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Feast of Colour

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  1. #11
    Coco's Avatar

    Mask: A slim, young woman with dyed hair, a mischievous smile, and laughing brown eyes.

    Mien: Coco's eyes are split into four facets that give a kaleidoscope appearance to her irises and two delicate antenna are perched on her forehead. Her nails are also like pieces of black carapace.

    Additional Identifying Features:
    A tattoo of a jeweled wasp sits perched atop a thick and gnarled white "branch" that stretches several inches upwards from her left wrist, though the branch is clearly a scar.

    A tattoo of a frayed, torn, and dirty golden banner trails around her right wrist, with another long scar forming the "mounting" for the banner.
    Coco's Mien

    Coco's eyes are split into four facets that give a kaleidoscope appearance to her irises and two delicate antenna are perched on her forehead. Her nails are also like pieces of black carapace, and her waist is tapered much like a wasps.

    Surrounding Coco is the subtle sensation of warm sun and the smell of fresh, floral growth.


    Dancer Skitterskulk

    "Aw, but that's not as fun!" Coco whined in overly mournful dramatics, her swordless hand falling over her heart and her eyes rolling skyward as though this sudden turn of events had deeply wounded her and she was beseeching some higher power for aid! It was all in jest, of course, though the Claviger was disappointed that Morgan had had another excuse for her to climb up on her ridiculous high horse. Aw well! Even-tually Coco would make the raccoon valet park the damn thing and eat her own indignation. Alas, today would not be the day, though it would be the day when she'd make the raccoon eat some colored powder.

    Just the thought made her smile, and content with it in mind, she turned to greet the violinist that had just arrived.

    "Dear Lynn, hello! All has been going well, I must say, and soon it shall be so again, but for now things aren't exactly going are they?" Coco replied cheekily. "What of you? Come, tell me, but let me introduce myself to one who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting." That said, Coco waved Lynn after her and pranced towards L'aire by the banquet tables.

    "Good day, Madame! I haven't had the pleasure yet of making your acquaintance, so please allow me to introduce myself now. I am Cosima Tascioni, Claviger of Spring, though oft known by Coco to most," she delivered, followed by a gracious bow, the nerf sword being tucked by her hip as though it were sheathed.
    Pres 3 (Fierce), Dex 4 (Agile), Fairest Dancer/Skitterskulk. Mantle 1: Scent of Pollen

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  3. #12
    Kyle Ferlen's Avatar
    Kyle Ferlen


    Kyle is handsome, with a strong jawline that is usually marred with stubble or an unkempt beard. He has short, messy brown hair that is often hidden beneath a hat. When he moves about he is accompanied by the sound of rustling foliage. He has bright, expressive brown eyes.


    Kyle's hair - his real hair - is comprised of short, tangled vines. He sports hornlike growths of twisted branches behind his pointed, elegant ears. His skin tone is tinted with the slightest hint of green, and is covered with crisscrossing white scars on his back and arms. His hair on his face and body is green and fibrous like the tufts on an ear of corn. Shifting vines grow from his palms, which are usually coiled around his hands like bandages. His irises are dull and pale.


    "Yeah... you're probably right." he answers the Windwig. He's not very keen on walking away and possibly missing out on some of the fun, though.

    Coco's attempt to get the party started apparently falls flat. Kyle is a little surprised - and confused - by how poorly it is received by Morgan. Raccoon girl and Coco aren't... friends then. Kyle can't say he minds either of them, really.

    "That's not a bad idea, Morgan. Cool with that, Alex?" The other Spring courtier seems to have enough powder, at any rate. His attention is drawn back to Morgan as she makes an attempt to express herself to Sasha. And Sasha thinks she is bad with words. He wouldn't dare say that to the girl's face, though. Even the half-blind Minstrel can tell that she's feeling embarrassed about it. He smiles what he hopes is a charming, disarming and completely innocent smile at the Steepscrambler.

      what cupcake?
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-04-28 16:05:16 Kyle Ferlen rolls 1 to Wits+Composure-2 (flaw) -1 (clarity) (10 Again) 3 failure

    L'aire's arm around his waist is a welcome addition to a rockin' party, and he smiles back at her. Entirely lost in her eyes. "Well, 'hi' then." He's so distracted by his current predicament that he doesn't yet notice Lynn has shown up.

  4. #13

    After missing the first Spring event due to a work conflict, Ava had been dismayed at the bulletin that had gone out for the Festival of Color. Not unfamiliar with the concept of a color run, or fight, she had a very hard time imagining herself enjoying one. She didn't relish the idea of being caked in whatever those colors were made of, and freakishly fast people like Coco would be there: she'd be drowning in chalky powder before she was even in the door. She wouldn't even see them, just descending clouds of blue and pink. Terrible.

    But the more she thought about it, the stuffier she felt. Maybe she was taking herself too seriously. Maybe... maybe it would be fun. Besides, it seemed like bad form to miss both Spring events. After a lot of internal waffling and whining, she decided on going and picked up her 'outfit' from a second hand store.

    It was, unfortunately, beyond even her power to get Mal to go to something like this. The mental image of the short, cranky wolf with bright colors in her fur made her chuckle, but it was much safer for eveeryone if she tried to get Ramona to go with her instead.

