Interacting with Moray and the chapter house have taught Joseph a few things. The most important that he is no longer on the top of the food chain. This had been told to him back in Detroit but only finally sunk in here. Joseph was not a warrior, sure he could fight but seeing others who had done it for decades made him feel like a fool trying to play their game. Rather it would seem that Joseph was one for talking, which he had been taught to do but never really seen it as something he wished to pursue. Now however, it has occurred to him that it could be fun and useful to do.

Joseph thinks of these things as he puts on some good clothes for going to the clubs.

He talks his way past the door just because he could. Grinning like a predator caught walking into the prey's nest.

A drink from the bar lets him move among the kine easily.

Some smooth talking later and he's in the VIP section of the club. Drunk kine were easy to persuade. The bouncers were easily moved, though Joseph notes his deficiency in his families key power.

I need to work on that...

Joseph smiles and charms his way into a private room to find a beautiful women in there. His smile grows as he closes and locks the door.

He walks out sometime later. Now full he felt as alive as he could.