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(1505) Rina and Marco

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  1. #1
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Rina's eyes switched from observing the room to watching Marco's approach. He was one of the newly arrived Carthians, right? Was he the one who had insulted most everyone he'd talked to? Well, really, wasn't that all of them?

    His greeting earned him a slow blink and a moment of silence. Perhaps mourning for time soon wasted. "Mister Fernandez. How does the evening find you?"
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  2. #2

    Marco smiled very politely at her response. "It is finding me quick well, thank you. To be honest I'm enjoying it more than usual, we had Carthian elections and I am now Myrmidon," he said with a slight head bow.

    "It's a position to settle disputes and be an impartial judge of Carthians so I'm honored to have it. How does the evening find you?"

  3. #3
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Rina's eyebrow wavered upwards for a second. Myrmidon? Such a powerful-sounding title for someone like that. Especially among the Carthians. Maybe they'd co-opted it to sound mildly intimidating, so no one knew them for the joke they were. "Congratulations. The evening found me well." Right up until he arrived.
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  4. #4

    "That's good to hear," Marco said, trying to appear upbeat though it was clear she didn't want to talk to him. He wouldn't keep her for too long, but it didn't kill anyone to at least try to talk to her.

    "I've heard rumors of a Monomacy you participated in recently. I must say I'm sad to have missed it. We don't have anything so easily definitive in the Movement for resolving dispute. I'm sad I wasn't able to see your triumph first hand," he said with his trademark smile.

  5. #5
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Rina's drifted eyebrow returned as her face shaped it into a clearly incredulous look. "Really? Is that so? You wish that the Movement had as speedy a system as Monomacy? Well then, Mister Fernandez, you are in luck." The look disappears, replaced by a slight smile. "Here in this Domain, Monomacy has been extended as a means of resolving disputes to those outside the Invictus. Do make use of it." And, she hoped, he would lose. One fewer Carthian. Not that she would be there to observe.
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  6. #6

    I could be wrong, but I'm thinking she doesn't like me, he thinks sarcastically. He kept his pleasant smiles as she spoke. "Well that's wonderful to hear. We'll have to make use of it in the future, if we ever have any disputes. Luckily my position allows me discretion in how to settle conflicts."

    Marco paused briefly before continuing. He knew that this one was not to be messed with. He'd love to find out what secrets she held, because frankly, all Kindred held secrets, but it was clear the Movement was not on her 'friend's list'.

    "Well I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory and say that if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask." He added a wider smile for emphasis.

  7. #7
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    "I will keep that in mind, should I ever need anything." Her tone and the look on her face spoke volumes about what she thought the likelihood of that ever happening was. "And thank you for your congratulations. It seems to be all anyone wishes to speak to me about tonight."
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  8. #8

    Her second statement revealed some possible emotions under the surface? If she wanted people to talk about other things, maybe she should be more open. He tried his best to hide his new found curiosity.

    "Well is there another topic that would be more fitting? I must admit, I don't know much of anything about you. I can tell Carthians are your favorite topic so I tried to shift the conversation toward something else. Is there anything interesting you've been doing in the city?"
    he said.

  9. #9
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    "I have been running several operations to the benefit of the city, including one with your own compatriot." Ha, bet he didn't know that one. Rina knew lots of things. She was a Shadow, a watcher from the darkness.
    Gangrel - Circle of the Crone
    Aspect of the Predator

  10. #10

    An operation with one of the Carthians? What kind of operation, and to which was she referring? He didn't know how well she knew or how involved she was with either of his bretheren but if Marco had an internal suspicion meter it would have just been raised to 11. But he kept those suspicions to himself.

    "That sounds quite fascinating. I'm always interested to hear about what's going on in the city. Find out anything interesting from these...operations?" he said with a smile.

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