    Wearing a long white sleeveless tunic and a pair of shorts peeking out from beneath the hem, more of the Scrivener's spindly legs were showing than the world might desire to see as she stepped into the Rose Garden. Eyeing the inflated cover with growing unease, Ava lifted the cheap sunglasses from her nose. There was so much color, everywhere. Too much color. Someone clearly worshipped at the altar of Lisa Frank.

    A little overwhelmed, she turned wordlessly to the Ogre beside her.

  5. #14
    InvertedMonkey's Avatar

    Uncertain ground. The Spring Court organizers seem to like their surprises. Honestly, surprises don't seem like the best thing for a bunch of traumatized Hedge refugees. Which is what every Lost is, whether or not they acknowledge it. Sure, the Spring Court is all about sticking it to the Others by refusing to let trauma rule your life, but there's a difference between moving on and ignoring it ever happened in the first place. Lost might have been tortured. Lost might have been hunted. Lost might have had to risk their life for every meal. Why add more tension by keeping secrets in the name of "Surprise!"

    It bothers Ramona. It didn't bother her much when she wasn't planning on going to the Feast of Color, but after taking a call from Ava, it started to bother her. You do things for friends. Things like going with them to a party even when you don't want to go yourself. Just so they won't be alone. Anyway, the surprise bothers Ramona. Because there's waterbaloons and squirt guns and apparently paint-soaked boffer swords involved. Is this going to be a competition? A free-for-all? Are there rules? Should she have brought armaments of her own? Not knowing is stressful. Because there are members of the Freehold she does not feel safe with. Socially, not physically. People she doesn't want to be vulnerable to. Hard to protect yourself if you don't know what's coming. Easy for someone else to take advantage.

    The colors are loud. Again. Somehow they've blended the monochromatic tone of Valentine's Day with the eye-popping crescendo of hues from the Coronation of Desires. It seems impossible, but they've managed to fail at both ends of the spectrum at once. First there's White everywhere, and doesn't that just bring back childhood memories, of rivers and songs and fanaticism. Pure white, everywhere you look, all the same. For a moment, Ramona regrets not bringing sunglasses, to shield against the glare. Which, come to think of it, is another mark against the surprise of this event; should she have brought eye-protection? Seems like water, powder, and chemicals are gonna get flung around. God, hopefully someone thought of that.

    Anyway, aside from the White, there is the Color. It's all so loud when you first look at it, it kind of blends together into this swirl. Against the backdrop of almost equally colorful flowers, it's like a smear, a knot of more powerful shades, uncertain if it is demanding to be noticed or trying to blend into the scenery. Then the colors start resolving into distinct forms. Bowls of powder, bottles of juice. Some of it's even food. Could be tasty. Oh god, is this a food fight? Please, no. Why would you waste perfectly good food. Don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan? Really, the appeal of food fights escapes her. Unless it's with a significant other. Which is just a whole other level of intimacy she's not prepared for. Again, why would you surprise someone with this? It does not make sense.

    Sensing the turn of Ava's head, she looks down at the Scrivener, meeting her gaze for a moment. We could just turn around and walk out. Ava can't hear the thought, but Ramona hopes she knows the option is open. But no, Ava chose to come here, asked for some company. Which means it's Ramona's job to help her get through this, not help her avoid it. "I'll watch your back if you watch mine," she offers quietly. Then, she steps into the garden. The hem of her white, drawstring pants brushes the tops of old, beat-up white sneakers, matching a simple white tank top. No choker today, but the fact that her hair is white is an element of symmetry that could be pleasing or unsettling.

  6. #15
    RebornSeas's Avatar

    Stephanie Lane-Huang

    Presence 3 (subdued)
    Silver Ladder Status 2
    Consilium Status 2
    Acanthus 2

    Alex nodded to Kyle at Morgan's suggestion. "Go for it! It might end up pasty, but I'm just glad someone other than me and Mrs. Rosemary thought about what our guests would use." He shot a glance to Coco and Lynn, then added, "Unless you two have more guns and swords hiding around her somewhere. Hey Lynn."

    But then Ava and Ramona entered, so Alex flashed a quick grin to the other members of Spring, along with Morgan and L'aire, then darted over to the entrance to great the two just joining them. "Hey Ramona! Ava! I missed you at the coronation, and wound up talking to Rick on my own." He pouted, though playfully, and snagged some grapes to munch on, even as he noticed that they both seemed a little nervous. "Oh, if you guys have any questions about stuff, I can answer them. Somehow this event got based on one of my ideas, though it's not really the right date for Holi." He scrunched his nose and scratched his head as if he wasn't sure how that happened - and really, he wasn't.

    But he was going to make sure everyone was comfortable with events and having fun.

  7. #16

    Unlike everybody else, Tessa didn't bring her own outfit. She didn't really have any pure white clothes to use in the first place. However, there was more to it than that. Why should she bother getting new clothes when she could come her and get FREE clothes. And then they'd get tie-dyed to boot. That was good enough reason for her to come without wear. However, she hadn't had the forethought to also get it ahead of time. So while everyone else gathered together and conversed, she moved straight to the clothes table to see what she should replace her current shirt and shorts with.

