excellent pair they would make enforcing the Laws.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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