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Check Mate!

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  1. #1
    Emrys's Avatar



    Discovery Park.

    Emrys hadn't been here since he told Ariadne and Damascus he was going to try and run more to get in shape. He didn't, and really, he wasn't going to. In fact, the Enchanter wasn't even there to run this time. He was walking about the place at a gingerly pace just for the sake of getting a little daylight. Vitamin C was a thing, or maybe just another Lie, but the fact he could bump into a familiar face at a park gave him reason to walk outside his cabal's immediate neighborhood.

    After an hour of walking and exploring, Emrys came to a shady pavilion with several cheap wooden chessboards setup. It didn't surprise him, if you invest in an Archery Range why not some chessboards? He dropped his backpack down as he plopped onto the end of a picnic table, pulling out a water bottle. Eyes fixed down on the used board in front of him, wondering whatever whoever was going to do next would be.

      Pot 3 Time Sight, Pot 6 Time Armor
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-08-25 20:54:30 Emrys rolls 6 to Imp Temporal Dodge (Gno+Time+HS-2 Advance Prolong) (10 Again) 7, 9, 10, 10, 10, 3, 10, 5, 10, 4, 5 6 successes
    2015-08-25 20:54:19 Emrys rolls 6 to Imp Temporal Eddies (Gno+Time+HS-2 Advance Prolong) (10 Again) 6, 4, 10, 7, 7, 10, 10, 3, 1 3 successes

  2. #2
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


      Supernal Vision P1, Magic Shield P2, Combined
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-08-26 00:56:27 Einstein rolls 8 to Supernal Vision/Magic Shield Combined (Wits + Occult + Prime + HS -2) (10 Again) 9, 5, 9, 5, 6, 5, 8, 3 3 successes

    Parks were boring. That was Einstein's only real conclusion after the hour she'd spent walking around. Sure, there were things to do, but none of them particularly appealed to her, as far as she could find. She'd been trying to find an interesting place to hang out, and the little park out near the TdS Sanctum had made her think of going to a bigger park, with, hopefully, more interesting things. As it turned out, her hope had been for nothing.

    That line of thought continued until she found the little pavilion. At first, it had just been a place to get some shade from the oppressive heat. But, once she got closer, she spotted two fairly interesting things. First of all, there were chess boards. Einstein was a fair hand at chess, as far as she thought. Nothing legendary, but nothing to laugh at, either. And, second, Emrys was there. That got her wondering why he was there. And that made the whole day more interesting.

    The woman, dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts, plodded her way over, flip-flop-clad feet making the telltale sound on the concrete. She all but fell into the seat in front of Emrys, grinning. "Hey. You play chess?"

  3. #3

      Sight 4, Shield 3
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-08-26 08:54:21 Bahlam rolls 9 to cast Supernal Vision (Wits+Occult+Prime+HS) (10 Again) 1, 3, 10, 2, 6, 10, 6, 4, 8, 7, 10, 1 4 successes
    2015-08-26 08:53:48 Bahlam rolls 9 to cast Misperception (Manip+Stealth+Mind+OS+HS) (10 Again) 4, 10, 3, 1, 2, 3, 8, 7, 10, 6, 7 3 successes

    Juan was on his way back to his apartment from lunch and decdied to cut through the park. It was bloody hot and getting off the pavement did a lot to make it more comfortable. He dropped his empty soda in a trash can next to a pavilion that a couple was sitting in. Juan tried to give them their privacy, but something caught his eye. A second look at them confirmed it. Spells. The park wasn't very close to the University, so it was probably safe.

    He approached the two with a friendly smile, "Hey. I'm new in town. Do you happen to know Crowley?" The Herald was probably the safest name to drop.

  4. #4
    Emrys's Avatar



    After a quick swig of his drink Emrys smiled to the incoming Einstein, glad for the company on his break. "Hey Einstein. I used to be really good at it, but it's been a while." He looked back down to the board for a sec and began resetting the pieces. As he did the smile turned into a bit of a smirk. "Shall we play a game?"

    It was then that another came into view, layers of willworking laced around him. The smirk faded a bit as thoughts about the University reared their ugly heads, but as Juan mentioned Crowley it reemerged. "Indeed we do. Have a seat, I take it your new to the club?" He stopped moving pieces and extended a hand to shake. "I go by Emrys. What should we call you?"