    Much to her surprise, though, there was a very diverse variety of outfits to choose from. When the flyer said outfits would be provided, she had assumed the standard white t-shirts and such, something cheap and universal. But instead, there was a large variety of outfits, including many cute dresses, and for once size wasn't an issue. She had to wonder how much money the Freehold made to afford such extravagance. Between the beautiful decor, Mrs. Rosemary's food, inflatable barriers, and enough clothes to fill a boutique and most of them probably not even getting used. They're budget must be quite extravagant.

    It was hard choice but she finally chose one of the dresses that really appealed to her as wear as some shorts for modesty. She sauntered into the dressing stalls and stripped out of her previous clothes, stashing them in a backpack she brought along just for them. She quickly put on the other outfit she picked up, once again thanking the planners of this event for providing clothes in her size.

    She walked out wearing a strapless white sarong with a frilly bodice that really appealed to her. And the white really contrasted with the dark brown stripe across her upper back as well as her own natural bandit mask. If nothing else, she made out of this event with a nice dress, even if it was going come out like it was thrown into a rainbow. Satisfied in her choice of apparel, she walked over to the buffet and grabbed a blindingly yellow cupcake before walking over to Ava. After all, it been a while since she'd seen her and the food table was awfully busy, like usual.

    "Ava and Ramona. I'm surprised to see you ladies here. Surprised and happy. Finally managed to pull yourself away from your books, eh? And to top it all off, your not wearing a sweater! And your showing some leg. Ramona, did you drag her into this, I'm not used to seeing her like this."

  8. #17
    Morgan Bellanar's Avatar

    Morgan Bellanar


    Morgan gave Cosima a flabbergasted look, wondering if the Clavinger had lost her impulse control or her common sense as part of the insanity that came with being a Changeling. She bit her tongue to not speak it aloud though. The Twilit Page had told Catherine she would be civil to her girlfriend, so she would try. Though if the two of them spoke, Morgan would explain to the wasp how practical joke ambushes were a poor choice when dealing with mentally impaired, often validly paranoid, and (probably) armed individuals.

    Annoyance faded into a genuine smile at the arrival of her pack-er motley mate. Morgan beamed a smile at Lynn and gave the violinist a happy little wave, "Lynn! G-g-g-g-joyous to see me-motley mate heh-here." She then looked Lynn up and down, taking in her attire and the violin case. Morgan hoped nobody would try to "colorize" the violin. That however is not what caused her to send a concerned look towards Lynn, "Uh, d-d-did ye nada-not bring a change f-for after the dyeing tis f-f-fino-completed?"

    That was what she had in the bag, as she been expecting a tye-dye-hippy party thing, not a food fight. Out of the corner of her eye, the raccoon noticed others entering. Her head snapped towards the entrance in paranoia, but her shoulders relaxed when she saw whom had entered. She gave her three friends a wave in greeting before turning back to Lynn. And then got a confused look on her face as Alex explained the origin of this even: "Nana-nada-not right date for...Holiiii what?"

  9. #18

    Lynn, Coco, Kyle and L'aire CONTINUE HERE.
    And please, anyone else is more than welcome to join!
    (I didn't know who was talking to who but we needed to start splitting away from main thread)

  10. #19
    Changeling ST's Avatar

    The Spring Queen hit the door frame of the Rose Garden’s courtyard. She smiled to see all the business already. Her Mantel even beamed with the smell of beautiful blossoms, her hair also filled with them. When she stepped upon the grass, it seemed a little greener and lush. The Nightsinger's dress was held by the tinest straps, but flowed like white water over rocks. It was unique and looked very much like it should stay white.

    “Bonjour à tous who have arrived so far! Welcome to the Feast of Colour!” Her arms outstretched as most of them were Springs, or those who hated to be late. “If you haven’t picked out a white outfit, or you notice anyone needs one, please show them inside. We have all looks and sizes.”

    “We will commence the fun when more arrive.” Clearly this was not the entire number of the Freehold. “But, should ‘spill,’ don’t worry! Is part of the fun!”

    Skirting toward Alex in a quickened manner. The Flowering leaned in, whispering as the smell of beautiful perfume wafted from her being. “There are two very large bins on wheels in the conference room. Some other baskets as well. All prefilled with colored water, the deepest you could dream.”

    Violet's Dress

  11. #20
    Trickster's Avatar

    Lynn Mills

    Lynn waved at L'aire cheerfully as she met up with Morgan, reaching out to gently clasp the other woman's shoulder in greeting. "Hey there, it's a pleasure to meet you." Catching Morgan's question, she looked down at herself and appeared to think for a moment, before nodding sheepishly. "That . . . would have been a really smart idea. For some reason I didn't think to bring extra clothes." She rolled her eyes slightly at her absentmindedness. "But I could probably just grab something left over at the end of all of this. Or walk home in colors, it's a gorgeous day."

    "As for Holi, I think that's the original festival that color runs and all of this are based on." She looked over at Alex for confirmation. "Isn't it a Hindu festival of some kind?"

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