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Thorns in the Garden

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  1. #11
    Emrys's Avatar



    Emrys listens as each gives their introductions, although is attention does wander to Faye and the door from time to time. The Obrimos couldn't keep a Councilor through a full concilium, but there was a sinking feeling in Emrys's heart that the Enchanters were following in a similar vein.

    "Plenty." The Provost answered Miach, smiling just a bit. He pulled one of the beers out and popped the cap off, taking a sip before letting a sigh slip out.

    "I guess we can start without Pepper." His eyes shifted from face to face before landing on the newcomer. "First off, congrats to July for nabbing an official Concilium position before his first Path meet. Well done Sentinel, and I look forward to never needing to see you in action!" Emrys raised his drink and took a sip. If only July knew the chances of that being the case.

    "I have a few things I was hoping to discuss with you guys and Pepper, but why don't we open the floor first? Is there anything you guys want to talk to me or her about? Ideas? Concerns? Let's hear 'em!"

  2. #12
    Emrys's Avatar



    48 Hour Bump!

  3. #13
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    As Emrys spoke, Crowley was busy making a half hazard plate for himself. Finally, when he found a suitable place to lean amid the greenery, he saluted July.

    "Nothing apart from the obvious." Crowley's face had a serious cast to it, even though his voice was lighter. "I'm sure everyone here is acquainted with how... the leadership... is rather volatile at the moment. I am not sure if we can address that as a Path though."

    He paused to eat.

    "One other thing... Another thing we didn't get round to doing. Err... Pepper suggested we do some collective working using our Talents. Yeah, talent with capital T. Those talents. She suggested we start using our talents to work out some strategies for bringing down the Banishers. You remember? Any opinions? Its just a thought," he added defensively. "I figure someone around here needs to do some team building because right now we're just glorified cliques that recognise one another."

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  5. #14

    "Thank you Emrys, but I suspect after the last consilium there will be plenty of work for me to do. And to you Crowley, I know Star, Avis, and I are coming up with some potential plans to take down the Banishers. It's all in flux really. But I think if anything they're the most important threat to the city. We can't get our house in order if we're always dealing with the threat of those assholes."

    He stopped to walk over and grab himself a beer.

  6. #15
    Miach's Avatar



    Gladly taking a beer from the cooler, Miach sipped at it easily, thinking that Pepper would make a great late entrance, à la Nous, claiming she knew exactly when was her Time to arrive. Except looking at the others, maybe she wouldn't. Nor would Tyria. It would probably make Faye's enthusiasm dwindle.

    The doctor took in July's new position with a slow, respectful nod to the Guardian. He wasn't surprised to see such a determined person put his money where his mouth was. He just hoped the man would be up to the task.

    Crowley then remembered the idea Miach had put forward, and he really hoped it would take off tonight. And which better way to ensure that than by speaking up. Standing up to make sure he'd catch everyone's attention, the doctor started talking.

    "We can see in the future, and devine the possible fates of people. We would be remiss if we couldn't bring this to bear against the Banishers's wrongdoings. Perhaps we could rotate the peeking into the future each week with a simple question, like "Will a member of the Consilium die this week ?" or "come to harm by the Banishers", or something similar ? Of course, a positive answer would mean some more investigation, but still... you get the idea.

    Let's not waste lives because we're idle, or disorganized.

    No more, please..."

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  8. #16
    Aurora's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Madison Cross
    (Sleeper ID)

    Dedicated Magical Tool

    Multicolored copper bracelet with intricate loops winding around her right wrist.

    The sweet, fragrant smells of roses mixed with lilacs emanate from her as she casts magic. The scent intensifies, bordering on intoxicating, when Life magic is cast. When Aurora casts Vulgar magic, the scent takes a nasty turn, to the putrid, nauseating odor of a rotting corpse. The stronger the magic, the more those around want to retch at the smell.
    Monthly Spells

    Monthly spells done on character sheet.

    Pulse of the Living World[POT 6]
    Organic Resilience[POT 6]
    (PrP Treasure Hunt)

    Active Spells: 1/6
    [Detect Substance]Bone
    Personal Spells: 2/3


    Blue eyes look briefly around for Pepper as the meeting begins, her absence was weird. It wasn't like her.