  5. #5
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    "Yeah, sure." Einstein started organizing her side of the board, putting the pieces in place so Emrys could focus on his side. As she picked up each piece, she gave it a brief inspection for scratches, gouges, and other signs of wear and tear. If the pieces were damage already, at least she could be a little rougher with them, without fear of the person who owned them being angry about it.

    Then, someone new arrived. Einstein raised an eyebrow at this new arrival. "Einstein. I should most definitely hope I know Crowley, he lives with me." She let out a short laugh and shook her head.

  6. #6

    "Bahlam," he replies, shaking the man's hand, and Einstein's if she offers it, before taking a seat on a bench facing them. "Yeah, just got in from LA. Still looking for a group. My meeting with Miach seemed to go well."

    Girlfriend or just cabal mate? Live with. Probably cabal mate. "Well then I can probably guess what group you are in," he continued with a nod to Einstein. Chess in public, probably not cabal together than. Not in FW. Then with a cock of the head to Emrys, "VT?"

  7. #7
    Emrys's Avatar



    Emrys let out a bit of a chuckle after Einstein's remark and finished setting his side of the board. It wasn't anything valuable, just painted wood park services left out on clear days for pedestrians looking for something to do. Once he was done he looked at his black pieces and then at Einstein. "White goes first."

    As Bahlam explained his situation Emrys continued to listen. He was pretty focused on cabals, which to Emrys's mind sounded like he was still looking despite having talked to Miach. "Correct. Unfortunately we have more then enough people already, so we aren't recruiting at the moment." Again, he looked to Einstein. "Are you guys looking for anybody?"

    Using the wiki rules for chess, the match is Intelligence+Composure extended for 10 successes verse the same pool. Emrys is giving Einstein the first move!

  8. #8
    Einstein's Avatar
    Status (Academia) ••
    Occultation •••

    Einstein's Nimbus manifests as a light surrounding her, often covering up her features with its brightness. When triggered by her Vice, it takes on an eerie blue glow and seems to be coming from some opening behind her. When triggered by her Virtue, it manifests as an angelic glow about her, sometime accompanied by a halo-seeming thing above her head.


    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-08-28 07:47:19 Einstein rolls 5 to Chess-playing. (Int + Comp) (10 Again) 5, 9, 6, 1, 7 1 success

    Einstein nodded at Emrys and made a quick, short move. Then, she folded her hands and nodded at Emrys. "Your move." Her eyes flickered to Bahlam. "LA, huh? What made you move to our illustrious city?" She looked back to Emrys, shrugging. "We're working on something. Anyone who wants to join should talk to Crowley, or even Truce. They're the ones who are actually going to...well, give a shit." Einstein's shoulders shrugged again. "I'm happy with the cabal where it is, but whatever. As long as they don't bring in some dumbass, or, you know, some fanatical asshole."

  9. #9

    Well at least I know who to go to for an honest answer, he thought as he smirked at Einstein's answer.

    "I left an order. They made things really difficult for both me and my new order. So my mentor and I decided that it was probably best for me to start over in a new city," he shrugged, "Politics."

    As he watched Einstein's opening move, he commented, "I wish I had gotten into chess when I was younger. I don't think I even knew anyone that played it until college."

  10. #10
    Emrys's Avatar



    A silent laugh escaped Emrys as Einstein digged at the Council. If she had cared enough to stick around the Libertines would have held two seats on the Council, but such thoughts were shunted entirely into the realm of fantasy some time ago.

    "Politics is everywhere. You could avoid it if you like," A look was returned to Einstein with a crooked grin. "or you can use it for what it is. A battleground to affect the future of the community. You'll have disputes between factions and clubs anywhere, but becoming a voice in the decision making process gives you agency to resolve those disputes and affect change in the greater community. Either way though, it's your choice to make."

    He shrugged and briefly returned his attention to the board. He quickly moved a piece and regarded the new guy. "I did checkers with my family, but I got plenty of practice in high school and college. Even more after the Insomnia."

    A smile and a second glance to Einstein. "Your move."

    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-08-31 01:41:59 Emrys rolls 9 to Chess at Einstein (Intelligence+Composure) (10 Again) 4, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 1 success

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