    As Emrys announces Julys new position, she smiles, "Congrats!" she says with enthusiasm. It was good to see her Path stepping up, so often they were overlooked because of opinions.

    "I agree, I would like to see our Path taking charge and doing something. And I'm all for using our Talents to serve and help. But we need to be careful with how we proceed with it, looking ahead and seeing if someone will pass seems like it is challenging Fate a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm up for it, I just think we should use caution with what we look for. Just because we can alter ones Fate does not mean we should."
    she said softly, hoping those around would know what she meant. If someone was meant to die, who were they to step in? Sure, they had the power, but did that make it right? "I realize I probably won't make friends with that thinking, I just want us to be careful if we head down that path."

  9. #17
    Emrys's Avatar



    Emrys nodded with the consensus, though an eyebrow quirked at the very obvious inference Miach's idea stemmed from previous experience. That, however, was not Emrys's business.

    "Simple questions, like you said, will only require further investigation. Divinations can only be cast on someone once a day, so I think it would be better to coordinate this on a larger scale. Teamwork will help us get past the barrier of temporal sympathy, and allow us to possibly ask a few more questions if we cast it as a ritual as well. Divining at the individual level might have a better place for our own personal investigations if immediate feedback is necessary."

    The Provost paused to take a sip of his beer before he continued. "Why don't we go back to our cabals and orders and such to try and gather some relevant questions to the ongoing investigations by the next path meet. We'll reconvene in three months and do the ritual together then to get some answers. We'll coordinate the castings themselves then, and if it works out well, we'll make a point of repeating the rituals at subsequent meetings. Sound good?"

    Eyes scanned the group, curious if that was a plan they'd get behind.

  10. #18
    Crowley's Avatar

    Free Council

    Temoins du Sud, Doorwarden

    Free Council


    Crowley nodded slowly. He still wasn't sure if the Temoins adventures at the University were related, but perhaps some of the other Cabals had success that they could capitalise on.

    "Its a start. Even if we can only gather a few questions to begin with."

  11. #19

    "We can't have an effective investigation if we're scared someone's going to die," July said in response to Miach's fears. "Whether we like it or not we're at war with the Banishers for this city. They're an enemy who hides in the clothes of normal people but who at their core do not operate under the same rules we do. Best case scenario is that some people will die putting a stop to them. I just hope they're the ones who end up dead and not us. But knowing who may die only fucks up our perception more. We have to remember that knowledge of the future by its very nature changes it."

    July took a sip of his beer. He had been standing near the drink table so he moved to position himself within everyone's sight.

    "What if we found out someone won't die today and so you change your whole planned routine expecting them to be okay. You've just put them at risk because you changed all the events leading to their inevitable safety. I prefer to use time sparingly and not too far into the future, that way I don't give myself old information. I think Emrys is right, we need to go back to our cabals and come back together with a hard plan, not just hopeful rituals where we look through time to make sure everything's gonna be okay. I can tell you right now, everything's not gonna be okay. Once you realize that though, you can try and be extra careful."

    He found himself a seat within everyone's view and continued. "Since we're going to go back to our Cabals I'll tell you this, VT wants to have multiple operations going on at the same time. We can only do so much by ourselves so what I'd like is if people can figure out what their cabal can do best for the investigation, whether that's gathering information, analyzing chemicals, stuff like that. Then we all send a representative from our respective cabals to a singular joint task force meeting to coordinate it all. I know a bit about what VT knows but I suspect that other cabals have similar information and we just haven't taken the time to actually share it all at once and come up with a plan. At least, that's what I think we need to do." Then July sat back and sipped his beer, showing he was done talking.

  12. #20
    Miach's Avatar



    Miach regretted that their expert on all things Time wasn't present, but he could try and reconvene with her later to alleviate all those fears. The doctor wasn't himself comfortable at the notion, but it was a gift they had, and leaving it unused...

    "I'm alright going back to my Cabal, and see what gives..." he offered patiently, hoping nothing too bad would occur in the next three months. "Including with respect to what VT wants to coordinate." he finished, nodding toward the newcomer, July. He seemed bent on making a name for himself.

    "Have you spoken with Ermac, perchance ? He approached me with a similar request, really..."

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